
Chapter 1389: Three-Eyed God (Part 1)

Chapter 1389: Three-Eyed God (Part 1)

Rafel continued reciting Holy Prose. The domes in the main hall had already come crashing down, but she paid no attention to them. After pounding at the protective shield formed from the Goddess’s godly power, they shattered into piles of dust particles that filled the air.

The domes in the main hall had already degraded. The idols dragged them out, relying on a little bit of godly power to support them. Otherwise, the temple would have collapsed long ago.

With his sharp eyes, Saleen’s noticed that tens of thousands of minute specks of light had flown out from the shattered domes. He had already summoned Dante, who was brandishing a large mace at the idols.

He swung the mace in midair, smashing the idols to smithereens, one after another. Seeing this attack made Rafel heartsick.

Each idol still had some value and was worth using. If she had wanted to destroy them, she would have done so long ago. But Saleen must have a good reason for doing this now, right?

After Saleen released Dante, he allowed the magic amplifier’s Weapon’s Spirit to fly out once again to capture the specks of light. The Weapon’s Spirit was superfast. In the blink of an eye, Dante circled the interior of the temple once, capturing the specks of light that had not escaped in his hands. There were 36,000 in his grasp.

When he had obtained the specks of light, the Weapon’s Spirit flew back. Saleen put away these specks of light within the Ring of Cosmos. Rafel wanted to ask what that was, but could not bring herself to do it.

Saleen saw how Rafel looked and knew what she was thinking. He said, “These are Constellation Souls. I use them to refine equipment. If these things weren’t here, at my level I’d only be able to gather them from space when I’m level-16. I don’t know how long I’ll have to wait for that to happen.”

What Saleen told her was not entirely true. He had a Weapon’s Spirit in his Lightning Constellation, but the lightning warriors did not have souls. He needed to use stellarite to refine 36,000 lighting warriors from scratch. With the Souls of Constellations, the 36,000 lightning soldiers would be able to rise up to any existence like that of the gods from now on. By gaining one more soul thread than angels, their growth capacity would be extremely high.

Saleen wanted to go to the Cemetery of the Giants in the future to retrieve the Lightning Moon. After it and Lightning Constellation were joined, Weapon’s Spirit’s might be unparalleled. Saleen could not allow the Weapon’s Spirit to revolt. He didn’t know what was the highest grade of existence that could be controlled by Shanglan’s broken jade either. Dante was a god of lightning. It would be disastrous if he could not be controlled.

What Saleen wanted to do was allow the bodies of each of the 36,000 lightning warriors to contain an Eternal Control shard. He would use the best materials to refine them. If Dante did not follow his orders in the future, the 36,000 lightning warriors would all turn against him and deprive him of the Power of Faith.

This was only a preventive measure. Even if the broken jade was ultimately ineffective, it would also have to happen when Dante’s rank could greatly suppress Saleen: Then he would be able to free himself from Saleen’s control.

It was extremely difficult for gods to advance. Saleen estimated he would eventually be able to surpass Dante’s rank. He was merely doing this for the sake of prudence first and foremost. Further, Saleen needed the Power of Faith that belonged to the lightning god. He wanted to put away some of it to supply his creation of unique weapons. With 36,000 lightning warriors providing a strong Power of Faith, Saleen would intercept it and put it aside daily to keep it out of Dante’s hands.

This ancient god seemed to be excessively powerful. It had actually gathered the Souls of Constellations as decorations for their temple.

Rafel saw that Saleen really needed these items and helplessly gave up on capturing the idols. She already possessed of the idols’ god’s cores. This was sufficient for her use.

Saleen did not take apart the temple entirely down to its foundations as he had before. Dante did a thorough job smashing the idols; even their god’s cores had been shattered. In ancient times, they had been warriors who were unparalleled in strength. But now, they were merely decaying statues.

Saleen retrieved Dante. Both he and Rafel rushed straight to the next temple.

They traveled forward more than 400 kilometers. It was only when even Saleen was feeling disappointed that the second temple appeared in their sights. Saleen flew high into the skies. He saw that there were no problems in the next 50 kilometers. The distance between the two temples was more than 450 kilometers.

Rafel sheepishly said, “My lord, perhaps the ‘li’ measurement used by the gods is different from the ones humans use. You must consider that they are bigger...”

Saleen was speechless. Earlier Rafel had said that the next temple was about 50 to 100 kilometers away. So far they had flown 500 kilometers. Yet Rafel was suggesting that this was because humans were too small and others’ conception of ‘one li’ measurement was longer.

The skies above the temple below were cloaked in mist. Saleen’s Elemental Eye saw through the essence of the mist. It was merely smoke that had been formed by the grouping of some minute particles that had been mixed with water vapor.

Normally, such environmental conditions would only occur when there was a volcanic eruption. Also, there would not be any water vapor. Humans would be unable to breathe in such mist. If it was absorbed into the lungs after some delay, one could die of suffocation in a few minutes.

Moreover, the smoke also contained the god property. Even if it was extremely weak, it could not be dispelled using a level-0 Cleaning spell.

Cleaning spells would advance to level-3 at most. No mages would continue to raise their level either. Fortunately, Saleen’s Water Shield could be used in place of a Cleaning Spell. At least his own breathing would not be a problem.

Rafel did not need to breathe. She rushed into the smoke and even absorbed the godly power within the smoke along the way.

She would treasure even the tiniest bit of godly power. Even if she could create an angel’s shade in the future, she could no longer use godly power limitless as she had when the gods had bestowed godly power upon her. With the four god’s cores, Rafel could create angel’s shades to provide angels with godly power. When the gods were not present, an angel’s shades could provide angels with about 10% of the power that the gods bestowed upon them.

If Rafel were to create three shades, she would be able to attain about a third of the level she could attain while praying.

In that case, Rafel would at least not have to worry about her rank dropping. Neither would she have to worry about the lapse of her life in the future.

Despite the extra distance they traveled, Saleen felt their journey had not been in vain. If they had directly destroyed the divine kingdom fragment, there would be no hope of finding the Constellation Souls. It was relatively easy to create Constellation Souls, but the materials were like 12-dimensional metal. Its numbers were limited on each plane. Saleen did not have the capability to collect these tens of thousands of Constellation Souls otherwise.

Saleen and Rafel entered the temple below and saw that it was empty. They lifted their heads toward the domes. It was completely clean and clear above the domes. There were no constellation pictures.

The idols in all four corners of the place did not move. Saleen looked around and knew that the god’s cores had already been destroyed.

Rafel said, “My lord, there’s no way to progress from here. The last temple actually has nothing inside.”

“The last?”

“This divine kingdom is broken. Of the places we are able to find, this is the last temple.”

Saleen knew that the gods had their own ways of calculating temples. As a battle angel, Rafel had lost count of the divine kingdoms she had barged into during divine kingdom wars. She was very familiar with stuff like this.

“Is there anything else we can retrieve from this divine kingdom?” Saleen directly asked without pretense.

Rafel thought for a moment and said, “For mages, there might only be some rare materials. The trees on the mountain are all good for refining weapons. There shouldn’t be any magic beasts in this divine kingdom. There are also no mystical beasts. The low-ranked bugs here can more or less be used to refine magic medicines.”

Seeing Saleen’s disappointed look, Rafel added, “Of course, the sudden destruction of this divine kingdom left behind remnants of godly power. Maybe there are some bone fragments of the ancient gods here. Even if there aren’t any, it might be possible to get nails, hair or something else. For a mage, these can be used to refine equipment with outstanding properties.”

Only then did Saleen smile and say, “You did see through this temple, I suppose?”

“See through what?”

“This temple hadn’t decayed. It’s different from the other one. And this isn’t because of the materials but the items buried underground. I thought they were stores of treasures. Maybe they’re the god bones you just mentioned.”

Rafel looked at the ground. No matter how high her rank was, however, it was not as effective as Saleen’s eyes.

“Violet Angel, come out and get to work!” Saleen yelled and the Violet Angel was summoned. It dejectedly turned into an excavating machine and began to dig.

The ground was extremely tough. If it had been when Saleen was still a low-level mage, he would have rushed up and collected these stones. Now, Saleen’s views had broadened, and Rafel was also present. He would not do such an embarrassing thing.

Yet the Violet Angel knew what Saleen was thinking. It broke apart the entire surface of the ground of the temple. Be it stone materials or anything else, it kept them all in its puppet space. No matter what, these items were still worth millions of gold coins. It would be disgraceful to let them go to waste.

After digging hundreds of meters deep, the excavating machine that the Violet Angel had turned into made a clacking sound and around 10 flew apart.

“Master, I’ve found it!” The Violet Angel shouted as it flew up. Yet, it was afraid of meeting danger.

Saleen did not explicitly mention it. Rafel was the first to rush down. In the center of the broad hole lay a skull that was about six meters in diameter. If it belonged to a giant, it was too small.

What Saleen noticed was a hole in between the eyebrow area of the skull. In the hole was still an eye that had not decomposed.

A god’s eye!

A god of the three-eyed race!

This time, Saleen was really shocked. The three-eyed race was a powerful race that was similar to humans. But he had never heard of a person of the three-eyed race who had become a god, or did he?

In ancient times, the three-eyed race had once attacked the gods as well. Like human mages, the three-eyed race detested the gods.


Saleen kept the skull in the Ring of Cosmos at once. He said to Rafel, “This item is way too important. I need to bring it back to the interdimensional space and analyze it with Jason. Even if you need it, you have to wait.”

Rafel shrugged her shoulders. Three-eyed race? She had also heard of them before. Still, she had no desire to see this thing. The three-eyed race’s strength lay in it soul; while she served the Metal God and was strong in flesh and body.

During the earliest times, each structure in her entire body had been more precious and sturdy than wrought gold.

Saleen put away the three-eyed god’s skill and felt like leaving the divine kingdom fragment right away. But he considered that there were still many items that could be taken in this divine kingdom. He turned back and wanted to think of a way to refine the God of Magic Nets. Otherwise, he might as well retrieve his magic amplifier’s Weapon’s Spirit and turn it into its divine fire.

It was probably even better if he went to collect the trees first. Saleen recalled that Eleanor wanted him to help her gather seeds. The plant seeds in this divine kingdom would definitely be extremely rare.

Saleen released the lightning warriors, as well as the Violet Angel. He allowed them to collect all the plant seeds they could see and then to return and reassemble them in the interdimensional space.

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