
Chapter 287 - Operation ‘Punch of Justice’

Chapter 287: Operation ‘Punch of Justice’


Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In Washington DC, at the White House, in the President’s office, Dana Trump inquired of the Secretary of State, Edmunds, who had just returned. “How did the Z government respond? Did they agree to hand out the ‘Virtual Factory’ technology?”

“They did not give us a positive reply. They are playing buck-passing for now,” Edmunds said indignantly, “They actually said that the ‘Virtual Factory’ tech had nothing to do with them. They claimed that it was a product of a private company and they had no right to dispose of it.”

“Did they not nationalize such an important tech or even take away a portion of it?” Dana Trump was infuriated. “Shameless excuses!”

“Indeed. Their sixth-generation fighter jet’s hasty developments must be directly linked to this technology! But they were reluctant to admit it!” said the defense minister.

Bam! Dana Trump smashed his fist on the table and roared, “Command our aircraft carrier to accelerate. Knock on their doors as fast as possible.”

“Mr. President, military pressure won’t yield any effect,” The director of the CIA, Capello, interrupted, “The daily expenditure of three aircraft carriers combined is 50 million dollars. The Z nation, however, owns four similar aircraft carriers. If we advance to their doors... this kind of confrontation has no advantage for us and will only put our forces in grave danger.”

“What do you suggest then?” Dana Trump stared at him furiously. “How would they surrender that devastating technology if not so?” He had enough. His patience had been stretched to his limits against the Z’s, who were immune to both cajolery and coercion. All means that could be taken had already been taken! But still, they were unable to force the Z nation to make any concessions due to the Z’s clutching onto some benefits. The Z’s achieved major breakthroughs in the engine and chip field consecutively through tech-stealing and had already caught up to western levels. They lost all the bargaining chips they were proud of. At current times, aside from military deterrence, all other actions would be futile screaming. But his years of experience of dealing with the Z’s told him that he would not achieve his goal even with these last resorts. The only thing that could stop the Z nation from rising was the black safe in his office desk.

“Mr. President, I have a simple yet effective plan.” Capello’s incisive hawk-like eyes slightly narrowed. With a chilling voice, he said, “We can’t do anything to the Z government, but we can definitely deal with and sanction a mere small company within the Z nation’s boundaries! Since the Z government claimed that the tech isn’t theirs and they had no ties with it, okay then. Immediately announce that company called ‘Xing Hai Technologies’ as a terrorist organization that deliberately launched a ‘technological terrorism,’ destroying world peace and justice. After that, we can do anything we want to sanction that company! Any other company that has a partnership with the company will all be within our scope. Apart from that, issue a global arrest warrant, setting the company’s founder, CEO, high executives, and their family members as wanted personnel with each of them having a bounty of 5 million dollars and above. Especially the company’s founder Chen Jin. He should be made our important target! Mr. President, after careful analysis, I’ve discovered that this man is a very extreme anti-M activist. The purpose he established his company and everything he had ever done was to harm the M nation’s benefits. He is clearly standing against us. Besides, this man is very stubborn. He never once thought of taking cooperative measures with us. Since the very beginning, he already shunned the M nation’s benefits. He rejected our kind intentions again and again and completely ignored Google’s kind reminders. He even went against him and launched the Star Cloud system, completely snatching away the Android’s market. From this, we can conclude that Mr. Chen Jin’s will to go against the M nation is even firmer than any terrorist. Moreover, his destructive powers are colossal. As long as he exists in this world for a day, the M nation’s benefits will be harmed for another. If he lives for another 10 years or more, our mighty M nation might be no more.”

Capello’s hideous face was filled with bloodlust. “Mr. President, we should not wait any longer. For the M nation’s benefit, we must take immediate action. The man by the name of Chen Jin must vanish. He must disappear from this planet forever! Later on, we can wait until an M-friendly person is at the helm at Xing Hai Technologies, then let he or she hand over all core technology corresponding to our request. If the company’s next helmsman is still unfriendly to us, we shall continue to make them disappear, until a person that would cooperate with us appears! Mr. President, I think this is the most effective and cost-efficient solution to this problem,” Capello said with unrivaled desolation in his tone.

Upon hearing this plan, Dana Trump was first stunned for a brief while. Then, he nodded his head. “Well, well, I’m indeed not wrong about you Capello. Your plan is absolutely marvelous. That man by the name of Chen Jin is a big threat to the M nation! He repeatedly refused to cooperate with us. In that case, let him vanish from this world! I will not tolerate anyone with such defiance that harms the M nation’s interests any longer.”

But what plan would be better? They had a round of discussion. In the end, they came out with the most reasonable course of action. This plan, from its overall planning, selection of personnel, execution procedures... would all be handled by Capello, as he was very experienced in the field. Dana Trump gave him the utmost authority, allowing him to mobilize any special force of the military, and funded him with 50 million dollars of operating expenses under just one request: make sure the target was wiped off the face of the earth within five days! Time was of the essence.

On that very day, Capello flew to a military training base in Montana on a military aircraft. He gathered a 120-person special force that was being trained in the base and gave those elite soldiers a speech. “You are the M nation’s heroes, the chilling nightmare for our enemies. You are our country’s most elite SEALs. Now, for the M nation’s benefits, there is a daunting mission in front of you. The execution of this mission is very special and very demanding. In this mission, you cannot bring along any lethal weapons, whether automatic rifles, daggers or even a nail clipper. You can only put on your casual wear, bring along your travel passport, and go to the mission location, unarmed, to assassinate our important target. However, your target lives in a villa, guarded by more than 20 guards. Those guards are not equipped with lethal weapons. Including your target, all of them do not possess guns. The most they might have is a kitchen knife. Therefore, I will choose 20 of our strongest warriors in close combat. You will be using your bare fists to eliminate our target. I name this mission, ‘Punch of Justice’!”

After listening to the mission briefing, the SEALs looked at each other. They were dumbfounded by such a peculiar mission.

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