
Chapter 116 - She Is My Cousin

Chapter 116: She Is My Cousin

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After several days of calculations and simulations, planet Haierfa’s environmental transformation plan was completed by both artificial intelligence Alice and Nuwa. Their proposals were presented before Chen Jin. Neither plan had anything similar to what he had imagined, which was completely out of his expectations.

Alice’s plan had the following features:

1. Natural restoration as a priority, artificial means as auxiliary.

2. Transform areas from low to high latitude and increasing difficulty.

3. Deploy 10 million robots and supply 100 million kilowatts of power.

4. Approximated restoration period of 100 years.

Nuwa’s plan could be described as radical and bold:

1. Artificial means as a priority, natural restoration as auxiliary.

2. First, completely alter the Mi continent, then the Europa continent (it is possible to grow plants within the nuclear radiation zone), then the Asianic continent, and at last the black mamba Island.

3. Deploy 500 million robots and supply 10 billion kilowatts in power.

4. Approximated restoration period is 33 years.

Artificial intelligence Nuwa had a few insights that left him jaw-dropped. For instance, to hasten up the environmental transformation progress, Nuwa boldly proposed to dig 5,000 artificial lakes of about 100 square kilometers, send fleets to collect ice from Antartica, melt them, funnel the water to every lake, then set up drip irrigation systems at the area surrounding each lake, thus allowing plants to grow within a thousand square kilometers of their surroundings, transforming them into an oasis.

Assuming that a lake can transform 10,000 square kilometers of land, around 10,000 artificial lakes would be required for the complete environmental transformation on land throughout the entire planet. Excluding plateaus, cold zones, and areas with a harsh environment which do not require transformation, 5,000 lakes would suffice. In the surrounding area of each lake, 100 thousand robots could be deployed, along with other types of machinery. Therefore, with a total of 500 million robots working day and night for about 33 years, the planet’s transformation would be mostly completed.

“I have to say, Nuwa, your plan really is astonishing and bold, but...” Chen Jin was hesitant. “Are usable water resources really that plentiful on Antarctica?”

“Yes indeed, master,” Nuwa said firmly, “The water distribution on planet Haierfa is 97.2% sea water and 2.8% freshwater. Glaciers and ice sheets account for 67% of the total freshwater source, groundwater accounts for an additional 31%, and the remaining 2% are from lakes, rivers, and inland seas. The water in the atmosphere is only 0.0003% and therefore negligible. The freshwater stored in glaciers and ice sheets is over 20 million cubic kilometers, sufficient for even 100 thousand artificial lakes of 100 square kilometers. A mere 5,000 artificial lakes will be a breeze.”

“But even so, the transportation fees will definitely be very high, how many ships will we have to prepare and how many times would they have to travel back and forth?”

“Master, acquiring water from Antarctica costs a lot less than desalination. Besides, for an environmental transformation of such an enormous scale, only freshwater supplies from the two opposite poles of the planet will be adequate for infinite and rapid supply. Other methods would only cause more hassle.”

Even in Alice’s plan, she proposed to send out fleets to obtain ice from Antarctica as well. Chen Jin nodded. After contemplating for a while, he said, “Let’s proceed with Nuwa’s plan, that plan is decent, I like it.”

At that moment, Alice said, “Master, although my plan requires a longer duration, natural restoration has its own benefits; the Base of Operations can save on energy and resources for other purposes, we can’t just solely focus on environmental transformation.”

Nuwa rolled her eyes and refuted, “My plan will not affect the normal operations of the base, I can make sure that the Base of Operations has sufficient energy and resources for research purposes in other fields. The base’s development will not be deterred.”

Chen Jin thought about it and said, “What about this, Nuwa, I’ll put you in charge of the environmental transformation scheme and you will be supplied with the majority of the resources; Alice, you will be in charge of the general affairs in the Base of Operations. You will be given sufficient resources. Now that each of you has your own task, how’s that?”

“Yes, master.”

“Yes, master.”

The two artificial intelligence nodded their heads together.

Chen Jin quietly nodded. Looking at both of their virtual projections, he knew that Alice’s allegiance was unquestionable. After all, she had been with him for a very long time, and he trusted her a lot.

As for Nuwa, her capabilities far exceeded Alice more than a hundred-fold, and she was able to perform feats far beyond Alice’s ability. As for her allegiance, he did not feel that her actions reflected his “absolute ownership” over her, as there were always some elements of her own proposition. Her environmental transformation plan gave him a vibe of impatience.

Therefore, Chen Jin decided that he would still use Nuwa, but focus more on Alice in terms of upgrades and development. “It is said that after the Yamato state, which was located east from the Great Hua Empire, declared independence from the empires colonial system, they wholeheartedly inclined to the west. Later they were attacked and shifted to the neutral grounds. However, they had fully incorporated the western technology system. Yamato’s gaming industry was very developed. From the 100 supercomputers with computing powers of more than a billion, 11 of them are located in Yamato, which were used to run virtual online games. In two days, send a few exploration teams to the Yamato state. Retrieve one of those supercomputers so that Alice can be upgraded.”

Why not let Alice directly absorb Nuwa for the upgrade? Because their technical development routes were different, and their software was incompatible. Absorption was not possible. Besides, Chen Jin was rather content with having two artificial intelligence on hand. They could compete against each other and could be used as a pair, only one didn’t quite feel right.


In the worn-out south district of Shang Hai City, inside an old house not even 60 square meters in size, a girl was trying on clothes. “Mum, can I wear these to the interview?” The girl wore the working dress that she had bought recently. She spun around two times in front of the mirror and threw out the question with a loud voice.

From the parlor, a beautiful middle-aged woman walked towards her daughter and inspected her head to toe. She saw that her daughter’s ponytail had was half dyed blue, and she frowned. “Ke Xin, go to my shop and dye your hair back, you won’t leave a good first impression if your interviewer sees you like this.”

“Mum! I dyed my hair ages ago and the color has almost faded, it’s fine mom, they won’t be bothered.” When Zhen Ker Shin was still in her first year in university, she joined an ACG club and regularly participated in cosplay events. Not only blue, she had dyed her hair red, maroon, brown, yellow, and many other colors. But as she had now graduated, she knew should become more mature. She still loved cosplay, but she could not take part in them as before, despite being crowned as the “Cute Goddess” within the cosplay community. Now, she needed to find an ideal job, work hard, make lots of money, and buy a luxurious big house to fulfill her filial piety against her mother who raised her.

“Fine, darling, perform well, try to sweettalk them, and remember your manners; you must leave a good first impression!” said the beautiful middle-aged woman.

“Okay, mum!” Zhen Ker Shin left the house with vibrant steps.


Inside the interview room at Xing Hai Technologies, Zhen Ker Shin tackled every question maturely. Her eloquence and impishness made everybody liked her, including human resource manager Gao Ting Yan.

The interviewers nodded in agreement. Gao Ting Yan asked her directly about her salary expectations and when she could start working.

“Uhm, around 8,000 for an internship, and I can start tomorrow.” Zhen Ker Shin knew in her mind, she was fond of this new company which had sprung up only recently. The company’s enterprise belonged to the type that had high-speed growth and therefore possessed great potential! By joining Xing Hai, she could learn a lot of things, and would be provided plenty of opportunities.

“Miss Zhen, you might have not researched our company’s salary standards. For the position you applied for, even a fraction is more than what you demanded. Besides, we provide subsidiaries for transportation, meals, and accommodation. We also have the highest standards for endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance, childbirth insurance, and housing accumulation funds... why don’t you go back for now, and we will send you an offer letter and you can start working tomorrow.” Gao Ting Yan shook her head and smiled.

“I passed?” Zhen Ker Shin said with surprise, standing up.

“You are the talent that Xing Hai desperately wants, of course you passed.”

“Thank you thank you! I’ll report in tomorrow.” Zhen Ker Shin thanked her interviewers repeatedly. She left the room and lifted up her fist with excitement. “Yes!”


After she left the interview room, everybody looked at the company’s boss, Chen Jin, who sat at the corner wearing a hat. At the moment, Chen Jin was in a state of complete shock. He shook his head and mumbled. Alike, very alike. Dad must have faked his honest looks! His acting skills were almost of mom’s caliber.

That girl’s delicate face, distinguished nose, round chin, and eyes that tap into someone’s soul looked just like dad. Overall, she did resemble him.

The girl’s blue ponytail caught Chen Jin’s eyes from the moment she stepped into the interview room. She’s too cute, he thought. She is the type I like.

He lifted his head faintly. He felt the suspicion from all the people glaring at him. Chen Jin took off his hat, stood up, and told Gao Ting Yan and her crew, “Stop looking, she... she’s my cousin, send her an offer, let her be the assistant for Liang Ying starting tomorrow.”

Everybody’s head was cleared. Gao Ting Yan asked, “What about her wages, how much should we give her?”

“Follow the standards.”

“Roger that!” Gao Ting Yan nodded her head. The company standard was, assistants for the department manager, deputy general manager, and general manager ouldbe paid 12k to 18k during an internship, in addition to the various subsidiaries, Xing Hai was definitely considered a high-paying company. However, considering she was Mr. Chens cousin, Gao Yan Ting decided to give her the maximum according to the standards! She did not want to pass on such a great opportunity.

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