
Chapter 2156 Pixie Mother

Chapter 2156  Pixie Mother

Time- 00:04

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

"You old people are to easy to impress," Wyatt said seeing the self-impressed Field Marshal.

"What do you know about the joy of teaching the next generation?" the Field Marshal defended herself, only to hear Wyatt comment, "If the next generation is her, then we are all doomed." "Stop it, she is just a troubled teen, not everyone is as mature as you at this age. Once she find's her place in the grand scheme of things she will shine brighter than all. Just you watch," the Field Marshal confidently prophesied. She did not hesitate to show that she expected great things from Corey. "Whatever, lets head in," Wyatt said as teleported both of them into the seed world. Arriving inside of the seed world, before the Field Marshal could enjoy its space, her attention was attracted by Dredre's forest island. Looking at it with her unique eyes, she could not help but exclaim, "My goodness, what are you building here? How can there be so much soul energy gathered at one place?"

"That— a forest spirit is about to be born their," Wyatt stuck with Dredre's narrative as he explained things to Field Marshal. Dredre still believed she was helping the forest give birth to a forest spirit but Wyatt who knew what her pixie dust was capable of knew that the forest spirit that Dredre helping form was actually a celestial.

"A forest spirit? I have fought a forest spirit in a SSS-rank dungeon and this is not it. Whatever you are nurturing here is definitely not a forest spirit," the Field Marshal did not hesitate to speak her mind. Having defeated a SSS-rank adult forest spirit, the Field Marshal knew that a birth of a forest spirit would not be able to give out the energy signatures that the floating forest island was giving. The soul energy gathered there were beyond the SSS-rank limit and within the early unranked rank. "How rude, it is a forest spirit. Please don't act so poorly in here, even though it has yet to fully be born it can feel our feelings, such negative feelings will not help with its development," a sharp voice reprimanded the Field Marshal. When the Field Marshal turned to find the source of the voice she saw a small humanoid with pink hair and translucent pink wings. She was instantly mesmarised by her cuteness and could not help but ask, "Who is this cute little thing?" "That's Dredre, our mascot / mental healer / co-manager and also the Pixie mother of the forest spirit under development," Wyatt introduced Dredre to the Field Marshal and vice versa.

"I am sorry, I did not mean to be rude. Its just that this forest spirit is unlike any I have seen. Please forgive me," the Field Marshal immediately apologized to Dredre not just because of her cuteness but also because of her power level that appeared in the norms of unranked rank. Dredre had long got comfortable in the seed world and her company here. Hence, her power level had reached unprecedented heights especially with the formation of the forest spirit. Right now, even with the Field Marshal with in the seed world, she was the strongest in the seed world. She was no longer just deadly cute but actually deadly. Unfortunately, pixies weren't fighters but more of a support, elder pixies were but Dredre was far from being a elder pixie. However, one good thing does comeout of this. That was, the pixie dust produced by Dredre will be more potent. This meant when Wyatt was ready to boost his synchronous rate further, he was in for a surprising boost. However, that was far ahead in the future as he still having difficulty adjusting and utilizing current synchronous rate. Increasing his synchronous rate anymore would be like him trying to bite more than he can chew. It could lead to him O'Ding on pixie dust not that would be a prodigal way to die. "Its okay, I know you meant no harm," Dredre accepted the Field Marshal's apology readily. Even though Field Marshal was sincere and genuine in her apology this was so like Dredre. "Dredre, what's happening why is the forest spirit not being born, from the looks of its time," Wyatt said as his soul pupils scanned the floating forest island, everything as in order, the stage was set yet the forest spirit did not show any sign of being born.

"Wyatt, I will tell you what's the hold up but you need to promise me that you will not get mad at the child or me," Dredre said, finally deciding to go through what she had been dreading for an entire day, she decided to confront it for the sake of the child.

"Dredre, how could you ask that. You know I could never be mad at you or a newborn spirit. Tell me what's wrong?" Wyatt replied as delicately as he could to ease Dredre's tension such that she could feel free to speak the thing that was troubling her. "Wyatt, thank you. I know how much you care about me and the child but this time its different. The child is being greedy and stubborn," Dredre blamed the forest spirit for being greedy and stubborn without giving any details. Her words lead Wyatt to think that the unborn celestial was demanding something absurd from its creator to be born. So he cused in his mind, 'These damned celestials, they know the pixies that create them love them the most yet they do not thing twice to abuse their love for them.'

"Please, forgive me. But how can she talk to the unborn forest spirit?" the Field Marshal interrupted unable to keep up with Wyatt and Dredre's bizarre conversation. "Its the same was talking to a unborn baby in the mother's womb," Wyatt answered the Field Marshal and then turning to face Dredre he asked her, "What does the forest spirit want?" 

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