
Chapter 1918 Leaving Blood-Rule Source

Chapter 1918 Leaving Blood-Rule Source

Location- Unknown, Blood Rule Source

It was clear that the oath that Wyatt had the Elder Anesthesia Dragon take in the presence of the blood-rule source was carefully thought to trick it into turning itself into Wyatt's captive out of its own violation. However, Wyatt had carefully crafted the oath around the Dragon's personality.

It some Dragon were to be held captive for eternity by a mortal, their pride might get them to consider suicide by detonating their core. Wyatt had also considered that the Dragon could choose suicide by detonating its core to get out of its predicament once and for all, after all, it was already despairing to begin with. However, he did not take any cautionary measures against it in the oath he had the Dragon take.

Wyatt felt that adding a clause to forbid it from committing suicide outright could spook the Dragon and also because Wyatt knew that Raukaul was a selfish coward who laid in wait for a few millenniums to trap the Deviant Devil disregarding the lives of its tribesmen. So he believed that even if its despair were to grow more it might think of suicide but never try it and continue to persist in hopes of gaining its freedom one day. It loved itself the most so it could never bring to kill itself.

There another variable that Wyatt had also considered, was the Dragon's storage space. However, since its senses and realm were limited to the bounds of its true body it could not open its storage space to make use of items in it. It could find a way to detonate the storage space to destroy the monster orb space but then it would go against its oath to fortify the monster orb space. After all, any actions of the Dragon that would go against fortifying the monster orb space would be considered as breaching its oath to Wyatt. It was the same as some participating in activities that hindered their duties was considered a crime.

Wyatt crafted the oath he had the Dragon take by thoroughly reading its personality and character to consider what would get it running and what would entice it. This oath was not perfect to trap anyone and everyone but it was perfect oath to trap the Elder Anesthesia Dragon Raukaul Maar. The foolish dragon thought it was gaining Wyatt's trust by taking a simple oath when it was actually reducing itself to his captive out of its own violation. One could not make this stuff up.

Even Wyatt's oath to the Dragon was carefully crafted by him to give the Dragon the illusion that Wyatt was binding himself by an oath for its sake when actually, he was not. Wyatt's oath to the Dragon were things was planning to do in the first place if and only if it was his captive. Even then Wyatt was not losing much because, unlike the Dragon, he knew the true reason why the dragon lost its innate dream escape ability.

As soon as the Dragon's presence vanished from within its blood-rule domain, the Deviant Devil was about to clash with the Celestial blood-rule slave destroying the pearl diamond barrier and the turtle shell barrier with its blood-rule domain to get a clear view. From the corner of its eyes, it could not find Raukaul on the battlefield but found the world calamity tree which was waving goodbye to it with its branches.

Just when the Devil wanted to piece together what was happening, and how the dragon managed to escape, it felt a huge force knocking it down. The impact of the celestial force of the celestial blood-rule slave on the Deviant Devil's body was so strong that even its formidable muscles trembled and screamed in pain, while its eyes, nose, and ears bleed. Its mind was out of it being affected by the shock from the impact.


Taking the thunderous sound of collusion as his cue to leave, Wyatt made use of his devil merchant code privilege to transfer his soul out of the blood rule source and into the pseudo-

calamity soul gem in the possession of his calamity daughter core Cuth Diya. As soon as he left the shockwaves from the collusion between the celestial blood-rule slave and the deviant devil's bodies reduced Wyatt's world calamity tree body into dust.

However, before leaving, Wyatt had used the roots of his world calamity tree to bury several of his pseudo-calamity soul gems in the depths of the blood-rule source in the form of blood-rule rocks.

By burying them in the depths of the blood rule source Wyatt increased the odds of his pseudo-calamity soul gems of surviving the destruction brought forth by the class of the apex ruler-class entities.

By morphing his pseudo-calamity soul gems into blood-rule rocks Wyatt reduced the risk of them getting discovered by the one who survives the battle between the two apex ruler-class entities or other blood-rules slaves that were to happen upon them.

The reason Wyatt left his pseudo-calamity soul gems in the blood-rule source was obviously because he planned to visit it at a later date. But most importantly because it was the only way he could mask from where he had entered the blood-rule source.

Wyatt could get Bloodette to help him enter the blood-rule source but just like how the Elder Anestheis Dragon immediately noted the coordinates of the card world by just glancing at the portal Wyatt did not want any other being practicing in the blood-rule source to discover that he was from card world when he entered it.

So, entering the blood rule source through his pseudo-calamity soul gem using his devil merchant code privilege was the best and safest option, even though it would cost him a fortune every time he made use of his devil merchant code privilege.

Wyatt's only concern now was that he had placed the pseudo-

calamity soul gems deep enough to survive the battle between the two apex rule-class entities. Even if one of them were to survive then, Wyatt would consider himself lucky.

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