
Chapter 1873 Shortcut

Chapter 1873 Shortcut

?Date- -/-

Time- -/-

Location- Unknown, Blood Rule Source

"Sure thing, Your Majesty," Wyatt agreed. With his body reconstruction skill, the calamity soul gem within him began to grow a new body. Taking the form of a towering 150-meter-tall Elder Calamity Treant, Wyatt walked over to the sleeping Dragon and decided to plant his roots 100 feet away.

During this process, Wyatt was astonished to find that the Sleep Breath ability of the Elder Anesthesia Dragon, which had managed to render his human body asleep from 50 miles away, did not affect his Elder Calamity Treant Body that was 100 ft away from it. Even the Ruler-Class rune slaves were helpless against the dragon's sleep breath, but his Elder Calamity Treant Body was completely immune to it. Wyatt also noticed that the tree's innate fragrance was more prominent in this form compared to his human form.

This prompted Wyatt to wonder if the calamity daughter gems created in this form were better than the ones created in his human form. Wyatt made a point to note this down, as he wanted to experiment to see if the calamity daughter gems created in his Elder Calamity Treant form were more efficient and held any other surprises compared to the ones created in his human form.

"It has been so many centuries since I last smelled this fragrance," the Elder Anesthesia Dragon's true body's breath rhythm eased, showing that it was enjoying the fragrance of the Elder Calamity Treant.

Seeing the dragon's true body show not even a hint of obsessive behavior even after smelling the calamity treant's fragrance from so close, Wyatt wondered if it was because of the realm difference between them or if the Dragon was immune to the World Calamity tree's fragrance.

If the latter were true, then Wyatt could envision the World Calamity Tree and the Anesthesia Dragon becoming allies. With both races being immune to each other's prominent racial talents, the chances of them allying over becoming enemies were very likely.

Indeed, without the World Calamity Tree's innate fragrance that drove other beings mad and compelled them to consume its seeds, it was only left with its slave army to defend against predators. Similarly, without their sleep breath, the Anesthesia Dragons relied solely on their high defense to protect themselves from predators.

After some contemplation, Wyatt realized that the sleep-

breath ability of the Anesthesia Dragon complemented the innate fragrance of the World Calamity Tree. The stronger and more sentient a being, the higher the chances of them resisting the mental corruption of the World Calamity Tree's innate fragrance and escaping, especially those that are far from the tree. However, asleep targets, regardless of their realm, were easier prey for the tree's fragrance and more tempted to consume its seeds.

A slave created using the combination of the Anesthesia Dragon's and the World Calamity Tree's abilities would serve as nourishment for both entities. The dragon could feed on the vitality of beings that had inhaled its sleep breath, just as the tree could also feed on the vitality of the beings it enslaved. In this way, the slaves created using the combination of their abilities would act as a buffer between them, sustaining the alliance between both the dragon and the tree.

As this thought crossed Wyatt's mind he could guess why the World Calamity Tree and the Anesthesia Dragons chose to ally. They were likely co-dependent on each other. But this also meant both of them exposing their venerability to each other. The Anesthesia Dragons were most venerable when awake while the World Calamity Trees were most venerable at close range. If the Anesthesia Dragon chose to sleep next to the World Calamity tree through its sleep and awake cycle, then they both would be exposing their vulnerability to each other. Allowing them to gain other's trust.

Making these assumptions, Wyatt frowned because he now felt that gaining his freedom from the Elder Anesthesia Dragon was not going to be as easy as he had thought. The dragon was clearly showing signs of grooming him, or his World Calamity Tree persona, for its purposes.

Had Wyatt not created a life for himself in the Card World, he would not have minded using the help of the Elder Anesthesia Dragon to achieve Ruler-Class power in the shortest time possible. Though it had its obvious demerits, it also had its merits, especially the fact that Wyatt could find the relaxed life he was seeking with it by his side. However, that meant giving up on the life he had created for himself in the Card World and having an ancient dragon as his benefactor.

Due to the contamination of the disgusting stain on the dragon, Wyatt struggled to discern the dragon's sex with the help of his soul pupils. These stains were evidence that the dragon had powerful enemies, indicating that his peaceful life by its side would be short-lived. Wyatt realized that there were no shortcuts to achieving his dream; only he could make his dream come true.

Shaking his head, Wyatt no longer entertained the idea of taking the easy route. The path he was already traveling might be long and arduous, but it felt right for him. It was filled with excitement and challenges, unlike the one the dragon could offer him. Wyatt was beginning to cherish the journey and the companionship of the friends he had made along the way. The emotional scars he had acquired on Earth were healing in the Card World. This moment of hesitation only served to strengthen Wyatt's resolve as he embraced the challenges ahead, knowing they would not only lead him to what he sought but also give him the strength to protect it when he acquired it. That was the point of all his struggle, gaining the strength to protect what was precious to him, both physically and spiritually.

No longer hesitating, Wyatt resolved to confront the dragon about the disgusting stain, regardless of how dismissive it might be of his opinion, he would do everything in his power to free himself from the dragon's grasp.

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