
Chapter 1842 Delusional

Chapter 1842 Delusional

?Date- 17 April 2321

Time- 11:19

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, TSR Guild Headquarters, Blood Rock Caves gate dungeon, Seed World, VR Universe

There was a reason why Gideon chose a town in the most remote part of the Northern region for the demon sacrifice of all the towns in the five regions, it was because it would be easier for him to erase all the evidence of his deeds without raising the suspicions of the authorities that would come to investigate the disappearance of an entire town full of more than a hundred thousand people.

No matter how remote the town and regardless of how discounted the town was from the rest of the world when more than a hundred thousand people vanished somebody was bound to notice. Soon a huge investigation will be opened garnering the attention of powerful people with power means. That Gideon wants to avoid at all costs.

Because based on the numerous means at the disposal of the authorities, they would easily track down what happened to the town and its people. Once the authorities realize the incident was human sacrifice. Then they will double down their investigations. Gideon was not worried about the investigation for himself but the father and son from the dark realm.

Gideon was confident about his ability to hide himself, however, he could not say the same about Muth and Cuth Diya. He could not take any chances, so he had to make sure that the authorities did not realize that the disappearance of an entire town was related to human sacrifice. Which was possible in the town he chose in the remote part of the Northern region.

Surrounded by the harshest nature that was trying to kill any living being that dared to live with it, the entire town's survival was dependent on a single array formation. The only thing stopping the freezing breath of nature from claiming the lives of more than a hundred thousand humans within the town was an old array formation that was never maintained let alone modified in a few decades.

When Wyatt learned that all the townspeople were in some sort of forced cryosleep state, he instantly deduced why Gideon chose this particular town of all the towns in the five regions. He was planning to make the death of all the townspeople look like an accidental death caused due to the malfunction of the array formation protecting the city.

When nobody from the outside world hears from the townspeople they will send an initial investigation team, if that investigation team were to conclude the death of the townspeople as an accidental death due to the malfunction of the array formation covering the city then the authorities would not conduct any further investigation into it. Which was what Gideon wanted.

The investigation team will have no choice but to conclude that because all the evidence will be pointing to such a conclusion. After all, once Cuth Diya harvests the souls of the people, thanks to the force cryosleep state all the people were in it would appear as if they were all instantly frozen to death by the harsh climate right after the array formation suddenly stopped working.

Of course, the authorities will check if there was any malpractice in the array formation for it to suddenly stop working after working for several decades without any problem. Knowing Gideon, he would have covered his tracks there as well. Bringing all the investigations to the same conclusion, a town full of more than a hundred thousand people tragically froze because of an accident.

Gideon was very good at covering his tracks, even when killing mortals he did not get arrogant and sloppy thinking who would care if a bunch of mortals were dead? Instead, he continued to stick to his overcautious side and planned a perfect coverup. No wonder no one was ever aware of his existence in the Clown Mask's future vision.

Someone so diligent and meticulous made a very dangerous enemy. This was why Wyatt was reluctant to call devil merchant Muth Diya and blackmail him to stop the human sacrifice. If devil merchant Muth Diya were to suddenly call off the human sacrifice Gideon Grim would definitely get suspicious. Not to mention since has mobilized a dozen demigod Incarnations to capture an entire town, even if Muth Diya changes his mind about human sacrifice, Gideon will still kill the entire town to hide his tracks.

So calling devil merchant Muth Diya to call off the human sacrifice was not only of no use but also a destructive move. Until now, nobody from the Seven Princes of Hell faction knows what the Chaos Dwarf Ezra actually wants, calling Muth Diya to spare the humans was like handing Muth Diya a thread to unwind the entire web of mystery surrounding Chaos Dwarf Ezra.

Wyatt had long understood that he could not do anything to stop the death of the town that Gideon had frozen for the human sacrifice. Wyatt could give up on his calamity daughter gem Cuth Diya and kill him but killing Cuth Diya would not stop the demise of the townspeople as Gideon would end up killing them to hide his track anyway. Stopping Muth Diya or Cuth Diya was not going to save the townspeople, only by stopping Gideon Grim could Wyatt truly save the townspeople.

Blackmailing Muth Diya to kill Gideon Grim would also not save the townspeople as Gideon Grim acting as his guide was just one of Gideon's many incarnations. This way Wyatt will not only be not able to save the townspeople but lose a good pawn like Muth Diya.

Regardless of which angle Wyatt looked at this scenario to come up with a solution for the problem, it would always end up with Gideon Grim killing the townspeople to cover his track. It was starting to seem as if this problem was not something even Wyatt could solve. Wyatt was delusional when he thought that he could save more than a hundred thousand townspeople in the remote part of the Northern Region from the Southern region.

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