
Chapter 1740 Relations

Chapter 1740 Relations

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Seed World

"Wyatt, how can you say such a thing? How do you know I wasn't being serious? Momo and I were close friends," Park stared at Wyatt for trying to brush her off. 

"Oh, really, then how come you have no idea which Pixie tribe Momo belonged to?" Wyatt shook his head feeling that the relationship between Momo and Park was that of a healthy employee and client relationship, nothing more.

Park never bothered to learn about Momo, her likes, her dislikes, etc. A friend would not have to because from their time together they would observe each other's likes and dislikes. Park found Pixies cute and comforting so she wanted to possess a bunch of them, just like collecting toys. Her words not Wyatt's. Momo being a Pixie and an employee could only entertain her client with a smile on her face. Which Park mistook but in her defense, she treated her designated book guide pixie way better than the other demons. 

Wyatt was making things hard for Park out of spite, he just did not want Park to involve Drebre in her delusion and get hurt. Besides, even if he were to assume Park was friends with Momo the pixie, what could Dredre do about it? It's not like Pixies get a day off or the Infinity Library was just handing Pixies to everyone now. Unless Park planned to move to the Dark Realm and live next to that particular branch of Infinity Library where Momo worked. Even if she was thinking of doing that, it was not happening any time soon. Not to forget all this was assuming that Park and Momo were friends.

Therefore, Dredre trying to help Park get in touch with Momo was pointless. Park might not have indicated that she wanted to get in touch with Momo now but the conversation was heading in that direction. After all, Park planned to use Momo to get close to Dredre. This was not an assumption but an observation. 

For Park, this was just a means, but not for Dredre. After getting what she wants, Park forgets that she used Momo to get close to Dredre. However, the same was not true for Dredre, she would do her best to help Momo and Park get in touch with each other. In did end if things did not work out then Dredre would be depressed over it. Wyatt did not want that for Dredre, he did not want her to go through that over something so trivial. 

"Th-that never came up when in our conversation," Park retorted.

"How would it be when all the conversations were surrounded you and of your liking? I am willing to bet all my wealth that Momo the Pixie still remembers you and all your gibberish even though you did not give a damn to learn which tribe she belonged to— I bet you had no idea that Pixies had different tribes. If not for your ignorance, we would not be having this conversation. 

Park, Pixies are very selfless and kind creatures, they take their relations very seriously. I am willing to bet my life that Momo the Pixie must have mourned for you when you did not return to visit her for decades. It might have taken a long time to get over the sadness of losing you. Unless you are serious about your relationship with Pixie then do not try to contact her. 

What I am trying to say is Pixies are not your cute toys, that you can stash away when you are done playing or get bored of them. They are the most gentle and caring creatures in the entire myriad realms. If you do not understand that, do not waste Dredre's time," Wyatt unloaded on Park. 

The more Wyatt spoke the angrier he got. Pixie might not care for Park's ignorance but he did. He was angry in their place. Wyatt has seen the worst of what sentient creatures across the cosmos were capable of. For a race like Pixies to be born among them, was nothing short of a miracle. However, the only way they could exist was as slaves. This was a hard pill to swallow but if not for the monopoly of the Infinity Library over the Pixies and erasing everything about Pixie's powers, it was hard to imagine these selfless creatures being able to survive in the Myriad Realms. Especially, when the realms these pixies created instead of protecting them from enemies became possessive of them for their pixie dust. 

"..." Listening to Wyatt's lecture, Park was lost in thought. Her expression turned grim as she contemplated everything he said and then slowly she replied, "Wyatt, I agree I have been very ignorant but back then I had too many going in on my life. Momo was the only person with whom I could be selfish around just like how children could be selfish around their family. Be it my joy or sorrow, what ever I shared with Momo selfishly, she would take it with a gentle smile without ever complaining. Therefore, what you said is more of a reason for me to get in touch with Momo and apologize to her for being a terrible friend." 

Only Park knew that the only reason she could be the Park which her subordinates revered and adorded, her enemies respected and feared was because of Momo. Before she gained her fame and strength, Park was a nobody in the Dark realm and was always bullied for being a human. She gave into the darkness to escape all of it. 

In her pursuit of strength to escape her hellish life she found Momo, a gentle and kind pixie guide who was genuinely worried for her with no other ulterior motives. Around her, she could be herself, without any judgment. She could be sacred and show her weakness in front of Momo without having to worry about Momo thinking that she was weak. She came into her life like a guiding light that pulled her out of the darkness. Everything she was today was thanks to Momo and her beautiful smile which could purge all darkness.

This was why Park liked to say that the main attraction of the Infinity Library was not their wide range of books but their Pixies. However, as Wyatt pointed out she had indeed been ignorant to understand that what she had found was too precious. Or she was just too selfish and chose not to notice it. 

"That was not what I was going for, but sure if that is what you believe then go for it. But Dredre will not be a part of it," Wyatt did not care what Park wanted to do as long as she did not involve Dredre in her mess. 

From the way Park described her relationship with Momo the Pixie, her relationship with Momo was not that of a friend but of an emotionally present parent and a selfish child. It was clear that Park was feeling guilty just like the children who selfishly take everything from their parents without giving anything in return, not even a thank you. But when the parents leave for good, the children suddenly come to a realization but it's too late for them to show appreciation for the sacrifice their parents made for them. 

"How do you expect me to get in touch with Momo without Dredre's help?" Park found Wyatt's words unreasonable. She could not think of a better way than to employ Dredre to help her get in touch with Momo. 

"That's not our problem," Wyatt said as he swatted away Corey's hand that was sneakily trying to pet Dredre who was lost in her thoughts. 

"Hey, what gives?" Corey complained. 

Wyatt ignored her as she felt Dredre gaze on him. With a firm gaze she declared, "Wyatt, I want to help." 

Listening to her Wyatt shook his head, it was hard not for someone of Dredre's character to get swept in someone else's sob story. Wyatt did not like to tell Dredre that she could not do that or this, since she was his exclusive book guide pixie he could but he preferred not to.

Wyatt only put forward his opinion in front of Dredre, and it was up to her to follow it or not. No matter what she ends up choosing, regardless of how he felt about it he had always made it a point to support her. This only applied to very important people in his life, so the list was obviously very short. So far, Susan and Anna were the only two names on the list but now Dredre had joined them. 

Seeing Wyatt shake his head Dredre explained why she wanted to help Park, " Wyatt, I am not doing this for Park but for Momo because I think that Momo would love to know how Park really felt about her." 

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