
Chapter 1714 Inter-Realm Travel Ticket

Chapter 1714 Inter-Realm Travel Ticket

Time- 19:51

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Seed World

'Good then, I will meet you there,' Wyatt replied before ending his call with Cuth Diya. 

Wyatt then found the coordinates of the venue in Cuth Diya's text and began to use the devil merchant code to pinpoint the actual location in the card world map he had with him. 

The location of the venue was not in the map of the 5 region map. But in the unexplored territory of Way Beyond. Wyatt wasn't surprised to find that the hideout of the only devil merchant of the card world was somewhere deep in the Way Beyond. 

This was in line with the cautious nature of the card world's only devil merchant. But also showed that his strength was not to be underestimated as not many demigods were capable of carving a secret territory in the unexplored parts of the Way Beyond. 

Considering his hypnotic suggestion-type origin card, it would not be surprising if Card World's only devil merchant has brainwashed a few demigods and SSS-rank monsters to act as his subordinates over the years. With a small army of demigods and SSS-rank monsters at your beck and call, it would not be hard to develop a secret hideout in the Way Beyond as long as you knew what you were doing. 

However, Wyatt was a little disappointed because if the venue was within the area of the five regions, especially the southern region he could made use of the southern royal family's help to ambush the card world's only devil merchant at his secret hideout once his persona Chaos Dwarf Ezra was done helping Cuth Diya. 

No matter how brave the Southerners were they would never agree to launch an ambush in the unexplored part of Way Beyond as things could go horribly wrong there. Ambushing the hide-out was not an option as Handsome Fox had a clear home-field advantage, he would be able to escape when things got dire making the whole ambush a pointless risk as he would not run away quietly he would make sure his attackers pay a price.

Wyatt shook his head in regret, he knew the location of his enemy but he could do nothing about it. That was unless the Southern Royal family was willing to mobilize their strongest such as Field Marshal Heatsend and other Card apprentices with the Heatsend Bloodline which was not possible as they were the core of the Southern Royal family's power and this ambush was too sudden. 

Even if they were confident in strength, this was the Way Beyond we were talking about here, it was not safe to explore it in normal times let alone launch an ambush there with little to no information, they would not take this risk. Even Wyatt, after thinking about it did not feel like an ill-informed ambush would be a good idea. So he could only give up on the notion of ambushing the card world's only devil merchant's hideout.

"Hey, Ann. Can you do me a favor?" Wyatt called on Ann, who was engrossed in talking with Dredre, having decided to leave for the venue. 

Ann, Aria, and Dredre were getting along fine. Now Wyatt had a little confidence that they would be able to take care of Dredre in his absence. If not for the forest requiring her assistance, Wyatt would have sent Dredre to the Southern Royal place along with Ann. She would like the gardens there compared to the eventless and empty void in the seed world. 

"Yes, Wyatt. What can I do for you?" Ann asked. She was more than happy to be of Wyatt's service. 

"I will be leaving for a while until my return can I count on you and Aria to take care of Dredre in my place," Wyatt knew Ann and Aria would not reject his request but he could not skip the formalities. 

"Sure, we can" Ann readily agreed to Wyatt's request as he expected. However, she did not question him about where he was going and how long will he be gone. After all, within the Southern Region Wyatt could not go to many places without her knowing. 

"Dredre, I am leaving for work. You have to be brave during this period. I will return as soon as possible. If you want I can leave one of my true clones here to keep you company," Wyatt had been preparing Dredre for this moment but if she was not ready yet he did not mind postponing his plans for her. 

"No need Wyatt. I have Ann and Aria with me. I will be fine. You take care," Dredre flew next to Wyatt and assured him that she would be fine in his absence. 

"Are you sure? If you want I can postpone my work for when you are ready," Wyatt meant what he said. Right now Dredre's well-being was important. Not that he was being overprotective but Dredre was the only thing keeping Zaltan from annihilating this world to keep his secret experiment a secret. 

"No, I will be fine. You go finish your job and return at the latest," Dredre said with a stern voice which was just cute. Seeing her like this Wyatt was a little assured that she would be fine in his absence. 

"Yes, Wyatt go finish your work. Dredre will be fine in my care," Ann too chimed in. As for Aria she vigorously nodded her head. This one, Wyatt was not entirely sold on. However, since Dredre had come to trust her Wyatt decided to trust her for now. 

"Okay, if you guys say so. Bye," Wyatt walked out of the seed world and exited the blood rock cave dungeon. Then morphinf into Chaos Dwarf Ezra he used the inter-realm travel ticket sent by Cuth Diya and vanished into thin air. This ticket allowed the holder to travel to the determined venue using the devil merchant codes inter-realm travel function from any realm be it the dark realm or any other realm in the cosmos. 

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