
Chapter 1694 Fellow Addicts

Chapter 1694 Fellow Addicts

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

"Sure, but why?" Dredre readily agreed to Wyatt's without hesitation. Then in confusion, she asked Wyatt why as she did not understand why he would make such a request. However, the grave expression on Wyatt's face made her feel that Wyatt had good reason to ask her this. 

"What about the librarian?" Wyatt did not answer Dredre instead asked if she could also keep this incident from the librarian. 

"Wyatt, I cannot promise that. However, unless Lord Librarian or young master Zaltan or the elders personally ask me I have no reason to report this to them," Dredre made it clear proving that the unwound Dredre that came after devouring foreign soul energy ingredient was the true self that she has always been hiding under her professional politeness. Now for Wyatt, it surfaced and from the looks of it, Dredre was comfortable being herself in front of Wyatt. 

"That's my girl, you are the best," Wyatt gave Dredre thumps up as he took out a few foreign soul energy ingredients and passed them to her. Dredre did not hesitate to take them and slowly savor them knowing that she had limited supply and had to enjoy the limited stock to its fullest. Savoring her junk food, Dredre completely forgot that Wyatt never answered her. 

Wyatt successfully distracted Dredre from asking him why he did not want her to report him developing celestial force to her elders. Wyatt had a feeling that the Librarian was able to control the pixies mostly because they had the elders of all the pixie tribes under their control. This was why the Librarian did not mind handing a few branches of Infinity Library and Pixies to the Zaltan. 

The Librarian might be fully aware of what Zaltan was up to with regard to the pixies. Wyatt did not bother to dwell on why the librarian was letting Zaltan do as he pleased instead he did not want either of them to know about him. Wyatt developing celestial force using Pixie dust will definitely attract the attention of both of them. Which he did not want. 

With his current power, he could not handle the 'seven princes of hell' let alone take on the infinity library which has a high chance of being in cahoots with the devil merchant code in the Pixie Conspiracies. He had enough problems he did not want to go seeking more. But the problem was this particular problem came seeking him. He wondered how long he could run from it. 

But it was interesting to know that the realm wills were junkies when it comes to pixie dust. It was surprising that they did not enslave the pixies in their worlds. But considering that Pixie's wings seem to be capable of negating the celestial force, it seems the impartial and aloof realm wills were hapless when it came to the Pixies. Wyatt could not help but wonder what the card world's will would do for Dredre's pixie dust knowing that it was powerless against her, will it try to negotiate with her or even beg her? 

Recalling the enlightenment the card world's will gave him before the battle of the southern capital, Wyatt wondered if there was a way for him to cut a deal with the card world's will Dredre's pixie dust in exchange for a few enlightenments. 

As this thought crossed Wyatt's mind, Wyatt suddenly wondered, 'What if the librarian was doing something similar to the pixie dust he collected from the pixies?' It was possible, after all the pixie dust that the librarian had collected from the pixies over millenniums should have gone somewhere. The biggest question was, what did the librarian receive in return for the pixie dust from these realm wills?

All this was just Wyatt's speculation, nothing was certain so he shook his head not bothering to continue to dwell on these thoughts, he turned to Dredre and said, "I am heading out, moving out of the blood rock cave I will call you out. Is that alright? Will you be okay alone or do you want to follow me?" 

"Um, I can't come with you. I need to tend to the forest," Dredre said, she seemed to be disappointed that Wyatt had to go out. As Wyatt's friend, she would like to follow and explore his world but as an introvert by nature, she would rather build her base and never leave until necessary. 

"Don't worry these stone viltronians and broken rule spirits will keep you company till I return with my friends to introduce you to them," Wyatt said summoning the remaining stone viltronians and the broken elemental rule spirits. He wanted to leave a clone behind to keep Dredre company but it would not be the same. So, he took this route. 

"Okay," Dredre responded positively. But Wyatt could feel her presence decrease compared to before. This meant her strength was decreasing, without him present her compatibility with the seed world was decreasing. If just learning that he would be heading out had such an effect Wyatt could not imagine what would happen if he left. Dredre was just being brave when she said she would be fine without him here so that he would not worry about her. 

"Well, changes of plans I will not leave. My clone will go in my place I will stay here and help you tend to the forest," Wyatt decided to let his clone head out to check on still unconscious Bloodette and lead his other Calamity Daughter Gems, Ann, and Aria waiting for him in the blood rock cave into the seed world. 

The reason at first Wyatt wanted to personally go out was to check on Bloodette because according to Hive AI's calculation, she should have gained consciousness by now but she had not, which was concerning. However, the Clone could collect the required data from Bloodette's unconscious body in his place. As for Ann and Aria, since the dungeon gate was open they just walked right in and waited for Wyatt.

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