
Chapter 1618 Corey And Cortney BFF

Chapter 1618 Corey And Cortney BFF

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 11:54

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Outskirts

In a swamp on the outskirts of the city, a boulder morphed into an orb which then morphed into a teenage human male who hovered about the swamp in deep contemplation. It was Wyatt, the sight of seeing his beloved resolve to give her life than be captured had gotten to him. He was losing his patience with the Southern Royal family wondering what were their demigods doing when Corey and Susan were confronting a suspicious middle-aged employee.

Summoning his grimoire Wyatt texted Diana her task and waited for her call. He needs to know how and when Susan was attacked. Even without the demigods, his Calamity Daughter Gems were always keeping an eye on her. He needed to know how the assailant attacked Susan without his Calamity Daughter Gems knowing.

[Call from Diana Keiths, Ans/Reject/Ignore]

Wyatt picked up Diana's call on the first ring and listened in on her conversation with Susan and Corey as she inquired them about the incident where they were attacked by people who wanted to use them against Wyatt.

Learning that the attack happened in a D-rank field dungeon, Wyatt's anger towards Corey increased for taking Susan to a dungeon when they could have tested her armor card in the VR universe. After all, it allows the card apprentices to use the cards equipped in their grimoires within it.

What bothered Wyatt most about this was how Corey managed to take Susan to the D-rank field dungeon escaping the watchful eyes of Nick, his Calamity Daughter Gem, who was keeping watch on Susan's house this morning from afar.

According to Nick, he never saw Susan or Corey leave their shared apartment until 10:30 this morning. He did get suspicious when Susan had not left for work at 8 as usual but thinking that she had turned in very late last night he thought Susan was taking a day off from work.

Wyatt rage toward's Corey reached a new height unheard of when he heard her casually recount to Diana that the D-rank field dungeon mutated into an S-rank field dungeon.

However, hearing her continue to say that Cortney and Bloodette helped her clear the S-rank field dungeon Wyatt was dumbfounded. As Sarah had told him earlier she had seen Cortney in Bloodette's dungeon seal practicing her Blood Rule mastery and she never left the central tower's basement.

'What the fuck was going on?' Wyatt thought and then began to think Corey was lying about the whole incident. But when Corey explained that Bloodette had the Blood Flash Rune he finally understood what was going on.

Wyatt bet that Cortney who was a Rebel from the start getting to know a Psycho like Corey must have immediately hit it off now that her relationship with the Circle was cleared.

Cortney made use of Bloodette's Blood Flash rune to teleport out of the dungeon seal bypassing the TSR adventure guild's security to the apartment shared by Susan and Corey. Next, Cortney made use of Bloodette's Blood Flash rune to teleport Susan and Corey to the D-rank field dungeon escaping Nick's surveillance.

Knowing Corey, she would not share her time with Susan with anyone yet she called Cortney with her to the D-rank field dungeon. This could only mean that she was aware of the surveillance of Wyatt's Calamity Daughter Gems. So she made use of Bloodette's ability through Cortney to escape the surveillance of Nick knowing he would not allow her to take Susan out of the city.

The more Wyatt understood what Corey did the more enraged he got at her so much so that he wanted to rush to Diana's office and beat the shit out of Corey, not kill her but beat the shit out of her to unload the rage accumulated in his heart. As he felt death was too light of a punishment for Corey.

However, when he heard Susan say that the dungeon mutation was not natural but an artificial one designed by five demigods the rage he felt toward Corey vanished what remained was indifference. Only he knew what he would do if he ever saw Corey again.

With Wyatt's rage toward Corey reaching the state of indifference, his mind cleared and he was able to focus more on Susan's narration of the incident, especially the peculiarity she had pointed out about the demigod-level party ambushing them. Particularly the time 9:45 a.m. when the five demigods chose to attack them.

Yes, Wyatt wondered what the demigod from the Southern Royal family was doing when Five demigods showed themself in the vicinity of the subject of his protection. However, he had given up on the Southern Royal family as he had given up on the government of his country back on Earth. Be it Royalty or Government, citizens should never expect anything from them except for stealing a cut of their hard-earned money and credits for their achievements.

Susan had no idea why the demigods attacked them outside of the dungeon at 9:45 a.m. sharp except for finding it out but Wyatt knew exactly why.

The Demigods chose to attack Susan at that time because they were trying to match their ambush with the central government's simultaneous attack on Dual Gate Dungeon and the Southern Capital City disregarding the agreed-upon time with Sansa Orian from Morningstar University.

It was at this point that the Southern Royal family's available forces were split and busy countering the attack of the devils summoned by the central government. This means it would be the perfect time for the five demigods to ambush and kidnap Susan and the rest and easily cross the borders of the Southern region without having to worry about any intrusion from the Southern Royal family.

Their plan was perfect but how did Susan and the two dunderheads escape their clutches? Recalling the gruesome ending of Bloodette and possibly Cortney, Wyatt felt that the plan of the demigod-level party was more dubious than simple kidnap and ransom.

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