
Chapter 1495 Unparalleled

Location- Dark Realm, Blood Dome OF Darkness, Dual Gate Dungeon Vicinity

Yes, Field Marshal Heatsend was using Ada to buy time. Time to discern the new changes to her strength, the surrounding space, and the bodies of the four devils.

Many devils and demons exhibit undead type demonic physiques. No matter how much damage you do to their physique they instantly regenerate or recover the damaged part of their physical body and become whole and new. 

Therefore, it was paramount to find the weakness of their physical body and finish them once and for all. Otherwise, the battle would drag on for a long time and the battle would turn into a battle of iteration which almost always ends in the favor of the devils and demons. 

This was especially true for the Field Marshal as she was facing four devils at a time in their home field and with a handicap. Despite her power being suppressed by the Dark Realms' will she was confident to face the four devil head on but to ensure her win she needed to be smarter than brave. 

This was why she bought herself time to analyze her current strength, her surroundings, and her opponents. 

The trick to destroying a demon or devil's undead type physique was to destroy their core. However, the demons and devils were also aware of this and could move around these cores and hide them in their bodies. 

However, nothing could hide from the Field Marshal's eyes. It took her a while but she managed to find the core of the Lady Devil Erving.

As for the devil cores of other devils, she did not bother to track them because once she stole the devil core of one of the devils then the rest would change the location of the devil core in their body. So it was pointless to waste time and effort on finding the title demon cores of all four devils. 

Having discovered the location of Lady Devil Erving's devil core the field Marshal did not immediately attack because she felt the strength of the space in the dark realm was way stronger than that of the card world. In the card world just with her physical strength, she could easily tear the space. 

However, in the dark realm, the space was stronger, just her physical strength wasn't enough for the Field Marshal to make a tear in the surrounding space. She needed to use her unparalleled bloodline to reinforce her physical strength. 

This was not only because the space of the Dark realm was much more durable than the space of the card realm but also because the strength of the Field marshal was being suppressed by the will of the dark realm. 

However, while exploring the strength required by her to make a tear in the surrounding space, Field Marshal learned an interesting thing about her bloodline. I think you should take a look at

When she activated her unparalleled bloodline to reinforce her physical strength, Field Marshal learned that under the suppression of Dark Realm's will the factor by which her unparalleled bloodline reinforced her strength had multiplied. The stronger the suppression the greater the boost to her unparalleled bloodline

With this discovery, Field Marshal Heatsend was shocked and finally understood why her ancestors were able to venture into the dark realm and kill devils despite the risk of facing the wrath of the dark realm's will. 

Field Marshal finally understood why her family bloodline was named unparalleled. It was because it was truly unparalleled. With the ability to resist the will of a realm, it was indeed unparalleled. 

Having made this discovery, the Field Marshal did not let her enthusiasm surface on her face because even if her strength was back to normal or maybe even stronger, she was still facing four devils. Even if each of them was weaker than her, their strength and survival instincts were not to be underestimated. 

If all four of them collaborated to fight her together without the fear of death then they would definitely be able to take her down regardless of any significant casualties on their side. 

The Field Marshal kept her patience like a hunter stalking her prey, using her eyes she began to explore the surrounding space to find a space node that she could use to directly attack Lady Devil Erving 

Discovering the space node connecting the space in her immediate vicinity to the space in Lady Devil Erving's immediate vicinity, Field Marshal gathered her strength and timed her attack. 

In a fraction of a second, she stealthily made a tear in her surrounding space. Then her right arm moved through the space node that connected the space in her immediate vicinity to the space in Lady Devil Erving's immediate vicinity and made a tear in the space next to Lady Devil Erving's chest. 

Later Field Marshal's hand pierced into Lady Devil Erving's chest and dug out her devil core and returned to her side. All this just in a fraction of a second.

The Field Marshal's attack was so precise, accurate, and fast without any unnecessary movement that despite making two fist size incisions in the surrounding space the four devils did not even realize what had actually transpired. 

They were still wondering how Field Marshal was able to dig out Lady Devil Erving's title demon core without any one of them noticing. The unknown only increased their caution toward the Field Marshal. 

The three remaining devils locked their eyes and began to discuss their further course of action against the Field Marshal. As for Lady Devil Erving, as far as they were concerned she was already dead the moment Field Marsha effortlessly dug out her devil core and confiscated it.

They did not even bother entertaining the thought of helping or rescuing Lady Devil Erving, now that she had lost her strength and was just a husk of her old self, that thought did not even cross their mind. They followed the law of strength, strength which Lady Devil Erving no longer had so they did not even bat an eye before ditching her. 

As for Lady Devil Erving, she had resigned her fate to the Field Marshal who held her devil core. 

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