
Chapter 1468 Golden Gate Cluster Array Formation

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 09:25

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Royal Palace, Royal Guest Palace No.1

"Ready?" Ann asked the boy who was dressed neatly and looked extremely presentable. 

"Yes," the boy nodded and followed Ann's lead as she was in charge of his security detail as he attended the early admission interview for Morningstar University.

"Ann, where are we headed? This is not the way to the royal palace ground exit," Jill asked, seeing that Ann was not leading them toward the exit. 

"Do you think I am stupid to exit through the regular palace gate knowing that enemies are lying in wait to ambush us? Shut up and follow me, we will be leaving the palace grounds through a hidden passage," Ann explained that she will not be taking the boy to his interview venue through the regular route but through a hidden passage. 

Listening to Ann say that we will leave through a hidden passage I frowned because I wanted chaos to ensue as different forces fought to kidnap me allowing me to commence my plan and also because that would be more fun. Which was not possible if I headed to the interview venue through a hidden passage. 

I wanted to ask Ann to take the regular route to the venue but didn't say a word seeing that Ann had led me and Jill to a huge Golden Gate covered in numerous demigod-grade arrays that had been woven together into a cluster array formation which can display the capabilities stronger than the grades of the arrays it was made of.

"Is that the Southern Capital's city core array, 'the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation?'" Jill exclaimed looking at the huge Golden Gate. 

"Yes," Ann nodded, hinting that Jill's guess was correct.

"..." I blankly stared at the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation. Yes, it was majestic and awe-springing but I was not dumbfounded by the appearance of the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation but by what I heard it was capable of and the implications of Ann bringing me to it. 

I heard of the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation, the infamous city core array of the Southern Capital when I was doing a deep search on the Heatsend royal family. 

The last time this array was used was a millennium ago when one of Ann's ancestors plotted an army coup to overthrow his brother as the ruler of the Southern region. 

Everyone knows that if not for the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation, the Southern Capital's city core array, the army coup would have been successful in infiltrating the Southern Capital.

However, no one knows what exactly the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation did. Every information regarding the abilities of the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation had been wiped from the grimoire network and its history. 

The name Golden Gate Cluster Array formation was known to everyone and everywhere as the strongest defense of the Southern capital but somehow its capabilities and abilities were either erased or never mentioned. 

This was unbelievable. Everyone knows it exists but not what it does, and for a period longer than a millennium no one bothered to ask what the Southern Capital's strongest defense did. And just believed it was the strongest defense. 

How the Southern Royal family managed to keep information regarding such a public topic a secret out in the open was beyond me.

"Southern Emperor, you are here." about half a dozen demigods were guarding the Golden Gate Cluster array formation. 

"Southern Emperor, all the preparation has been done, I have powered up the Golden Gate Cluster Array. We are waiting for you to start the formation," the Keeper of the Golden Gate among half a dozen demigods that were guarding the Golden Gate Array formation informed Ann immediately after greeting her. Then waited for her further orders. I think you should take a look at

"Good," Ann nodded, seeing that the Golden Gate Cluster Array was powered up for her to use. Then she asked, "What about other teams? Have they taken their positions? Should I begin the roll call?"

"Yes, Southern Emperor. Please do," the demigod answered Ann politely. 

Ann nodded and summoned her grimoire. Then she began the roll call, "Roll call, Team One." 

"Team one, in position," the demigod form earlier reported. 

Turns out of the half a dozen demigods guarding the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation five of the demigods belonged to team one. As for the remaining demigod, he was the keeper of the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation. 

"Team Two, in position." 

"Team Three, in position." 

"Team Four, in position." 




"Team Fifteen, in position." 

"All teams stay alert, commencing operation in five minutes," After the roll call Ann asked all the demigod teams to stay alert as they were beginning the mission in a few minutes. 

"Ann, did you assemble all of your family's forces in the Southern capital? Is there someone left at the Way Beyond to keep the supreme beings in check?" learning that Ann had gathered fifteen teams of demigods in the Southern capital as the security detail for the boy Jill was dumbfounded. 

A team has a minimum of five members, for fifteen teams it was about 75 members. This meant Ann had gathered about 75 known demigods, who knew how many hidden teams there were. 

It was apparent that Ann had gathered a small army of demigods to protect the boy and was prepared to go on a full-scale war for him. 

"75 demigods," I blurted in surprise because compared to the Southern royal family's 75 demigods the numbers of the enemy demigod that were conspiring against me was small. I was sure of this because of the information I gather through my information network. 

Why was I worried? Shouldn't my allies outnumbering my foes be happy news for me? Yes, it was but I had different plans in store. All of that would not come to fruition if the Southern royal family guards outnumber my enemies and gain an easy victory. 

By my current estimate, the demigods of the Southern Royal family had not only outnumbered the enemy demigods but they also were not hesitant to use deadly secret weapons such as the Golden Gate Cluster Array formation. It seems the Southern royal family would not hesitate to do whatever it takes. Now they were seeming reliable. 

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