
Chapter 1465 Exclusive Privilege

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 5:45

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Royal Palace, Royal Guest Palace No.1, Seed World

[Dear Demon Merchant, 

In light of your recent offering to the devil merchant code, you have been granted to select an exclusive privilege. 

Exclusive privilege is a way for demon merchants to use the power of the devil merchant code to do a certain thing by making an appropriate offering. 

Would you like to select the exclusive privilege, [now/later]?

Note: Demon merchants will have to make an offering to use their exclusive privileges. 

The nature of the exclusive privilege can be anything from using the devil merchant code to null any form of soul contract or resurrecting anyone once they are killed or dead. 

[Killed or dead here specifically means the soul of the person has entered the river of the souls in the cycle of reincarnation.]

The offering for using the exclusive privilege will vary with the nature of the privilege. 

For example, the offering required to use an exclusive privilege that allows you to use the devil merchant code's power in resurrecting yourself or your loved ones once you or they are killed or dead is 100 million devil-grade ingredients.

The offering required to use the devil merchant code's power to break a soul contract will cost a million plus devil-grade ingredients based on the strength of the other parties involved in the soul contract and the witness of the soul contract. 

The limits of the nature of exclusive privilege are the demon merchant's wealth.

Warning: Every action has a consequence, similarly the consequence of the exclusive privilege will be borne by the demon merchants themselves. Hence the demon merchants are asked to be very cautious about what they select as an exclusive privilege.]

"..." I was speechless reading the prompt that I received in my demon merchant codex. It appears that by spending 1200 devil-grade ingredients on shopping for ingredients on the inter-realm network and setting up demigod-grade arrays I have once again attracted the attention of devil merchant code. And like the previous times the devil merchant code was very generous. I think you should take a look at

However, the explanation of exclusive privilege was confusing. Can't I already get the devil merchant code to do anything I want as long as I have an appropriate offering to offer the devil merchant code? 

No, turns out I cannot. There was something the devil merchant code would not do no matter how many offerings you offered as there were some things that would have repercussions for even the great devil merchant code. 

However, the devil merchant code found a way around it. Instead of being a direct participant in such actions, it planned to be an indirect participant in them to avoid getting penalized for them. That was by leading its power to the devil/demon merchant so that they could do that specific thing and themselves bear the repercussions that followed all while the devil merchant code gets paid for lending its power.

It was assuring and chilling to know that even an entity as powerful as the devil merchant code had to be cautious of its actions in this universe. But it was not shocking as the fact that an entity as powerful as the devil merchant code was trading its power for offerings that were likely pennies for someone with its power. 

The devil merchant code was powerful enough to take whatever it wanted but it still used trade to get what it wanted. Was it because of the code its creator, the ancient dark races, wrote in its spell frame? Or was there something else that was stopping the devil merchant code from using its power as it pleased? 

Thinking of this I was reminded of an article I read about 'the ants' back on earth, that the ants are not aware of the existence of humans even though they lived among us. Despite their excellent senses these fascinating creatures seem to perceive us more as a terrain and a threat. 

I wonder if we were also like the ants, unable to perceive the existence of greater entities among us which the devil merchant code could perceive thanks to its power? My mind paused for a moment to let this thought sink in and then I consoled myself by thinking if there were such entities my soul pupils would notice them.

Moving on to the devil merchant's exclusive privilege and what it meant for me, honestly, I don't know yet. Because using the devil merchant's power was not cheap not to mention we would be the sole bearer of the repercussions of our actions that would follow and the devil merchant code will not help us with that.

Who would be wealthy enough to pay 100 million devil-grade ingredients to have their or their loved one's soul from the cycle of reincarnation and revive them? Most importantly, were there even 100 million devil-grade entities in the dark realm? Not in the dark realms but maybe in myriad realms. 

Besides the cost and consequences of the exclusive privilege, there were other limitations to it that the notification sent to my demon merchant codex was not specific about and failed to mention. 

These limitations I speak of were that the exclusive privilege limited what a demon/devil merchant can do with the power of the devil merchant code to a predetermined action selected by the demon/devil merchant. Hence, it was termed as 'Exclusive Privilege.' 

Meaning if the demon merchant selected their exclusive privilege to instantly teleport to any place in the universe for an appropriate offering based on the distance of teleportation then they can only use the power of the devil merchant code they gain through exclusive privilege to teleport and not anything else. 

The offerings required to use exclusive privilege were too much and it seemed like this was just another way for the devil merchant code to empty the pockets of its rich demon/devil merchants. 

However, if I were to select an exclusive privilege wisely it would become a life-saving grace in desperate times. So I had to be smart here to outsmart devil merchant code in its own game. 

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