
Chapter 1437 Kidnapping

Date- 11 April 2321

Time- 21:17

Location- Central Region, Central Capital, ??????

Trade can be one of the fast ways for a region to develop and earn money and for that a reliable trade route was necessary.

This was why the dual-gate dungeon connecting the Western Capital to the Southern Capital was important. Not just for the Western and Southern regions but the entire world. 

There have been previous cases of dual-gate dungeons but none of them were as strategically located as the one found connecting the Western capital to the Southern capital.

Western capital and Southern capital were the economic hubs of their respective regions. A reliable trade route between them would lead to a lot of trade between the two regions adding to their economic development. 

How did this impact the rest of the world? Due to geological reasons, a region despite its advanced transportation means because of the dungeons had to adhere to trading with neighboring regions.

But now thanks to the dual-gate dungeon the Western and Southern regions had other options to explore. This meant that if the Western and Southern royal families sign a treaty over the dual-gate dungeon connecting their capitals then the economy of the entire world will change. 

This was bad news for the central government which was secretly controlling the world economy from the shadows. They had placed their bets based on their deduction of the future world economy. 

If the Southern and Western regions were to start to trade among them, then they would lose big time which will directly affect the economy of the other three regions causing them to face a small-scale economic crisis that will take them years to recover from. 

Therefore it was paramount for the central government to stop this from happening. To maintain the balance between the five regions and to fulfill their agenda.

"Master, both the Western and the Southern regions have been at each other's throats for centuries. It will not be difficult to use that to our advantage and stop the two regions from entering a treaty over a trade route," the semi-demigod added to his master's nefarious plan to sabotage the negotiation between the western and southern regions. 

"That is not enough to stop this negotiation as there are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests. The Western and Southern royal family will do their best to see this negotiation ends on a successful note despite their strained past relationships," the semi-demigod's master knew that in the face of their interest people forgive their fathers killer so the western and the southern region reaching a compromise in face of economic growth and development would not come as a surprise. 

"Master, then how do we stop the negotiation from concluding on a positive note?" the semi-demigod asked his master in confusion. 

"The only way for us to stop the negotiation between the two regions is by destroying the dual-gate dungeon," the semi-demigod's master answered with a sinister tone. 

"Right, if there is no dual gate dungeon what will they negotiate about? Master, what do you have in plan? What can I do?" the Semi-demigod asked, hoping to use this opportunity to please his master.

"You? With the field marshal Heatsend and the Chase royal family ancestor personally guarding the gate of the dual gate dungeon in their respective regions someone of your caliber will be of no help here. I will get another team to handle this matter," the semi-demigod's master blatantly stated. 

"Yes, master," the semi-demigod had no choice but to politely agree to his master's agreement. 

"I have another task for you," the androgynous voice of the master sounded. Listening to it say that it had another task planned for him, the semi-demigod's face brightened and he excitedly said, "Your wish is my command master."

"While this chaos ensues I want you to do whatever it takes to kidnap Dalton Wyatt. I want that boy alive," the semi-demigod's master instructed and then added, "The discoverer of the silver milk powder and creator of the card with the 'soul energy digestion' effect. It's about time I met this rumored genius." 

"Master— I will do as you command," the semi-demigod showed hesitation then quickly masking it he reluctantly agreed to his master's orders. 

The hesitation in the semi-demigod's voice was because he knew it was impossible to kidnap the boy since he was always holed up in the Southern Royal palace. 

Yet, the semi-demigod accepted his master's orders to kidnap the boy without expressing his incapability of doing so because his master did not like to hear no.

"Good, with Henricks coming out as a traitor, now two field marshal spots are empty. If you manage to pull this off, one of those spots is yours," the voice enticed the semi-demigod with the field marshal position into doing its bidding. 

"Thank you, master. Please, do not worry I will not disappoint you," the semi-demigod exclaimed, but then he remembered his previous worries about how difficult it would be to kidnap the boy who was holed up in the Southern royal family so he added, "Master, if I may." 

"Proceed," the voice gave the semi-demigod permission to speak his mind. 

"Master, I have heard that Dalton Wyatt plans to attend Morning Star University this fall. If we plan it right we will be able to kidnap him between his commute from the southern region to the university," the semi-demigod was aware that the Southern royal family was doing everything in its power to stop the boy from leaving the southern region. 

However, he did not reveal this piece of information to his master because he did not want to invade the Southern Royal palace to kidnap the boy as he knew that doing so will only end with his death. 

"Um– you decide how to kidnap the boy. Just remember to bring him to me alive," the voice compromised and gave the semi-demigod full freedom over this matter. All he cared about was the results, he did not bother with the means. 

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