
Chapter 1425 300 Devil-Grade Ingredients

Date- 10 April 2321

Time- 11:46

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Royal Palace, Royal Guest Palace No.01

"Wyatt, our family would like to place an order of 20 million VR-Slime cards," Ann announced ignoring my sarcasm. 

"20 million VR-Slime cards? Sure, but that's 300 devil-grade ingredients, I want the full payment upfront," I was already starting to see the results of my idea to sell VR-Slime cards to the wealthy and powerful in bulk. 

This way I had enough capital to create more VR-Slime cards to give away to the university and high school card apprentices. And also ensure that the rich and powerful will not target the university and high school card apprentices for their VR-Slime cards. 

Right now my strategy was simple, to invest all the profits I make from selling VR-Slime cards to the world leaders into creating more VR-Slime cards that I could give away for free to the less fortunate. Allowing me to create a dominant information network among both the powerful and weak of society. 

As for making profits, it was only a matter of time before the card apprentices realize the value and applications of VR-Universe. How it is the next big thing that will change the card world as we know it and began to invest in it.

"Sure, please follow me to the royal treasury. I will let you choose the three hundred devil-grade ingredients like the last time," Ann generously proposed. 

"..." Listening to Ann's offer I was conflicted between returning to the seed world to continue with my rule comprehension or following Ann to her family's royal treasury to choose 300 devil-grade ingredients. 

I could postpone choosing the 300 devil-grade ingredients but once I entered the seed world I did not plan to return until I had broken through to the card master realm. Which could take days or even a week. In that amount of time, my card creation array can easily develop a few million VR-Slime cards. 

Choosing devil-grade ingredients was important for me, because where the royal family cannot tell the actual value of the devil-grade ingredients I could by using the demon merchant codex. 

Considering the devil merchant code's love for devil-grade ingredients I felt sacrificing higher-tier devil-grade ingredients would gain me more favor from the devil merchant code. I have already experienced the generosity of the devil merchant code, I loved it, and plan to continue to be under its good grace. 

So Ann's proposal to allow me to choose the 300 devil-grade ingredients from the royal treasury was a huge opportunity that I could not miss. In the end, weighing my options I decided to follow Ann to the royal treasury to choose 300 devil-grade ingredients, "Led the way."

Ann nodded at the boy before grabbing him by the shoulder. Then she used her movement skill to move to the main royal palace's treasury at an incredible speed.

Arriving at a familiar sight, I still could not help but feel awe seeing the treasury of the Southern royal family. If the Southern royal family's treasury was this big I cannot help but imagine the treasury of all the royal families and the Nobel families together. It would at the least amount to half of the entire world's wealth. 

"Same rules as the last time," Ann declared while asking me to help myself and choose three hundred devil-grade ingredients as the payment for the 20 million VR-Slime cards the southern royal family had ordered. 

Ann looked at the bit with longing eyes as he single-mindedly began to verify and selected the devil-grade ingredients. The reason Ann proposed to let the boy choose the three hundred devil-grade ingredients for himself was that she wanted to be in the boy's company longer. 

Ann wanted to hold the boy's hand, hug him, kiss him, and cuddle with him while whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears. However she couldn't do that for now, so she had to settle for watching the boy from afar. But she promised herself that she will change that very soon even if she has to be at odds with Anna. 

After a while, when the boy was done selecting 300 devil-grade ingredients, Ann grabbed him by his shoulder and returned to his bedroom in the royal guest palace no.01. 

After returning, knowing that the boy will soon enter his space item to break through to the card master realm, Ann did not stick around but left to check if the auction was running smoothly. 

After Ann left, I was stopped by Aria and Agatha, they both also wanted to exchange VR-Slime cards for devil-grade ingredients.

"Wyatt, can anyone buy 4 million VR-Slime cards for 60 devil-grade ingredients?" Aria asked the boy with a little reverence in her voice. 

"Yes. Why do you ask? Does your family also want to buy 4 million VR-Slime cards from me?" I asked Aria, her intentions could not be more obvious.

"Yes," Aria replied honestly. 

"They do," I blurted in surprise and asked Aria, "Did you tell them about my two conditions?" 

My two conditions did not allow the buyers to resell the VR-Slime cards but they could give them away. Also, all the VR-Slime cards they brought should be equipped by a card apprentice by the end of the week. These conditions were very harsh, the only people who would profit despite these conditions were world leaders who had huge personal armies. I did not think Aria's family was one of them. 

"About that, my family agrees to not resell the VR-Slime cards but they want you to make some concession with the second condition, instead of a week could increase the time limit to 6 months or at least 3 months?" Aria bargained with a boy in the interest of her family. 

"Give me a good reason why and I will consider it," I did not outright reject Aria but decided to hear her out to learn how her family planned to use my cards and see if it could be of some use to me too.

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