
Chapter 1378 Q&A Page

Date- 7 April 2321

Time- 16:23

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Card Creationist Association, Auction House

"Get out of my VR-Saferoom," Volunteer No.2 yelled at Volunteer No.1 believing he was invading his VR-Saferoom. 

"Friend, relax. My image in your VR-Saferoom is just an illusion," Volunteer No.1 seemed to be getting the hang of the VR-Cocoon card. 

"Volunteer No.1, why don't you invite Volunteer No.2 into your VR-Saferoom and together watch the live stream of the card demonstration?" I ordered Volunteer No.1 and addressed the audience, "Multiple consciousnesses can enter a VR-Saferoom as long as they have the permission of the admin of the said VR-Saferoom."

Entering the VR-Saferoom of the Volunteer No.1 Volunteer No.2 was surprised and said, "Wait, you can watch a video while on a video call? Fuck, isn't this awesome?"

"Friend, language. Kids might be watching this live stream," Volunteer No.1 condemned Volunteer No.2's use of coarse language.

"Fuck, kids and fuck you. I am going back to my VR-Saferoom and continue watching my video," now that he knew he could watch a video while on a video call, Volunteer No.2 immediately returned to his VR-Saferoom to watch the happy ending of his adult video. 

Ignoring the spat between the two volunteers I continued to address the audience, "If the grimoire were to be upgraded to collect the data on smell and touch along with vision and sound, then one can not only see the full body of their caller but see and smell it. Now, let us move on to VR-City. But before that I will take some questions from the audience."

Some people in the audience were still puzzled, the card creationists and array masters among the audience watching the display immediately understood what a VR-Cocoon was and did as they have heard of a similar concept in the creation of illusion-type cards and array formations. Still, it was for the best that I cleared everyone's doubt to ensure that we were all on the same page before I proceed to talk about VR-City which unlike VR-Saferoom could allow the user to feel and smell use their other senses as it had achieved Full-immersion, the peak of Virtual reality. 

Listening that I will be taking questions from the audience, everyone raised their hands indicating that they had something they would like me to answer about the VR-Cocoon card. But before I could pick someone, the referee appeared on the stage like a ghost and asked, "I understand that this VR-Saferoom is a sort of high-level illusion, I want to know where it is located?" 

"The VR-Saferoom and the VR-City are located in the grimoire network just like the sites, videos, and other files on the network," I replied. 

The referee did not seem to be satisfied with my answer and asked, "I have already gathered that, I wanted to how you placed it in the grimoire network. How did you create an illusion which cannot only interact with the grimoire network data but also house multiple conscious and interact with them?

"Mister Referee, I can't tell you that. You seem to already understand what a VR-Saferoom and VR-City are so I will move on to another person," I politely respond to the referee and then turned to look at the audience, two-thirds of them were no longer lifting their hands. It seems from my response to the referee they understood I was not going to talk about the working principles behind the VR-Saferoom and VR-City so they gave up prey on that information. 

Pointing at the person at the front of the audience, I said, "Yes, what is your question?"

"You said VR-Saferoom is located in the grimoire network. My question is, how did you manage to transfer two rooms and two people into the grimoire network?" listening to the person's question, the audience turned to look at him to see if he was for real. How can he think that the two card lords were physically transferred into the grimoire network? Does he not see the two cocoons laying on the stage? 

"The VR-Saferoom is not a real safe room it is a high-level illusion built inside the grimoire network capable of housing multiple consciousnesses and interacting with them and the data of the grimoire network. And people are not transferred into the grimoire network their consciousness is, their physical body is here in these cocoons," I explained 

Seeing that the person was not satisfied with my answer I immediately added, "I have opened a Q&A section about the VR-Cocoon item card in my online boutique store. Please visit it and ask your doubts about Virtual reality, VR-Cocoon, VR-Saferoom, and VR-City. I promise to answer them to the best of my knowledge. Now, let us move to VR-City." 

Almost all of the learned audience had already understood the concept behind Virtual reality, VR-Cocoon, VR-Saferoom, and VR-City. Now all they cared was about the working principles that made them possible. As for the remaining audience, they— let us just say they have a very strong imagination. 

I did not want to waste my time explaining to them the basics of an illusion, consciousness, etc, so I created a Q&A page in my online store where the Hive AI and Super brain will answer their silly questions regarding VR-Cocoon and its effects for me. This way I could also answer the doubts of Viewers who were watching the live stream of the card demonstration. I should have thought of this sooner. 

"Volunteers, enter the VR-city," I commanded both volunteers to leave their designated VR-Saferoom and enter the VR-city. 

"Yes," both of them nodded in agreement and use their VR-Cocoon card's unique key to enter the VR-City. 

Soon their consciousness vanished from their designated VR-Saferoom and appeared in the VR-City. As for the audience, all they saw was the scenery surrounding the volunteers changing from their VR Saferoom to a crossroad in the VR city. 

"This is so real, I can feel the wind brushing my hair, light kissing my skin." 

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