
Chapter 1322 Aria Art

Date- 7 April 2321

Time- 04:06

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Royal Palace, Guest Palace

Seeing Lorenzo stare at the stone coffin for 10 minutes yet reach no conclusion, Colleen's patience waned, and she declared, "Step aside, I will break open the stone coffin."

"No, your highness, if you do that you might end up killing the boy, that is if he is still in there," Lorenzo hurriedly announced before his sister-in-law did some irreversible damage to the stone coffin.

"What do you mean?" Colleen asked Lorenzo not understanding what he meant.

"I don't know how but I feel the boy's presence in the stone coffin but not his life force. It is as if the stone coffin is really carrying the boy's corpse. Another intriguing thing is that somehow the boy's body appears to be fused with the stone coffin. This means if you try to break open the stone coffin you risk harming the boy," Lorenzo patiently explained such that his sister-in-law understands what he was trying to say.

"What are you trying to say? Is the boy in there or not?" Colleen asked confused by Lorenzo's explanation.

"..." Lorenzo went silent as he did not know if the boy was in the stone coffin or not?

Lorenzo could clearly feel two presences inside the stone coffin, one belonged to the monster that turned into a stone coffin and the other presence belonged to the boy. However, he could only feel one life force in the stone coffin which belonged to the A-rank monster. As for the boy's life force, it was missing.

This could mean one of two things, Either the stone coffin was masking the boy's life force, or the boy's soul had passed away leaving behind his corpse in the stone coffin. Lorenzo could not figure out which one of the two it was.

"Why don't we ask him?" Ann suddenly spoke up. Hearing her Colleen, Lorenzo, and Aria suddenly felt dumb wondering why did they not think of such a simple thing. Then Colleen nodded at her granddaughter, signaling her to try and talk to the boy who was throwing a temper tantrum by locking himself up in the stone coffin.

"Wyatt, it's Ann, answer me if you can hear me from in there," Ann spoke awkwardly not knowing what words would be the right fit for a situation like this. Ann and the rest waited but no response came from inside the stone coffin. Then Ann proposed another idea, "I will try contacting his grimoire."

Once again, Colleen, Lorenzo, and Aria could not help but feel dumb and wonder why did they not think of something so simple. The trio awakened from their self-assessment, hearing Ann exclaim, "The call connected, but he is not answering my call."

This was a good sign, the boy's grimoire was responsive to Ann's call which meant that the boy was not dead but alive and kicking. However, they were still not clear if the boy was inside the stone coffin or not, mostly because of the message the boy left before imprisoning himself in the stone coffin.

"Before pulling his outrageous stunt the boy did say that he was if we wanted to meet him we could find him at his warehouse in sky blossom city. Do you think we should have someone check there?" Lorenzo asked Ann.

"I don't know but just to be safe I will contact the shadows assigned to protect the boy's friends and family to report instantly if they spot the boy in the sky blossom city," Ann answered not knowing if this action was necessary. It was impossible for the boy to escape their detection and use a teleportation card to leave the southern capital and move to sky blossom city.

"Wait, you guys believe he teleported back to sky blossom city? That's impossible," Colleen blurted. They were all monitoring the space surrounding the guest palace the whole time and there was no spatial fluctuation to indicate that the boy teleported back to sky blossom city.

The evidence right in front of them, it was obvious the boy did not use any form of space or teleportation card. Yet her brother-in-law and granddaughter choose to prepare against the obvious, aren't they overestimating the boy a bit? Thinking of this Colleen could not help but shake her head considering the situation they were in.

While Colleen, Ann, and Lorenzo were out of ideas, Aria who was silent so far suddenly spoke up, "Your Highness, if I may?"

"Speak," Colleen said seeing how Ann and Lorenzo were out of ideas.

"Your Highness, as Master Wyatt's bodyguard I took the liberty to collect a lock of his hair to track him using a curse card in case someone managed to kidnap him. I think we can use it to track master Wyatt now, in real-time," When Aria learned at she was assigned to be the bodyguard of a card soldier, she came prepared for every possible scenario to ensure that her first-ever assignment would not just be a success but a record-breaking achievement.

However, on the mission, she realized that she was still too tender as she never consider the possibility that the target of her mission would lock himself in a stone coffin or would be a potential risk to himself. As result, she failed her mission as soon as it started. Nonetheless, Aria was not the one to give up, she was the proud daughter of the Art family with royal unparalleled blood coursing through her veins. So thought of a way to salvage her mission.

"Great, Aria. Get started what are you waiting for," Ann praised Aria even though a bodyguard using a curse card to keep track of their client was unheard of. It appears her little cousin was not only talented but a smart individual.

"Thank you, your Highness, Ann. Please give me a second, I will triangulate Maste Wyatt's location," Being praised by Ann, Aria enthusiastically began to use her curse card to track the target of her mission.

"Where is he?" Colleen asked impatiently. The boy was proving to be a lot more difficult than she gave him credit for.

"— I got his location coordinates. Let me compare with the map— Master Wyatt is in the Blossom district, sky blossom city."

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