
Chapter 1292 The Librarian

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- -/-

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Inter-realm city

"These books are created in the shape of their original books using the help of the inter-realm city's feature. And the appropriate offering required to create each book varies based on the nature of their content," Dredre answered.

As I suspected, the books in the library were also the creation of the devil merchant code. I had my reason when I was stumped hearing Dredre say that there were about 82,876 books just on the prices of various items. The first reason was that all of these countless books were soul energy constructs just like the entire inter-realm city. And the second reason was that I was having a hard time believing that a demon/devil merchant spent a shit load of offerings to create these books to open a library.

Making permanent soul energy constructs in the spiritual plane was not a simple task, so definitely the devil merchant code will not create these books for a cheap price. It was no doubt that the devil merchant who owned this library was ultra inter-realm rich, but for him to make such expensive books available to the rookie demon merchants by opening a library was not something I would expect from a demon/devil merchant unless there was a catch.

"Dredre, how much will it cost me to read the books here?" I asked the Pixie believing that since this establishment was labeled as a library and not a bookstore, I should get to read the books in there for a price, something like a library card. That was how all the commercial public libraries worked back on earth.

"You don't want to buy a book?" Dredre asked to which I sarcastically said, "Do I look like someone who can afford any one of these books?"

Worried that Dredre would be brutally honest about my financial situation, I hurriedly added that "That was a rhetorical question you do not need to answer that."

"You can read any book in here for half an hour by paying one-tenth of the book's price," Dredre answered.

"One-tenth of the original price of the book to read it for half an hour… for that price I could just buy the book in the inter-realm network," I complained. Now I get why a devil merchant would be so generous to open a library for the rookie demon merchants.

Rookie demon merchants were not rich enough to afford the books in the library, so they were left with the only choice, which was to pay one-tenth of the price of the book and hope that they find what they were searching for in the book within that half an hour or else they were out luck and cash. A predatory business model built to prey on the newbie demon merchants.

"Wyatt, you will not find the books in here in the inter-realm network," Dredre corrected me.

"What are you talking about I bought the 13 dark language books from the inter-realm network?" I pointed out the contradiction in her words to Dredre.

"The dark language books you bought on the network and the dark language books in the library are different," Dredre stuck to her words.

"How?" I asked wondering how can the language books of the same language be different on two different platforms.

"The dark language books you got on the inter-realm network are old books, their vocabulary is limited to the dark realm. But the dark language books in the library are not limited to the dark realm but spread to all the myriad realms. They have a vibrant collection of vocabulary which was created as the dark races explored the myriad realms," Dredre explained but all I heard was that they made a bunch of extra words and added them to the existing language and were now claiming that their language book was updated copy trying to justify their insane price rate.

"Can't the natives just add those new words to their books, there must be an updated dark language book on the inter-realm network," I said because I felt that if these people could add a bunch of made-up words to their books and call it updated version so could the natives of that language.

"No that will not work because our infinity library owns the copyright for those words," Dredre said something that I found hard to believe, 'who grants copyrights for words of a language? Why don't you copyright an entire language? I do know a certain entity, one greedy enough to do something like that, the devil merchant code.'

What the fuck was the devil merchant even thinking when it granted copyright to words of the language of a certain race to a devil merchant? I was stumped seeing the devil merchant code take capitalism to a whole new level, "How does it even work? Do I have to pay every time I use those copyrighted words? How come nobody made a guilty appeal about this?"

"No, you do not have to pay for speaking those words but you are not allowed to monetize those words and if you do you have to compensate the holder of the copyright," Dredre schooled me about the basics of copyright and then continued to say, "The various races did make a guilty appeal against the Librarian for applying copyright for the words of their language but they lost because none of them could prove that these words were created by them and not by the Librarian."

"Don't tell me the copyrights to all these books here are owned by the Librarian," I asked in shock when I actually wanted to yell, 'how was that even possible,' but seeing how the prominent races of the dark realm could not do anything against him, I immediately understood that the Librarian was a very powerful being. So I decided to stop complaining about the insane pricing and get what I want and leave.

"Yes," Dredre answered with great pride as if she was the one who owned the copyright for all these books.

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