
Chapter 1288 Sector DS0909

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 15:37

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Or I could create my own method to locate the coordinates of various realms in the vast space. When I say it out loud, this idea sounded as crazy as accumulating a few million trillion low-tier soul jades to spend it all on a single search. There had to be a better way, I could try to buy the method developed by the dark races and tribes of the dark realm to locate and travel to realms in the inter-realm network. Now that sounded plausible, why waste my time and energy developing my own method of realm travel to locate the coordinates of other realms when I could just learn it from others?

It doesn't have to be the dark races from the dark realm, the top ten universities had developed their methods to track and travel to other realms though their methods still had a long way to go compared to the methods developed by the dark races, all I needed was coordinates of a few foreign realms, as for the traveling part I had demon merchant codex.

Come to think of it I did not need to go deal with the dark races or the top ten universities for the inter-realm travel methods that I wanted from them, I could just ask Corey Park. She did say she was willing to sell various inter-realm travel methods she learned during her past life in the dark realm for a price.

Though I don't know if going to Corey Park for help about this matter would be the right choice. I say this because the method she used in the city card fight tournament allowed her to summon her familiar from the dark realm, I don't see how I could use it to discover new realms in deep space and collect their accurate coordinates. Her realm travel method would at best help me get the coordinates of the Dark Realm, not discover new realms.

Corey Park may have other methods too that could help me with my situation but I suddenly thought of a better alternative, Jill Norley. How could Jill with my current predicament? I will get to that but before that,

In my conversation with Ann about the world-travel method developed by the top ten universities, I clearly remember her saying that they have discovered new realms and also tried to travel to those realms but failed as the will of the discovered realm would react violently to their attempts to travel to that realm.

This meant the top ten universities had coordinates to new realms that they had discovered to conduct their realm travel experiments. If it is something the top ten universities have then I can get my hands on them with help of my guy, Jill Norley. All this time I had a guy to get me the coordinates of newly discovered realms that I needed in my contact list but I was looking everywhere else.

'Ain't that a bitch,' I thought to myself as I regained my enthusiasm to explore the various function of the demon merchant code. Postponing the inter-realm search and transportation for later when I am able to get my hands on a few coordinates of newly discovered realms I decided to pay a visit to the city in the spiritual plane, Inter-realm city.

[Dear Demon Merchant,

Please select the sector of the Inter-realm city you want to arrive at,

Recommended sectors for the demon merchant,







Note: The time zones of these recommended sectors are the same or nearly similar with a negligible difference from the time zone of the demon merchant's native realm.

All available sectors,








Note: The time zones of these sectors are not the same as the time zone of the demon merchant's native realm. The demon merchant will have to offer an extra offering to make up for the difference in the time zones.]

"DS0909," I did not choose a sector from recommended sectors. Instead, selected one of the most popular sectors in the entire inter-realm city, the sector that belonged to the dark realm. There was a reason why I did this despite knowing that I would be charged extra for the time difference.

Every realm has its own time zone, so to avoid confusion and complications because of multiple time zones, the devil merchant code divided the Inter-realm city into various sectors depending on time zones. This way the demon/devil merchants do not have to worry about the time zones affecting their time and trade in the inter-realm city.

It was very thoughtful of the devil merchant code to create various sectors based on the different time zones but most of the demon/devil merchants were of dark race from the dark realm so all of the fun was in the sector belonging to the dark realm. As for the other sectors, they were mostly deserted or empty. So the demon/devil merchants from other realms have no choice but to go to the sector belonging to the dark realm where all the funs at.

Because of this, the market of the sector DS0909 grew considerably to the point where you can get anything from any corner of the myriad realms at a competitive price. And now it single-handedly dominated the entire inter-realm city.

Therefore going to any other sector of the inter-realm city was moot. And I would not have known this had I not decided to spend a tiny fortune on articles to help me get familiar with the basics of the demon merchant codex before entering the inter-realm city.

Not all of the articles talked about sector DS0909 but few. These articles seemed to be more about boasting about how the dark realm dominates the inter-city realm market than helping the readers understand why they should be opting to arrive at the sector DS0909 instead of the sectors with time zone matching their native realm's time zone. However, the message was clear.

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