
Chapter 1271 Calm Before The Storm

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 20:03

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Trade Route

Nick, Tom, and Ed each rode their golden nanomorphers, and behind them were about twenty thousand Bright Lions gang members riding on their or sharing their mate's hoverbikes or hovercars. Most of the hoverbikes could be seen carrying three to four gang members.

As for the hovercars, their condition was worse than clown cars as the high schoolers who could not fit inside the hovercars sat on the roof and the hood of the hovercars.

The deputy leaders of the gang had made arrangements for hover buses and taxis for less fortunate gang members, but the buses and taxis were half-filled however their roofs were filled with gang members, shouting and howling like street dogs.

As the Bright Lions gang neared the city border, the deputy Chief approached his precinct chief, Denise, and repeatedly begged, "Chief, please don't do something we all will end up paying for."

"Damn it, shut up for a second. Where is he? I cannot find him at the front," Denise planned to confront the boy if she were to spot him leading the Bright Lions gang even if it meant a career suicide for her.

"I too don't see him, it is just the Bright trio leading the crowd. Does he not plan to participate in this gang fight? Chief, I think your words got through to him," the deputy Chief began to sign praise of Denise trying to distract her.

"Something is not right. Damn it, why is the call not connecting? Did he block my grimoire ID? He better not," Denise has been trying to call the boy ever since she learned about this incident but for some reason, her call was not connecting to him. This could only mean that either he was inside a dungeon or he had blocked her contact id. Unable to find the boy in the crowd of Bright Lions gang heading toward the city border pissed Denise left the crowd and headed to the city borderline to join her colleagues to improvise her plan according to the situation.

Knowing that her colleagues would stop her from confronting the boy, Denise chose to hide in the crowd, this way she could confront the boy as soon as he nears the crowd of cops while using the officers behind her to stop gang members from stepping in to stop her from nearing their gang leader before the Police Commissioner and her fellow police chiefs spring into action to detain her. Denise felt this was a follow-proof plan however when the time arrived she could not find the boy in the gang. So she had no choice but to improvise her plans.

What Denise's deputy saw was that if Denise confronts the boy as he nears the crowd of the cop, the gang members would take action to stop her, misunderstanding that the cops were attacking their gang leader. While this action of the gang will be misunderstood by the surrounding cops, they will take action believing that the gang members were attacking police and this could easily spiral into a full-on fight between the sky blossom city Police Department and the Bright Lions gang. Which was the worst possible outcome with the lowest probability yet it was now very likely to happen all because Denise wanted to protect her nephew. Thankfully the boy did not seem to be participating in this gang fight. This was suspicious considering that the boy was the gang leader and he was missing during such a big event in his gang's history.

Seeing Denise join them, the commissioner nodded saying, "Good to see that you have come to your senses. I promise you I will try my best to bring them to a compromise. This fight is in nobody's best interest."

Nearing the crowd of cops gathered on both sides of the trade route Nick, Tom, and Ed stopped their nanomorhpers and recalled them. With that, the traffic behind them came to a halt and the crowd went silent on both sides of the borders just like the calm before the storm.

The Bright trio walked toward the city borderline guarded by the police Commissioner and the Police Chiefs. As for the rest of the gang members, they stood at ease waiting for further orders from their three leaders.

Seeing the Bright trio head toward the borderline, the gang leaders of the high school gangs that had gathered on the other side of the city border also walked toward the borderline. There were about twenty of them and each of them was in the card master realm. They seemed to have gained a lot of confidence because of their numbers and sensing that one of the three gang leaders on the opposite side, Ed Bright, was still a card soldier. So they cockily headed toward the borderline of the city without respecting the card lord realm Police officers guarding the city borderline. As they knew the police would not do anything to them as long as they were outside of the city border. And even if they were to step inside the city border the city police would not do anything to them as they could not afford to face the wrath of nearly a hundred thousand gang members that stood behind them. Compared to their numbers a mere four thousand city cops were nothing.

Seeing the representatives from both sides near them, the commissioner planned to start the peace talk but before she could react Denise jumped in front of the Bright trio, grabbing Nick by his collar she asked, "Where is Wyatt?"

"Denise, what the fuck are you doing?" the commissioner cussed seeing Denise go rogue when the situation was so tense. However, to her surprise, Nick was not angered by Denise's action instead he patiently answered her, "Master Wyatt is inside a dungeon. Fortunately for these fools, he is not aware of the situation out here."

Nick's words were loud enough to be heard by the enemy gang leaders. They ignored his insult, and one of them came forward and asked, "Are you talking about Dalton Wyatt? Is he really not here?"

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