
Chapter 1265 The Living Spell Dark Will

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 14:23

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

I was impressed by demons and dark races who had reduced something as complicated as inter-realm transportation to something as simple as a sacrificial demon-summoning ritual which allowed a mortal without any knowledge of inter-realm transportation to summon beings from other realms by sacrificing a few lives. I don\'t commend the sacrificial rituals but what the demons and dark races had achieved was simply too fascinating. Shaking my head I asked Park, " The sacrificial ritual is not necessary to summon the demons one could easily replace the energy source for the demon summoning method with soul energy or rule power, right?"

"Yes, but they would have to be savvy enough to alter the sacrificial demon-summoning ritual\'s power source to soul energy or rule power. Not many are capable of that so they just stick to the sacrificial ritual. For example, take the demon worshipers in this world. Not to forget some demons/devils specifically prefer to be summoned only using sacrificial rituals," Listening to Park I was more determined to get my hands on a few sacrificial demon-summon ritual methods and try my luck.

As if Park could think what I was thinking she offered, "If you are interested in exploring demon-summoning methods, I have a few on me and they do not require a sacrificial ritual, I can give them to you but in exchange, I want the devil ingredient you will receive for creating the twin origin card of the Garcia twins."

"Sorry, I cannot afford your demon-summoning methods," Though I did plan to get some demon-summoning methods from Park, I do not want them at a cost of a devil-grade ingredient. Not when I could get free ones, that the demon worshipers have spread across the five continents to recruit new blood.

"Let me tell you my demon-summoning methods\' price might be steep but they are worth the cost. They are far better than the ones the demon worshipers of this world use," Seeing me reject her goods fearing the price Park gave a sales pitch, I had no idea how true her words were but a devil-grade ingredient for a few summoning methods was just too expensive. But considering that they held the secret to inter-realm transportation it did appear worth the cost but there were other cheaper options available, let me explore them first, Park was not going anywhere. So I shook my head and said, "I will think about it."

"Sure, you know where to find me," Park seemed confident that I would be returning for her demon-summoning methods.

"Are you guys done? I am bored," Corey complained.

Listening to her complain I looked at her in astonishment and said, "Only you can complain when you are in the core of the holy place to comprehend the blood rule. Find a corner and quietly comprehend the blood rule."

Corey wanted to retort but then stopped hearing Park say the same, "Corey don\'t waste this chance, you do want to grow stronger than him right? This is your chance. Back in the dark realm, I had comprehended the blood flame meaning of blood rule. I don\'t know if that meaning of blood rule is available in this world, if it is then you need to comprehend that."

"Fine," Corey agreed and headed deeper into the cave to find a good spot to comprehend blood rule.

Listening to Park tell Corey that the blood flame rule might not be present in this world I was surprised and wondered if the rules in the will of different worlds had different meanings. But considering that you can find some things only in the dark realm but not in the card realm and vice versa I thought that might be true. Because the physical world was the manifestation of the energies of the spiritual plane in the physical plane.

So if something available in the dark realm was missing in the physical plane of this realm then it could only mean that the energies related to that were not present in the spiritual plane of this realm.

Explaining that the card realm might not have some rule meanings that the dark realm had and the other way around was also possible. My advanced understanding of the spiritual plane and the physical plane was finally coming in handy.

"So what is devil merchant code?" Now that I knew all there was to know about the sacrificial demon-summoning ritual spread across various realms by the demons and devils. Now I need to understand what the devil merchant code was and why would demons and devils would be willing to be controlled by it to trade across the realms when they already had the sacrificial demon-summoning ritual method which did not restrict their freedom.

"Remember how I said that not everyone in the demon race and other dark races believed the theory of being invited to the other realm by their natives, these set of demons and dark races spent their entire life and created the living spell called the Dark Will.

To create this spell they used a small part of the dark realm\'s will, so despite being a spell, Dark Will was conscious like the world\'s will and as powerful as them. Over time it only grew and evolved to grow stronger and become something more than what it was created for, some say it has achieved transcendence and some believe it might have even ascended to a higher realm system than achieving transcendence.

How this spell worked as it made contact with other realm\'s will, and negotiate terms with them to allow the demons and devils into their realm. At first, this was a huge failure as the other realm wills would not agree to the terms put forward by the spell, after several failures the demons and other dark races abandoned this project as by that time the sacrificial demon-summoning ritual method had become popular and was taking over the dark realm by full swing.

Though its creators abandoned it as a failure, the spell continuously kept trying to negotiate with other realm\'s will, and along with constant rejections, it began to evolve in a direction where it would transform into something that the other world ream\'s will would not reject. Giving birth to the devil merchant code.

Unlike the spell dark will which was designed to trick the other realm\'s will into allowing the demons to invade their realms, the devil merchant code became a contract binding the devils and demons to follow a set of rules agreed by it, and the said realm\'s will while they visited that realm. This way the demons and dark races could go rampant in the other realms.

As the living spell made its comeback as Devil merchant code, demons, and dark races rushed to be part of it but could not because of its strict set of rules. You see there was a reason why every demon and other dark races wanted to be part of the devil merchant code, it was because of its ability called Exchange, which made it possible for demons and other dark races to exchange anything for anything as long as it was within the laws of the devil merchant code. Meaning demons and other dark races could use the devil merchant code to exchange a native\'s soul, skills, memories, emotions, and another myriad of things for a little cost. Which was a very attractive ability for any demon and other dark races.

The interesting part about the devil merchant code was that it now ordered around its creators and answered to the other realm\'s wills whom it was created to trick."

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