
Chapter 1173 Lois's Secret Teleportation Technique

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, St. Raymond Cemetery

"That boy is still alive, anyway can you track his location by reading his fortune?" Lois asked the agent from the organization.

"No, I cannot. If it was someone else, maybe I could but not him. As I mentioned earlier his fortune is foggy, when I tried to forcefully peek at it I was faced with severe backlash. I have never seen anyone with such mysterious casualties. Anybody who comes in contact with him has their casualty affected by his. Take yours for example. A week ago it was glowing brightly to show long life but now it is covered by a haze. I cannot tell what is going to happen. So I can only warn you to be careful in this mission," the Agent warned Lois to be careful because she could not predict her fortune as it was affected by the boy's mysterious casualty.

"Don't worry, I can run away anytime I want," Lois assured the Agent that she could take care of herself and then continued to say, "I have pieces of boy's cloth, can you use them to track him?"

"Track him, I can curse him to death with that," the Agent said confidently.

"No, don't waste your time cursing him, he has the Heatsend family heirloom, curses won't work on him. Just get me his location as soon as possible so that I will kill him, finish my mission and leave before field marshal Heatsend appears," Lois was confident in the abilities of her physique but in face of field marshal Heatsend's absolute strength she has no confidence of completing her mission, she could only choose to escape.

"Southern royal family's heirloom, the dummy ring, the nemesis of all curse masters, that ring. Mysterious casualty and the royal heirloom, what exactly is the identity of this boy?" the Agent could not help but express her awe.

"Focus, I am sending you the cloth pieces through the transfer card. Get me the boy's location asap," Lois too was curious about the identity of the boy, she had little understanding of casualty but she knew that there was no one in the world who could erect a barrier protecting invasion from the world's will. Not that no one could achieve that but no one felt the need for it.

Most card apprentices could barely sense rules in the world's will let alone sense the channels of the other card apprentices to invade and attack them. Card apprentices were busy trying to figure out a way to increase the synchronization rate of their ego gem but this little card soldier had achieved a way to protect his ego gem from invasion from the world's will. What was surprising was that this barrier of the card soldier was strong enough to withstand the full force of her mental strength. A card soldier warding off the attack of a semi-demigod was unheard of.

At first, Lois thought that it might be an unknown physique but then seeing it was able to withstand her full frontal mental attack without a scratch to show Lois began to wonder if it was another legendary physique yet to be discovered.

When this thought came to her mind, coming from an organization that liked to collect various strong physiques, she wanted to kidnap the boy and then decide his fate depending on the use of his physique but then she thought it would be easier and in the organization's best interest for her to bring his corpse back and have the organization researchers figure out the rest.

"Agent Lois, I got the cloth pieces you sent," the Agent informed that she received the cloth pieces of the boy's attire.

"Now, how long will it take for you to track him?" Lois asked the Agent.

"It will take me about a minute to mark him and create a marker card. You can use the marker card to track him anywhere he goes in the next three minutes. It would have been a lot longer but his mysterious casualty is ever-changing and formless. Forgive me, this is already the best I can achieve," the Agent answered and apologized for not being of much help.

"No, that is enough. This time I will not underestimate him. And I will be the only one catching him off guard," Lois said confidently.

As a semi-demigod with a legendary physique, not being able to kill a card soldier on her first try was the biggest shame of Lois's career record. She had killed demigods but failed to kill a card soldier, she used two of the assassination techniques of her physique yet she was not able to kill him. If this was not a shame on her part then what. A little card soldier was able to evade death in her hands twice and escape her grasp, without even getting a dent. Lois's pride as the holder of the legendary physique was badly hurt. And she planned to ice her bruised ego by killing the boy. Killing the boy was no longer a mission for Lois but something she must do to regain her pride.

"Agent Lois, I have transferred the marker card to your transfer card. The rest is up to you. All the best," saying that the agent hung up the call.

Soon the Marker card arrived in Agent Lois's Transfer card, she immediately equipped the card and decided to come out of her channel connecting her to the world's will to track the boy and kill him.

Yes, Lois never teleported from the place she was at. Rather her entire body moved into the channel connecting her to the world's will thanks to her legendary physique. That was to say she moved her body between the spiritual plane and the physical plane. Making it look like she teleported in the eyes of Ann, Baylor, and Backster.

She used the same principle to teleport next to the boy despite the surrounding space being disturbed. Moving into the part of her channel that was between the spiritual plane and the physical plane, Lois used a teleportation card to move to the part of the boy's channel that was between the spiritual plane and the physical plane, then she moved out of it appearing right behind the boy. She could not use teleportation in the physical plane because of the space disturbance but in space between the physical and spiritual plane, she was free to teleport as long as she had a destination.

This was the secret to Lois's teleportation.

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