
Chapter 1155 Henrick's Interest

Location- Central Region, Central Capital,  Unknown, Restricted Command Base

"That is because at present even someone of your capability will not be able to infiltrate the city where the boy is being held."

Listening to his handler, Uri could not help but lift his eyebrows. Except for a few people with exceptional physiques such as Agent Lois and her godly 'Right Eye of the World' physique, many have fallen prey to his capabilities. The list of his preys was long and filled with notable big names, just take the millennium-old nun from a few minutes ago, she was supposedly the holy maiden of the church of Michel Angelo and the current guardian of the runes of Michel Angelo himself. If the church was willing to let her guard the runes of Michel Angelo himself, one has to understand how powerful and influential the millennium-old demigod nun he killed a few moments ago was.

Uri's list of achievements goes on about many feats thought to be impossible before. And his handler was the living witness of his feats, for him to claim that even he could not infiltrate the south and kill the boy meant the mission had more to it. So, instead of disagreeing with his handler, Uri patiently waited for his handler to explain to him why and what he meant by his words. For a card apprentice that doesn't exist on any legal document, his capabilities were what he had going for him. When they were challenged he could not help but slightly get offended.

"It's because of Field Marshal Heatsend, she suddenly rushed back from her covert job a few days ago and now is personally guarding the southern region, especially the city the boy is in," the Handler spoke grimly, showing how dreaded Field Marshal Heatsend was even in the secret organization that ran the government. What was more dreadful was the organization could track Field Marshal Heatsend's activity.

"Wait, with her watching how do I use my abilities without getting caught?" It was a common practice among all predators to know what can kill them and choose to stay far away from them. The same was the case with Uri, along with his list of achievements he had another list that contained the names of people whom he cannot mess with, interestingly it wasn't the list wasn't short, and among the top ten names on the list, Field Marshal Heatsend's name was one of them.

"That is the reason for the drama about General Baylor adopting the kid and why Agent Lois will be going along with you. Remember even if it is all bullshit stick to the part," though the mission read that Agent Lois would be leading the team, the way the handler said it, it sounded otherwise.

"Wait, her masters are okay with our master using her like that?" Uri asked his handler in concern because their masters were very protective of Agent Lois since the day she was brought into the organization as a toddler, the amount of attention she got was so insane that everyone felt like she was the lead and they were all part of her story. They could not even dare to be jealous of her, as the level of affection she was showered with was insanely high to the point where others did not even bother to compare themselves to her and just went along with it.

"Well, our Master agreed to let Agent Lois be the Field Marshal post that is going to be empty soon. Not to mention Master was going to favor Agent Lois for the Field Marshal seat over other candidates eventually but he saw an opportunity here," Handler revealed. There wasn't even the slightest hint of envy in his voice as said this nor did he feel that he was more qualified and had more merits than Agent Lois for the job.

"Hold that thought for a second, what do you mean our master would have favored Agent Lois eventually? Didn't he say otherwise regarding the same to Field Marshal Henricks?" Uri was confused because their master promised Henricks to favor one of Henricks's disciples to take the soon-to-be empty field marshal seat to get Henricks on his side.

Henricks was one of the top players that all the masters of their organization were trying to recruit on their side. But Henricks was too cunning, he exchanged his support only if they helped him to amass a bit of power in the organization, and with one of his disciples filling in one of the limited seats as field marshal, his status and authority would increase considerably, maybe even enough for him to stand on equal footing to their master.

Uri was so concerned about his master's word to Henricks because Henricks was the only success story about a recruited talent from a humble background making it in the organization, the only one who was about to climb high enough to stand beside their masters, the real rulers of this world. If Henricks were to make it so far, then it meant that one day he too had a possibility of reaching that height. Amidst his dream Uri forgot to ask one important question, how did Henricks make it so far with no proper support within the organization? Simple, Henricks was just too strong. So much so that the strings that controlled him when he was first introduced to the organization snapped and vanished, setting him free and no one in the organization held him accountable for it to date.

"It's for Agent Lois, so the field Marshal Henricks will have to understand. If her name was not thrown out for that position our master would have favored Field Marshal Henricks's disciples for the position. You know how things work around here," Handler spoke as if the name Agent Lois was an undebatable and valid reason.

Listening to his handler's reasoning Uri did not dare to say that their master never planned to keep his word with Henricks but he did think about it and understood that though their organization claimed to operate on a merit-based system in reality it was more corrupt and biassed than four royal families and the empire. There was no hope for talents with a humble background in the organization, they could only be running dogs of their masters and unless they were favored like Agent Lois they can forget about ever losing the leashes around their necks, the leash would only tighten if they were to show any sign of rebellion or deserting regardless of the merits they accumulated working for the organization so far. Though Uri felt for Henricks, he had a more pressing issue right now, his life. If he were to infiltrate the city with Field Marshal Heatsend standing guard he can only start engraving his headstone, knowing that his masters would rather have him lay in an unmarked tomb than pitch in for a decent tombstone out of respect for his service to them. So he asked his handler, "Enough about that, how the hech does Agent Lois tagging along with me help my mission? With Field Marshal's capabilities, I will be dead even before I get close to her granddaughter, forget kidnapping her."

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