
Chapter 1147 Charges

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Royal Palace

"If your majesty doesn't mind, you could start by kindly providing us with your full cooperation in our investigation," Lois ditched her polite way of wording from earlier to provoke and monitor Colleen's micro-expressions to check for any subtle signs of Colleen following the arrangement of another party.

"I see," Colleen replied casually. As if secret police investigating the southern royal family was not a big deal or of her concern. Causing Agent Lois to understand that Colleen was not actually the one making decisions here.

Soldier Queen Colleen was known for her straightforwardness, blatantly speaking the first thing that came to her mind. If it was that Colleen she would be infuriated as soon as Agent Lois claimed that someone accused the southern royal family of being involved in nefarious plans that could affect the entire humanity and that she planned to investigate the southern royal family to prove the accusations against the southern royal family wrong. But that was not the case. Colleen not only welcomed the secret police into the southern royal palace but also politely listened to what they had to say even when provoked. Therefore Agent Lois concluded that Colleen was acting on behalf of someone. Who could that someone be?

There were only four known people in the entire world who would dare to puppet Colleen, the first one was obviously her husband, next came her sister-in-law, Field Marshal Heatsend, and the last two were her children, Anna's uncle, and mom. All four of them were veteran demigods, and each of them could individually take on several demigods. It was a known fact that Colleen's husband and son were on the southern front of the Way Beyond, leaving two people who could control Colleen's rage, her sister-in-law and her daughter.

These two were bad news because not only were they insanely overpowered but they were very capable strategists. If it was really either of these two people who were directing Colleen's response then there was no point in provoking Colleen or trying to be slick. Leaving Agent Lois only one option, which was to be straightforward about their purpose and stubbornly stand their ground until they got what they came for.

"So, your highness, can I count on your cooperation?" Agent Lois began to execute the plan she spontaneously came up with regard to the volatile circumstance.

"Where would you like to start?" Colleen asked with a stiff smile on her face trying hard not to let her anger ruin her act.

"..." Agent Lois was without words hearing Colleen, she did not expect that the southern royal family would show no resistance to the investigation of the secret police into their family. Their reaction was way beyond Lois's expectations, this was starting to feel just too good to be true. Agent Lois began to feel suspicious of this whole thing, and thought the only reason the Southern royal family would not object to their investigation was they were confident, what gave them this confidence?

Then Agent Lois recalled the dungeon relocation and her face immediately became unsightly. Had the southern royal family already moved the dungeon to a secure location? How could this be possible? It hasn't been more than an hour since they were notified that Dr. Luna's experimentation was nearing its compilation. Unless the information was delayed.

Coming to this conclusion, Agent Lois shook her head thinking, 'No, I cannot waste my time here, we need to get to the sky blossom city immediately.'

"Your Highness, we would like to investigate Sky Blossom city that was recently attacked by demon worshipers," Agent Lois ditched the mind games and immediately got to the point, still she did not blabber that their real target was the silver milk powder fraud case.

"The demon worshipers who attacked that city have been dealt with, I don't know what business the secret police have investigating that incident when you claimed that you are here to prove that the accusations against my family were false. Unless you plan to tell me that the southern royal family has been accused of colluding with demon worshipers," Colleen asked, maintaining a neutral expression.

"I am sorry your highness I cannot go into the details of the mission with you. Please understand as this is to maintain the integrity of this investigation," Agent Lois did not bother to argue with Colleen instead she used the integrity of their investigation as a reason to avoid answering Colleen about what they were being investigated for.

"Little Girl, if you are from the secret police as you claim, I don't think I need to teach you the law. Tell me the accusations you will be investigating the southern royal family for or you will lose my cooperation," The reason Colleen was adamant about this because once the secret police starts to investigate the southern royal family on their soil, they can only charge them for the charges they disclosed before investigating as for the other crimes discovered during the raid will not or cannot be used against the southern royal family. So, if Agent Lois were to begin her investigation without giving the accusations she will be investigating the southern royal family for, then she could just charge them with every little crime she comes across in her investigation. This law was mostly to help the royal families cover their asses in case of an investigation into them. Otherwise, none of the royal family would be willingly give the government the power to investigate them.

Agent Lois knew that her small trick would not work but she had to try and then giving it a thought she narrated, "The Southern royal family has been accused of participating in patent fraud. So we would like to question one accused named Dalton Wyatt to understand the involvement of the southern royal family in the silver milk powder fraud case."

Agent Lois directly spoke of her real motive, understanding that beating around the bush would only buy the southern royal family to complete whatever they were planning.

"I see, is that all or are there any other charges that you plan to investigate us for?" Colleen asked with a grim face, she could no longer force a smile, that was how much her anger had grown. She understands that her family members had a plan but she thought letting the secret police do as they want in the southern region would only undermine the royal family's authority.

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