
Chapter 1144 It's Time

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Passion Motel

"No, I am not," I stared back into Anna's eyes and stood my ground.

"No, you're just lashing out because I brought up my past, I thought you were okay with it. Who am I kidding, who will be okay with it? It's okay that you hate that part of me, I can understand that. It's not up to me to tell you how you should feel. However, you lying to me because of that, is what makes me feel like you are just making up stuff to hurt me," Anna did not believe me instead explained what she thought was actually happening and added, "If it makes you uncomfortable I will never bring that up, ever."

"..." I was without words as Anna said it all.

Was I lying? Jill and I only did it for a morning, not an entire day. I did not accept Anna's feelings because I like doing Jill and wanted more of it. I did so because I did not want my trust issue to control my second life. If I think about it I said most of those things maybe because I might not really be comfortable with Anna's past.

So I decided to confess, "Anna, you are right about me lying but not about the girl however, the other stuff I said is true. She and I tried it one time, but I didn't even get to finish, it was a horrible experience."

"What about the part where you said you wanted more of that and I was available?" Anna seems to care about this more than me doing it with another woman.

"I just said that to get under your skin but I am not the only one to blame. You were the one who started with the self-sabotage, by talking about your past relationship right when we were having such a good time," Any decent girlfriend knows better than to bring up her past relationship when with her current boyfriend.

"Now it's my fault despite you clearing cheating on me," it seems Anna wasn't that cool about me sleeping with another woman after all.

"Didn't we already agree that it does not count since it did not feel genuine and felt forced?" I argued using the same defense Anna used to get her three dates. Besides I did not agree to us being a thing or exclusive until today not to mention it was it still up for debate and not set in stones. But I did not say that out loud knowing it will only put me in more trouble than I am in right now.

"What? How can you say that?" Anna overreacted as if I said something horrible.

"But you are the one who said it first," how come she gets to use that and I don't?

"I did but I did not think you felt the same way," by putting it this way Anna acted as if it wasn't the truth.

"Sorry, you feel that way," saying that I headed out of the room. Seeing me open the door and walk out, Anna immediately asked, "Where are you going?"

"I don't feel like sleeping anymore. I am heading to the warehouse," I said before closing the door behind me.

This part about the relationship I had forgotten, thanks to Anna I was reminded about it before I made some big commitments. This was not what I need in my life right now. Neither was it about physical relationships, why would I be willing to go through all that trouble just for some pussy. With my prospects I could get any slut I wanted, I was willing to work on this relationship because I thought there was more here, Anna's feelings did show that but our argument just now showed otherwise. So I chose to leave the room before it got ugly.

As soon as the boy left the motel room, a figure entered the room from the window, it was Ana. She followed Anna, feeling her actions suspicious. But seeing her rendezvous with the boy in a motel room, Ana held herself back from yelling at her sister for not telling her about the boy's arrival in the city and decided to wait and watch.

At first, things got a little steamy so Ana wanted to turn and leave but she did not, soon things turned for the worse. It felt as if both, Anna and the boy, were looking for a reason to get out of the commitment they wanted to make.

Reaching her sister's side Ana asked, "What happened?"

"It happened so fast, I got everything I wanted but I couldn't help it. What if I destroy it like everything else?"

"I think you already did."

Time- 00:51

Location- Central Region, Central capital, Unknown Command Base, General Baylor's office

Seated on his chair General Baylor was pensively pondering over his entire day, from Soldier Queen Colleen's taunt to his mentor's offer to Agent Lois's physique, yesterday had been an eventful and informative day.

Since he got back from his meeting with his mentor Field Marshal Henricks he had a nagging feeling of being monitored, he wanted to dismiss it as his paranoia in the wake of the new secrets he had learned but then recalling that the organization running the government had Agents with physique from the legend, such as Agent Lois, he felt maybe he was not paranoid it may be Agent Lois or someone from her organization monitoring his entire action. It seems despite his mentor vouching for him, the organization still seemed to be concerned about his reaction toward the new secrets and information he learned recently.

Baylor was ready to accept his mentor's offer regarding Ellen's child but considering how secretly and thoroughly the organization operated, he felt that there was a possibility that they had other plans for him and Ellen's child. But there was not much he could do about it, and he knew that if he acted even a little bit suspiciously the puppet government's masters would not even require to lift a finger to make sure that he would not have any funny ideas. As he had already fallen prey to their conspiracy by abusing his authority to open an investigation into the southern royal family.

That was enough for them to bury him under regulations for good, therefore Demigod Baylor decided to play along until he understood the organization. Therefore he called home and warned his wife about the possible future and decided to wait in the office until he was called upon.

Speaking of the Devil, demigod Baylor's grimoire notified him of a call, it was Agent Lois Forger. Baylor answered the phone, neither spared any time for greetings or small talk, and stayed on point, "General Baylor, It's time."

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