
Chapter 1097 First Love

Location- Sky blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234

Coming out of her little episode of flashback Asong made eye contact with Anna's indifferent stare and said, "Before you do anything we all regret, why don't you take a deep breath and think this through? Agatha—"

"Asong, we are best friends but choose your next words wisely," Anna interrupted Asong grimly and warned her not to overstep her boundaries as her best friend.

In wake of Anna's warning, Asong decided not to defend Agatha and tried a different approach to present her case by saying, "Empty beasts are not easy to defend against. Even demigods can't—"

"So what? It was their duty to lay their life protecting Wyatt but he died and they are still alive—" Anna shouted interrupting Asong once again, it appeared she was not prepared to hear Asong's reasons but before she could finish she was interrupted by the disgruntled scream of Susan, "No, Wyatt is not dead, he can't be dead, take that back."

Susan wasn't done she stared at Anna furiously as if Anna were not to take her words back she would fight her to death. This reaction of Susan's caused everyone in the warehouse to look at Susan in astonishment, especially Anna and Ann.

"...." the entire warehouse fell into an awkward silence hearing Susan deny the boy's death and to add to that no one here knew how to confront Susan about her boss's death and ease her grief.

Despite being surrounded by people, Susan felt alone and wondered if she would feel the same if her young boss was here. Unfortunately, he was busy with his work in another city. As far as Susan was concerned about Anna's words, she did not believe them, her young boss was alive and good. But she did not dare to call him, not because she was afraid he wouldn't be able to answer her call proving Anna right but because she worried she might disturb his sleep.

"Umm, I am confused. Is Wyatt alive or not?" Aba asked, she could not be more ignorant about her situation.

"..." Asong glared at her friend's only daughter. Her words made her think her friend should give up on this one and try again maybe he could do better on his second try.

"What? Is it wrong that I want clarity? I need to know if I should be sad or happy, after all, Wyatt was my friend," Aba did not shut up, she continued with her ignorance, she seemed to be immune to dumbfounded glances from the people in the warehouse.

"Girl, will you shut up? Why are you provoking death, are you that desperate to meet your maker and ask him for the missing screws in your brain?" Asong whispered to Aba who was seated next to her.

"..." Susan's glare switched its target from Anna to Aba. She would not tolerate these rich and powerful jerks cursing her kind-hearted young boss to die.

"Susan, Wyatt was assassinated. You can deny it all you want but it will not change the fact that he is dead. And big sis Asong, Anna has promised Demigod Windsor to take care of Aba so we will not kill her for the time being but once she returns home, we will uphold up our words to Agatha," Ann spoke with a grim tone while Anna continued to stare at Aba indifferently. It was not clear what was going on in her mind only her twin Ann knew.

"Ann you too, I would accept this from her but you? Come on you guys, things don't have to end like this—" Asong did not accept Ann too to not listen to reason. Ann was the sound and open-to-reasoning part of the duo. If she too was close to hear to reason then there was no way Asong could get through them.

Yes, Ann promised not to kill Aba until she was out of their custody upholding their word to the demigod Windsor but Asong was not too happy about it because that was one a prevention, not a cure.

"I gave my word to demigod Windsor to take care of his daughter, and I will uphold it.

And I also gave my word to Agatha that I will kill her precious princess if anything were to happen to Wyatt, and I plan to uphold it too," hearing Asong still try and reason with her, Anna spoke her mind as if those words were her revelation.

"Are you guys sure you are going to make an enemy out of demigod Windsor for a– I hate to sound like an insensitive bitch but the circumstances call for it so I have to say it, a dead crush?" Asong has known Anna long enough to know that she changed her boyfriends as frequently as her dresses, so she did not know why the duo was causing a fuss over this boy. Yeah, she too saw the charm of the boy but considering the situation Asong felt that the Heatsend twins were overreacting.

"How dare you, you insensitive bitch?" Anna snapped at Asong for her offensive words. And continued to add, "I know I have been very fickle when it comes to my partners but that was the past me, now it is different."

"How is it different, Anna? Tell me," Asong asked Anna aggressively, having been called an insensitive bitch.

"It is different, I don't have to explain myself to you," Anna lashed out at Asong.

"No, you have to explain to me, how is this boy any different from your past flings. you have to tell me," Asong did not leave it with Anna lashing at her, she wanted to know why the boy was important enough to Anna to make an enemy out of the demigod Windsor.

"Asong, I said I don't have to explain myself to you," Anna's voice grew louder and deeper, seeing Asong not take a hint and leave the matter alone.

"Why not? I am your best friend, I have the right to know," Asong demanded but did not receive an answer from Anna so she decided to resort to something she, herself, was not proud of, "Just admit it, Anna, you haven't changed one bit, you are as impulsive as back then and this boy is just another fling of yours."

"Shut the fuck up Asong or I will make you shut up, you don't know me," Anna yelled at Asong. Hearing her, Asong's bodyguards immediately surrounded her just in case the southern emperor decides to get physical with their boss

"I know you, Anna, I know you better than my parents know me. I have seen you at your best and worst. Threatening to kill a girl over a dead boy, is a new low even for you Anna," Asong continued to taunt Anna, not worried Anna would hurt her because she knew Anna could never do that to her. That was why she stayed behind to protect Aba instead of calling Demigod Windsor to rescue his daughter.

"Asong, you don't know anything, just leave," Anna calmed down after seeing Asong's guards come out and asked Asong to leave.

"Yes, Anna, I don't know anything, How could I? You don't tell me anything nowadays," Asong shook her head, got up, and turned to leave, knowing that Aba was going to be fine for now as Anna was a woman of her word like her predecessors.

"Fine, you want me to tell you, I will tell, Wyatt was not just another fling, he is the first man I ever loved. There it is, I said it. My first love is a high schooler. Screw me for being in love with a high schooler," hearing Asong claim that they were no longer close to each other as they used to be. Anna decided to open up about her feelings not wanting to add an old friend to the list of things that she lost today.

"You love him,"

"Oh, honey, come here. I am sorry, I did not mean any of that. I just wanted you to talk to me like we used to," Asong rushed to embrace weeping Anna into a hug.

*Weep* Seeing Asong hug sobbing Anna, Ann felt left out and began to cry expressing her grief.

"Ann, honey, you too come here."

"Big sis, Wyatt is my first love too."

"Ann, I dare you to say that one more time."

"He is my first love."

"Get your own lover."

"You two would have made Wyatt the luckiest man alive, shame he had to die so young."

Hearing Ann break the news of her young boss's death to her, Susan was suddenly overwhelmed with grief, both her mind and body were paralyzed, and she almost forgot to breathe. Fortunately, Aba came to her rescue. Ignoring the trio Anna, Ann, and Asong, Aba led Susan to the only bedroom in the warehouse and was just there for her.

Aba was known for her ignorance due to her delicate upbringing but she was able to connect with Susan on an emotional level because of the unknown feeling in her heart, she was sad, sad that somebody she considered her friend died.

Without any exchange of words, she knew what Susan was going through.

Susan, having found a shoulder, wept as if there was no tomorrow venting her grief. Aba's genuine emotions created an environment for Susan to let go of her strong front and express her grief and sadness.

"I never got the chance to tell him," Susan uttered as she wept.

"Tell him what?" Aba asked as she had decided to vent her sadness about losing a friend by helping Susan vent hers.

"No, I had all the chances in the world, but I was too afraid to tell him," Susan's cries got louder upon her sudden realization.

"Tell him what?" Aba was finding it hard to vent her sadness as was getting annoyed by repeating herself.

"I was so occupied with the worries of losing what we had that I never gave a shot to what we could have been," Susan's sobbing continued, she did not give a damn about how she looked right now. All of her thoughts were occupied by regret. She regrets not having followed her heart, now it was too late to do anything about it.

"..." Aba did not even bother to engage with Susan, she felt Susan was writing a song as she wept.

"I should have told him,"

"Told him that I love him."

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