
Chapter 1052 Return

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 02:54

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sun blossom city

As a warrior, the death of a teammate was not new for Agatha nor enough to slow her down yet she took her time to go for Aba's rescue. It was all because of the Heaven's Sanction card. As soon as she deactivated it a weakness took over her body as if something was stealing her vitality. With time the weakness she felt only grew. Because of this Agatha had to slow down and get herself together to go for Aba's rescue but as Number Nine suggested Agatha had grown so weak within minutes of deactivating the card that she was struggling to keep up the appearance that everything was normal with her.

"No, I have already lost a friend. I don't want to lose another, I have to go," Agatha argued. The boy's death had saddened Agatha; she did not want to go through the same with Aba. Therefore she could not leave Aba's safety to someone else.

"Agatha-" Number Nine wanted to reassure Agatha once again and change her mind about rushing to the sky blossom city but she was interrupted by the spatial disturbance in the surroundings.

"Senior Nine, someone is attempting a long-distance teleportation without array formation," feeling the disturbance in space Number Ten warned Number Nine about it.

"Yes, I can feel it too. It must be the semi-demigods from the Circle. I bet they saw through the boy's deception," Number Nine speculated based on the information she had. And she was right.

Soon a spatial tear appeared in the sky, and the Circle's three semi-demigods from earlier walked out of it while they were followed by half a dozen semi-demigods who were surrounded by a dreadful aura. Seeing them arrive Number Nine, Ten, and Agatha prepared for battle.

"..." Standing in city air space the circle's demigod in charge searched for the boy but could not find him or his clones. Puzzled, he glanced at the trio semi-demigods who were supposed to protect the boy and asked, "Where is the boy?"

"He was assassinated by an unknown group," Number Nine answered. Though she did not want to cooperate with the enemy, she did not have a choice as they were not a match for the enemy.

"What?" The circle's semi-demigod in charge asked in disbelief. The thought of the trio trying to trick him did cross his mind but seeing their reaction he leaned toward that they were not deceiving him. But still having faced deception earlier he chooses to leave no stone unturned and decides to enquire about it, "What happened?"

"A mask-like creature jumped out of the empty space, killed the boy, and escaped back into the empty space. We are still trying to figure out who this unknown attacker is," Number Ten cleverly answered the circle's semi-demigod in charge giving out very little detail about the incident but his words managed to sum it all up.

"A mask-shaped empty beast assassinated the boy?" The Circle's semi-demigod asked to confirm if he heard the Number Ten right.

"Yes," Number Ten nodded.

"What about the boy's grimoire?" Now that the boy was dead, Circle's Semi-demigod could only compromise for the next best thing even though it would cost them a lot.

"..." Number Ten and Nine went silent when asked this question because Agatha had the boy's grimoire; they felt it was not their place to answer this.

"I have his grimoire," Agatha suddenly spoke out.

"Good, hand it over to us and we will leave peacefully," the Circle's semi-demigod in charge said and did not hide his intention about what he could do if things didn't go his way.

Agatha was not threatened by the circle's semi-demigod in charge's intimidation, rather she glared back at him and said, "I don't mind giving you the grimoire as long as you tell me everything you know about the assassin who assassinated the boy."

"How would I know about the people that assassinated the boy when I don't even know who they were?" The circle's semi-demigod in charge feigned ignorance when it came to the people that assassinated the boy.

"You are good at acting but it is a waste to try it on me because for a fact I know that your organization and the people that assassinated the boy are on close terms. I dare you to tell me I am wrong," Agatha said confidently.

"I don't know what gave you this idea but you are in no position to ask questions. Do you need me to remind you what situation you are in?" The Circle's semi-demigod continued to feign ignorance and reminded Agatha that he was in charge here and not her.

"Oh really? I don't know why you guys care so much about a card lord's corpse but it is stored in the boy's grimoire. How would you like it if I were to destroy the boy's grimoire?" Agatha used the boy's grimoire to threaten the Circle's goons.

"You wouldn't dare to," The circle's semi-demigod did not believe Agatha was suicidal enough to destroy the grimoire but he decided not to take chances and gave in, "Fine, you win."

Saying this, Circle's semi-demigod in charge regretted not returning here as a demon worshipper. This way he would have a lot more freedom and options in these kinds of situations. But the Circle's semi-demigod in charge had a strong reason behind not opting to disguise themselves as the demon worshippers. And it was none other than the fact that even though being disguised as demon worshippers gave them a lot of freedom it also came with a lot of dangers and risks too. That was, nobody would question a demigod realm card apprentice if they were to take action to kill a bunch of demon worshippers irrespective of their realm.

The Circle's semi-demigod in charge was confident to face an army of semi-demigods with half a dozen liches in his team but a demigod was an entirely different story.

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