
Chapter 1012: Making Friends

Chapter 1012: Making Friends

Date- 12 Oct 22XX         

Time- 18:43     

Location- Central Region, Capital city, Duskborn Mansion     

"Is that possible?" little Sansa asked as she was left with little confidence after getting a cold shoulder from the boy she pursued.      

"Yes," though Sansa's dad replied with a warm smile he thought that he had failed as a father. The only thing that kept him going was the thought that it was not too late, there was still time for him to make up for his shortcomings.      

"But will they want to be friends with me?" little Sansa asked in concern, getting the cold shoulder from the boy she liked each time she put herself out there, she was left with very fragile self-confidence. Therefore she could not help but wonder that other kids would not want to be friends with her.      

"Why wouldn't they? Our Sansa is the cutest, bravest, and kindest kid I have ever known, as long as you are yourself and try these kids would love to be your friends," Sansa's dad has already noticed that among the group of friends my kids have tried to get close to little Sansa but she only had eyes for the Baylor boy and failed to notice when others approached her with the intent of friendship.      

Sansa's father was worried about his daughter, as being love-sick was not one of the problems of a five-year-old. The fact that his daughter had developed something as such at such a tender age only meant that somewhere down the line he had dropped the ball of fatherhood and messed up big time. All he could do right now was hope that there was still time left for him to pick up the ball without doing irreplaceable damage to it.      

"Really?" little Sansa asked innocently. Having pointed out by her father little Sansa stopped obsessing over her puppy love and gave other aspects of life a shot.      

"Yes, why don't you start with Ellen? She seems like a good friend," Sansa's father encourage little Sansa to put herself out there even though the last few times she did, did not work out in her favor.      

Little Sansa contemplated what father said for a while and then nodding her cute face brimming with resolve she replied "Okay, but what do I say to her?"     

"Um, how about you invite her to our house,"  Sansa's father said unable to think of any better reason on the spot.      

"Okay," Little Sansa nodded and head towards Ellen who seemed to be immersed in petting the two cute pet monsters. Her technique seemed to be proficient as the pets seemed to be enjoying it. Meanwhile, the other kids were keeping themselves busy with building blocks or other toys. Because after a while the monster pets seemed to have lost their charm as these tend to not like being petted by some of them. The two monster pets were not to be blamed for this as they were not toys for kids to play with as they pleased.      

Little Sansa heeding her father's advice, gather her courage and headed toward Ellen. This time the reason she approached little Ellen was different hence the need for courage. Suppressing the fear of being rejected little Sansa slowly made her way to Ellen.      

Seeing her arrive, Ellen let out a smile displaying a row of pearly white teeth with a few of the teeth taking a leave of absence and said, "Sir Cloud tail, likes it when you rub its tummy."      

"Meow" smelling its master nearby the little lion monster cub immediately awoke from its pleasure-filled state hurried toward her and rubbed its head against her legs displaying affection. Having grown up in a pet store and not a dungeon, Sir Cloud tail knew that if it did not want to sleep on a hungry stomach then it had to always remember to please its master.      

"The pet store staff said the same thing but whenever I try to rub its tummy it does not seem as satisfied compared to when you do it," Little Sansa had already noticed that Sir Cloud tail seemed to prefer Ellen's tummy rub more than hers.      

"I think I know why, there is a trick to this. The pet store grandma pointed it out to me. I can teach you if you want me to," Ellen said thinking of the reason why Sir Cloud tail would prefer her tummy rub over Sansa's.      

"Really, that would be great," Little Sansa asked enthusiastically.      

"Okay, watch me rub my wolf pup and you try the same on Sir Cloud tail," Ellen said as she laid the wolf monster pup on its back and began to comb the fur on its chest and stomach with her fingers repeatedly in a single direction.      

"I see, what you are doing different," Little Sansa immediately noticed the difference and figured out what she was doing wrong. Ellen was combing the fur of her pet in a single direction unlike her where she combed back and forth in both directions, making it a little uncomfortable compared to the method that Ellen used.      

Having figured out the trick that Ellen spoke of little Sansa tried it on Sir cloud tail and received better than intended results causing a beautiful smile to blossom on her face. Then she turned to Ellen and thanked her for the tip, "Thank you."      

"Happy to help," Ellen replied humbly and continued to pet her wolf monster pup.      

Speaking striking the iron while it was hot, little Sansa used the momentum built by the previous conversation to achieve her intended purpose to approach Ellen saying, "Ellen, my father has built a playroom for Sir cloud tail to play, you and your wolf monster pup should come by sometime. Sir cloud tail would love a friend to play with."      

"A playroom for pets, like the one in the pet store?" Ellen asked with expectation.      

"Yes," Sansa nodded.          

"Cool, my pet and I would love to check it out. So when should I come by our house?" Ellen asked enthusiastically. Having not played enough in the playroom of the pet store she was looking forward to the one at Sansa's house.      

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