
Chapter 954 Friend

Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 22:30

Location- Sun Blossom City, Card Creation Association, Auction House, West Wing Hall

“Agatha, I do think of you as my friend. To prove it I will tell you how to get your clones to contract an independent grimoire. But don’t blame me afterward I did warn you,” As any good general I decided to fix my big gun, which means I gave in to Agatha’s demand.

“Nope, I no longer care about that,” Agatha refused to listen when I was willing to give her what she wanted.

“What do you mean? Do you not want to learn how to get your clone to contract an independent grimoire?” hearing Agatha refuse I was befuddled. I was really having a hard time figuring her out.

“I do but not like this. I care more about our friendship than this,” Agatha replied.

“Then what was the point of all this drama till now,” I asked Agatha feeling irritated.

“Drama? Don’t you get it? Or were you lying when you said you consider me as your friend?” Agatha suddenly snapped.

“Agatha, I don’t know how to read minds, just say what is it that you want?” I yelled in frustration and thought, ‘I will do or say anything to get it over with this.’

“…” Seeing my frustration Agatha got to thinking and then added, “I want to be your friend, and the only reason I acted so unreasonable, spoiled, and demanding was that I thought of you as my friend. Isn’t that how friends are?”

“…”  I couldn’t help but wonder where Agatha got this misguided idea of friendship. And what was this fixation of her to make me her friend? Since when did semi-demigods go around searching for friends in card soldiers, I could not help but feel like this whole idea was- funny I guess, yeah that should be a proper way of putting it without hurting the feelings of the people involved in it.

Come to think of it I could not help but agree with Agatha’s misguided idea of friendship, if not for my friends, I would have died a virgin. Everything I knew about befriending a woman began with them. Though most of what we discussed was fallacious I had to start somewhere. Back then all I wanted to do was raise funding for my inventions. I was so lost in my studies that I had no time for a normal teenage life. Since I had no game when it came to women I would always choose to bury in research. If not for my friends dragging me to social gatherings despite me getting angry at them for that, I think I would have grow up to be one of those nerds who would grow a boner to 2d drawings of women, that’s how worse it could have turned if I did not have some friends who forced me to try new things. There were many things that my friend forced me to do and I was thankful for that because I would not have been able to experience many fine things in or about life and make my first million. Unfortunately, I lost touch with the old gang when I became rich and famous. I don’t know which one of us dropped the ball but we did drop the ball and things were never the same.

Though how Agatha describes friends was not correct, it was not entirely false either. The reason I liked to hang out with my friends back then was that with them around I never had to worried about being bored. If they had not talked me into doing so many things that I would have never considered I would have missed out on a lot. When interpreted this way I do feel that Agatha was just being a friend who doesn’t know about boundaries and timings.

“Agatha, you are right,” I guess a semi-demigod friend sounded better than a semi-demigod slave.

“Wait, what?” Agatha wanted to cheer over the fact that I too felt that she was right but then she stopped knowing what it meant for her to be right. This meant the person she thought of as her friend never thought of her as one. All this time she has been putting herself out there thinking of him as a friend when really she has been making a fool of herself. Sadly this was not the lowest point of her life.

“Agatha, I was a bad friend to you but you were a good one to me. And I am very lucky to have a good friend like you. I hope you will not let this be the end of our relationship and give me a second chance,” In many instances I let my fear get the best of me, and where a little trust can get the job done just fine, I end up using force. Therefore I have more calamity daughter gem than friends. I did not plan to change that any time soon but sometimes in life you will be lucky enough to come across people who will change your life for good or just be a good addition to it, I did not want to let my fear push away these people from me. I am afraid to say it but I feel that Agatha was one of those people.

“What are you saying, Wyatt? I was just doing my job as your bodyguard for the night. Don’t mistake it for something else. Forget what I said earlier I was just messing with you. Haha got you,” Agatha said awkwardly and then added, “You must be feeling so stupid right now. I am semi-demigod, I don’t need friends, I have plenty of them.”

“Agatha, come on, things don’t have to end like this between us,” I know it was bold of me to ask Agatha to look past what happened earlier but we had to start somewhere.

“Wyatt, can we just drop this discussion at this,” Agatha said in a stern voice.

“Fine, I was a bad friend to you, but I am trying here, aren’t I? What do you want me to do?” I thought if I was honest with Agatha, she would give me another chance to be her friend just like in the tv shows back on the earth but I did not expect such a turn of events.

“….” I got no response from Agatha. Considering that she was hiding in my shadow I did not even know how to approach her.

“Agatha, silent treatment, really?” Setting in an empty luxurious hall by myself talking to my shadow I wondered if I needed Agatha this much in my life.

Once again getting no response from Agatha I decided to approach it from another angle, ” Agatha, Is all this drama because you want credit for my work? I am right, aren’t I? “

Hiding in the boy’s shadow Agatha could hear him loud and clear, she was so embarrassed about the previous event that she did not want to show her face to the boy. And her thought wandered wondering why was it that every time she considered someone as her friend she ends up making a fool of herself. These were the people who have been through some of the tragic life experiences that she had been through, she thought they would understand her more than anybody else out there but these people ended up hurting her the most. Why was that? Was she meant to be alone?

Just when Agatha was losing herself to her childhood traumas and depressing thoughts she heard the boy enunciate that she was only after his research, hearing this she was enraged and yelled, “How can you say such a thing?”

“Well, weren’t you the one who kept saying that you made a contribution to my work and deserved to know about it?” I questioned Agatha while elated over the fact that my plan worked.

“Y-you, I only said that to get you to tell me how to get my clone to contract an independent grimoire,” Agatha blurted in anger.

“Aha, you agree that you did all this to get me to reveal how to get your clone to contract an independent grimoire,” I said blaming Agatha.

“No, that is not it, you are twisting the fact,” Agatha argued and could not help but feel that she was being trapped.

“I knew it you were after my work all alone,” it was funny hearing Agatha argue and explain herself, now I knew why Agatha kept using this on me earlier.

“Fuck you, you jerk,” Agatha cussed seeing that the more she tried to defend herself the more she fell into the boy’s trap.

“Agatha, give me second chance. Tell me what I can do to make it up to you,” Now that I had gotten Agatha talking it was time I made things clear. Otherwise, there would not be a point to this.

“…” having cussed in a long while, Agatha felt she was back in her childhood on the streets with her small but warm gang. She forgot the embarrassment from earlier and decided to be the bigger person but she could not make it too easy for the boy.

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