
Chapter 874 Duskborn Family Plans

Chapter 874 Duskborn Family Plans

  Date- 3 April 2321

  Location- Central Region, Capital City, Baylor Mansion 

  "What do you mean, captain?" Demigod Baylor understood that the Duskborn family was up to something nefarious once a gain. 

  "Remember I spoke about Kathy's research on Dungeons? Apprentant, a few days ago one of the researchers at the MorningStar university conducted tests and found evidence to support her theory. Though there are still many voices of doubt surrounding it. The results show that Kathy's research is promising, her research had stumbled upon something big. 

  Earlier when Kathy's research had yet to show any promise the family wanted to welcome Kathy back to the family because she got a job at MorningStar university but now once Kathy joins the family they plan to force her to marry one of the males in the family and make her research theirs. Those greedy bastards back home will not hesitate to stoop to any level as long it benefits them," Kelvin explained what was troubling him. 

  "Captian, has Kathy agreed to return to the family?" Demigod Baylor asked because if Kathy becomes the part of Duskborn family then there wasn't much he could do to help Kelvin. 

  "No, that girl hates the Duskborn family to her bones for what they did you her mother, her, and her sister. Within three months she will be leaving to work at MorningStar university, she has nothing to gain from joining the family instead it would only add more restraint to her," Kelvin answered Demigod Baylor.

  "Then, what is the problem?" Demigod Baylor did not understand, with MorningStar university backing Kathy why was his captain worried for her?

  "They plan to invoke the family martial law and drag Kathy and Ellen's kid back to the family," Kelvin finally spoke about the real problem here. 

  "What? Family martial law? Based on what basis? Didn't they already announce that they had nothing to do with Ellen's son?" Demigod Baylor couldn't help but wonder what right did the Duskborn family have to invoke family martial law? After all, they were the ones who kicked Kathy and her nephew's parents out of the family even before they were born, so what reason could they be planning to use to forcefully drag Kathy and Ellen back into the family?

  "They did, but now they plan to bring back Ellen's son to the family as a sinner who has brought shame to the family name, to atone for his crime by kneeling in front of the family ancestor's statues. 

  In Kathy's case, they plan to claim her as the family property. According to them being born to Duskborn's family maid, Kathy was the Duskborn family's property," Kelvin explained how the Duskborn family planned to force Kathy and her nephew back into the family. 

  "Those laws, still exist? I thought the new regime got rid of them," Demigod Baylor was furious after hearing what the Duskborn family was up to.

  "I don't know about that but the family plans to proceed in that direction. I am not worried about Ellen's kid, from what I hear the Southern Royal family seems to have taken fancy to him. Kathy is the one I am worried about," despite the duskborn family trying their best to keep him from the truth Kelvin had his way of gathering information. He did not want to repeat the tragedy of his eldest daughter. 

  "How can I help?" Demigod Baylor asked

  "Help Kathy reach the MorningStar university, as for the rest they will handle it," Kathy was safe as long as she was in the south and the central academic region because the Duskborn family had zero influence there and their schemes wouldn't work there but the same could not be said when Kathy would be commuting from south to the central academic region. That is when the Duskborn family plans to apprehend Kathy and Ellen's son under the guise of the family martial law. 

  "That is it?" Demigod Baylor said in surprise, but considering his captain's demeanor this was expected. Shaking his head Demigod Baylor asked Kelvin, "What about Ellen's son? I want to adopt him, give me your blessings." 

  "Adopting Ellen's son, now that is going to be difficult. I hear that the southern royal family has taken a special interest in him. If you want to adopt him then take it up with them and Ellen's son himself," Kelvin said that but he was worried about the Southern Royal family's interest in his grandson. Demigod Baylor was strong but he was alone and not enough to go against the entire Southern royal family, Therefore Kelvin did not want to give his junior a lot of trouble. 

  "Southern Royal family? How is Ellen's son related to them? What kind of mess did that kid get himself into?" Demigod Baylor's brows frowned thinking why was it getting so complicated to adopt a child. 

  "Hey, with the family restricting my actions this is all I could get. If you want to adopt Ellen's Kid rest is up to you," Kelvin's movement was heavily monitored and restricted by the Duskborn family, if not for the few family juniors who still respect him, providing him with the information. He would be blind to what the family was planning. 

  "Good, I will take this as you giving me your blessing to adopt Ellen's kid. I will head to the south right away," The involvement of the Southern Royal family did not stop Demigod Baylor from following through with his decision of adopting his unrequited love's child. 

  "Honey, I support your decision, but you have to get your facts straight before you jump in. I don't want you to be blindside, that is all. After all, it is the southern royal family that we are talking about. Let me check what the actual situation is before you act," Sansa said immediately after hearing her husband say that he would go meet the kid right away. With that she wasn't done, she turned to signal Kelvin asking him to help her talk her husband out of doing something rash. 

  "Brat, don't be hasty. Listen to your wife, first do the due diligence, after all, it is the Southern Royal family we are talking about," Kelvin said this but was happy in his heart, he did not judge his junior wrong. Sigh, his daughter did not have the fate to be with him. 


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