
Chapter 847 Cheap Semi-Demigod

Chapter 847 Cheap Semi-Demigod

  Date- 3 April 2321

  Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

  "Yes, Wyatt. We are." Agatha answered with a forced smile. But She was relieved that the card creationist was in a friendly mood because this would help her cause. 

  "It is good that you feel the same way, Agatha. So tell me how I can be of help to you?" I asked Agatha.

  "Over the years I have gathered a little fund and was searching for a business venture to invest in. But I could not find something that felt like a sure thing for me to invest in until I saw your cousin's origin card, the 10,000 Armed Butcher. So I was wondering if you could create regular cards similar to Ronnie's origin card." Agatha did not waste time in flattery or making small talk or beating around the bush, she directly spoke of what she needed. Well, this must be the difference between a black merchant and a guard. It was refreshing to talk to straightforward people, at least you know that they speak what's on their mind and not preach one thing and think another thing. It was easy to do business with this kind of people as the only thing you had to worry about while doing business with them was whether to take advantage of their straightforwardness or not. 

  "Ronnie's origin card is not difficult to create. Now that I have some mastery of array formation it will be easier to create it as a regular card but I cannot guarantee the efficiency of an origin card." I hesitated to answer Agatha but after giving it a thought I answered her truthfully.

  By Agatha's question, I understood that she planned to open a monster meat processing plant by equipping card apprentices with cards similar to Ronnie's origin card. Prior to this, I had the same idea. Therefore the hesitation. But then I realized that someone as diligent as Agatha would be a good pawn to run a successful business on my behalf. There were three reasons why I felt that Agatha would be a good pawn to be used to run the meat processing plant as my proxy,

  1. Agatha's semi-demigod realm. In this world where the jungle rules are unspoken rules, brawns always trumped brains. So it would be in the best interest of the meat processing plant to be led by a Semi-demigod. Thanks to my cards this business model is bound to take off and piss many people off but Agatha's realm will keep these ill-intentioned people at the bay. And trouble will not come knocking on our door often. 

  2. Demigod Windsor. Agatha's connection to demigod Windsor was undeniable any corner of the central capital knows that the semi-demigod Agatha is Demigod Windsor's person. Considering that demigod Windsor has a very high reputation among the upper class of the society even the top families from the central capital will not dare to mess with the business run by his subordinate. 

  3. Initiative. Agatha seemed to be planning the next phase of her life and seemed to be interested in the monster meat processing business. Since it was her idea, I will not have to waste much time convincing and motivating her. 

  "So, yes or no?" Agatha asked with a confused face. Her expression yelled, 'Dude, I stopped listening to you the movement you began mansplaining.'

  "Yes, I can create Ronnie's origin card as regular cards." Hearing Agatha my facial expression froze and the corner of my left eye twitched but still, I answered her.

  "Great," Agatha cheered. She felt good that she did not try to persuade Ronnie after he rejected her offer to come work for her. Now she did not have to entertain that incompetent fool.

  "..." Seeing Agatha cheer I did not join in on her celebration. I waited for her to ask me her real purpose. 

  "Master Wyatt, I would like to place an order of 20 such cards. That cards can be a maximum rank limit of E-rank." Agatha decided to start small with 20 E-rank cards and when she gets hang of the business model it would not be late for her to expand her business with higher realm cards. 

  "20 E-rank 100 armed butcher cards, I can provide them to you by tomorrow afternoon at the latest," I answered.

  "Good, What about the cost?" Agatha was happy that she could get the cards within a day of placing the order. So she happily asked about the cost of the cards. 

  "Cost… I will give you the friends and family discount, 10 soul jades per card." I answered.

  '10 soul jades per card, why don't just rod me instead.' Agatha screamed in her mind but soon calmed herself and then added, "Master Wyatt, you don't think the price is a little costly?" 

  "Miss Agatha, you are a semi-demigod, please make fun of this little card creationist, I have already given you the friends and families discount." For an E-rank card, the 10 soul jades was indeed a sky-high price but the capability of the card justified the price I stated. 

  'So what if I am a semi-demigod, my money doesn't grow on a tree.' Agatha yelled these words in her mind but maintaining a professional smile she continued to bargain, "Master Wyatt, I am buying in bulk so see if there was any concession you could make. And plan to buy more similar cards from you in the future. Master Wyatt, sometimes you have to consider gains in a long run instead of a momentary gain." 

  "Agatha, don't embarrass yourself, 10 soul jades per card is my final offer. Take it or leave it." Hearing Agatha started to lecture me on doing business I gave her a lesson on supply and demand. I was the only one at present who could create this type of card for her, as the only supplier of this card I could set the price at my will. And the price I quoted wasn't that high, Agatha was just being cheap. 


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