
Chapter 811 Yin Widow's Grimoire

Chapter 811 Yin Widow's Grimoire

  Date: 2 April 2321

  Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

  "5 mins earlier than the estimated time," I said looking that the ingredients that one of Asong's semi-demigod aid delivered. 

  "Well, I do pay them more than the market rate. So this much is the bare minimum and to be expected." Asong bragged. 

  "You don't pay them with your money but the taxpayer's money." Anna corrected Asong who claimed to be paying for her aids when the government was paying for them using the taxpayer's money. 

  "Huh? Then where does the southern family get their money for your lavish life, commander of the southern watch? Is it not the tax they collected from their citizens." Asong pointed out Anna's hypocrisy.

  "There is now winning with you, but still 10 semi-demigod bodyguards, aren't they too many to protect a single card soldier. You don't see me going around with semi-demigod bodyguards." Anna argued saying that 10 semi-demigod bodyguards were too much. 

  "First, I too don't want 10 semi-demigods constantly monitoring me, but this is the mandatory security detail. I can do nothing about it but complain.

  Second, you don't need semi-demigod bodyguards when you can kill a demigod. Yes, I know you killed the demigod Yin Widow three days ago and a Devil the very next day here in sky blossom city. And for your information, the Yin-Yang harmony sect will soon be sending an envoy to the south to fetch Yin widow's grimoire. Apparently, she raided their treasure vault and stole a bunch of valuable stuff which they will demand you to hand over." Asong seemed to know a lot about the affairs of the southern region, especially the ones surrounding Anna.

  "Yin widow's grimoire? What grimoire I don't know what you are talking about?" Anna was puzzled, she did not understand how the government and the Yin-Yang harmony sect know that it was her who killed the demigod. 

  "Suit yourself and congrats on becoming the official heir of the southern royal family. I really don't know what your grandpa was thinking but considering the partner you choose for yourself I think you will do good." Asong congratulated Anna while throwing a glance at me. 

  "Thank you but fuck, is a person's privacy no longer a thing? How is the government able to find everything I do? I can understand if I were in the southern capital but how is it possible back here in nowhere. Don't tell me the government has informants throughout the southern region. How are they avoiding the southern region's guardian array formation." Anna cussed in annoyance knowing that her being selected as the official heir of the southern region was no longer a secret between few people but had become the gossip of the town. 

  "Anna, language," said Asong not tolerating Anna's use of profanity. 

  "Fuck, Anna you killed a demigod three days ago?" I had no idea that a human demigod had attacked the sky blossom city three days ago, was it the Matron's minion. Three days ago, isn't that the day I sealed the demigod Redfall's soul in the heathen stone prison back when Sarah had comprehended the bloodline memory meaning of blood rule under the influence of demigod Redfall's soul? Wait does the Yin widow have any relation with the demigod Redfall? Was she the one who helped Van escape the disaster along with toddler Sarah?

  "Wyatt, don't panic, she wasn't here for you. She was here for her son," said Anna. 

  "Here son? Hasn't demigod Redfall died?" Asong blurted in confusion. 

  '...' hearing Asong, I was enlightened and most of my doubts were cleared. Demigod Yin Widow seemed to be the mysterious hand helping Van and the toddler Sarah escape the disaster that had struck everyone that had the slightest connection with Demigod Redfall. 

  "I know, right, but she kept asking me to hand over her son. I had no idea of what she was talking about but she seemed really desperate and seemed to be carrying a soul status candle." Anna spoke narrating the odd behavior of the demigod Yin Widow. 

  "Soul status candle, this isn't good. That devil spawn seems to have returned to the world of living using the bloodline memory rule but I thought all his direct line descendants were killed. This is bad, Anna how come you did not mention this in your report." Asong asked Anna with an aghast expression. 

  "That— wait, how do you know what I wrote in my report. How did you guys infiltrate the royal family's archives? This is too much. Fuck, first the Matron, and now you guys. Has the Royal palace become so easy to infiltrate for all the spies in the world?" Anna yelled in irritation finding out that not just Matron but the government has infiltrated the royal family. 

  "Stop overreacting Anna. Whenever there is a breach in the Southern region's guardian array formation the central region is notified and the Southern royal family is required to send in a report regarding the affair, the same goes for the demon worshipper's attack. So stop complaining about the details and tell me everything that transpired during your fight with Demigod Yin Widow. That takes priority, if Red fall is back again, he will start sacrificing millions of lives once again just to get back his old strength. Therefore you need to focus Anna, I need know if Redfall is back again and if he is I need to know where he is hiding. This time we will be able to punish him for his crime against humanity to the full extent of the law." Asong still remembers the day she found out about Redfall sacrificing hundred of thousands of innocent souls to make a little progress in his realm. Therefore Asong knew what Redfall would be up to if he were alive again, sacrificing humans to achieve the power he had in his heyday. 

  "Well, instead of going through all that trouble why don't we just unlock Yin Widow's grimoire she seemed to have a Soul Status Candle Card. If demigod Redfall is alive we can use that card to track him down." Anna really did not want to go into the embarrassing details of how she defeated Yin Widow using Ann's help. So she came up with the brilliant idea to unlock demigod Yin Widow's grimoire to get the Soul candle Card that Yin Widow was using to track demigod Redfall to the sky blossom city. That would be way more efficient than trying to find out if Demigod Redfall was alive or not based on Anna's narration of her fight with Yin Widow. 

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