
Chapter 807 You're Lying

Chapter 807 You're Lying

  Date- 2 April 2321

  Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

  "I usually don't have a habit of explaining to my clients the origin card I am going to create for them. All I can say is that I will be creating something you need and it is going to cost you a lot." I said what I usually say to all my clients that had their origin card created by me. And then added, "I can promise that it is not going to be a glorified shield or any shield-type card you have seen before." 

  "Master Wyatt, I appreciate your confidence but It seems we have reached an impasse." Said Asong.

  "Mr. Cole I thought you informed Madam Asong about how I did business." I did not argue with Asong and instead questioned Cole after all he was getting paid for setting up this meet. 

  "Sorry master Wyatt, please give me a second." Cole was sweating bullets, originally he wasn't well known enough to represent Asong but he got her as a client through mutual exchange with a fellow black merchant for the dibs on the sales of an SSS-rank card ingredient. Cole chose an A-list public figure as a client over the hefty compensation of the sales of an SSS-rank card ingredient without batting an eye but soon regret it after trying to satisfy Asong's insane requirements for her origin card. His cousin's young lover wasn't his first choice as the card creationist for Asong, there were several others but they all failed to satisfy Asong and finally, Cole stopped looking for well know card creationists and started searching for dark horses making a name for themselves in the card creation field. His cousin's young lover was one of them, but he seemed to be more stubborn, arrogant, and demanding than the renowned card creationists. Cole suffered a huge headache stuck between Asong and his cousin's young lover. 

  "Madam Asong, these are the few of the origin cards created by master Wyatt, that clearly display his creativity and that he is not afraid of trying something new." Cole hurriedly showed a catalog of origin cards created by his cousin's lover. 

  "They are indeed unique and innovative but Cole, this is not what I asked for." Asong knew what she wanted and did not fall for Cole's persuasion. 

  "Sigh, madam. I know what you want, but look at these cards, don't you think their creator will definitely create something worthy of you." Cole knew nobody in the world could meet Asong's insane ideals for her origin card so he wanted to persuade her into trusting his cousin's lover. 

  A black merchant's job was like a fixer, they had to get what the client wants which sometimes even involved convincing the customer that what the black merchant had in stock was the best option for them. And persuade them into buying something that they wouldn't buy at some other time. Therefore Cole turned to look at Anna, Asong's trusted friend, and signaled for help in persuading Asong. This was the main reason why Cole chose to introduce Asong to his cousin's lover. 

  "..." Anna frowned when she saw Cole look at her, she knew how adamant, stubborn, and picky Asong could be about her origin card, this is the reason why Anna kept quiet and didn't recommend her crush to Asong until Asong herself seeked for her opinion.

  "Asong, it has been 5 years since you found your fate ingredient stop being picky and let Wyatt do what he does best. Trust me you are going to love the outcome," Anna didn't want to persuade Asong but the damned fatty kept begging her with his eyes, finally she agreed thinking that this would be a good thing for her lover's resume. 

  "Anna, I thought you were staying out of this one," said Asong with a gentle smile. This time her gentle smile wasn't enough to mask the meaning behind her words, everyone in the room could feel that Asong wouldn't let anyone pressure her into doing something she did not want to. 

  "Tsk, "Anna clicked her tongue in annoyance and gave Cole a glare, almost giving him a heart attack. 

  "Auntie Asong, Wyatt is indeed a capable card creationist. You can trust him to create a useful and unique origin card for you. Look, this is the card he created for me." Aba came forward to help her friend by persuading her Aunt to utilize his services. 

  "Interesting. Is this a mutant slime? I haven't heard of this one but it seems to be capable of taking over a horde of monsters by itself. Impressive." Asong looked at her friend's lover with a curious gaze and thought he must be something to be capable enough to captivate her friend's heart. But all this was not enough for her to trust the creation of her origin card to a high schooler she had just met. 

  "I get that a lot," I said knowing Asong wasn't going to one of my clients unless something drastic happened to change her mind. 

  "Haha, I see. This card is indeed worthy of your pride. Alas, we were not meant to be." Asong said knowing that the young card creationist was going to stick to his principles and not going to make any concessions for her. She respected that even though it meant her visit here was waste of time. 

  "Asong, I heard that you are suppressing your realm so that you don't want to waste a chance of your baptism for your origin card." Anna suddenly spoke. 

  "Was it my mom? She worries too much. But yes, you heard right." Answered Asong. 

  "Yeah, right." I blurted knowing Asong was lying but soon regretted it, as every eye in the room looked towards me. 

  "Young man, you have something to say," Asked Asong masking her passive-aggressive tone with her gentle smile.

  "Madam Asong I love how you can mask your thoughts with that gentle smile of yours. I did not want to say anything but since you asked, yes I do want to point out that you are lying." 


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