
Chapter 758 Visiting Fine Gold

Chapter 758 Visiting Fine Gold

  Date- 2 April 2321

  Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234.

  "Vivian, I have transferred you some funds. Use them to order ingredients and practice the card creation following the Enchanted Blood Slime Spirit and Slime Fairy card templates to the dot." I prepared the card template and shared it with Vivian through Hive AI. Now, all she had to do was practice it until she perfects it. Since she had a capable assistant a.k.a Hive AI it should not take her long before she perfects the card creation process of the Enchanted Blood Slime Spirit and Slime Fairy cards using their respective card templates. 

  "Sure, Boss. I will not let you down." Vivian assured me that she would give her best to perfect the creation of the blow-up doll card collection with the help of the card templates I created for her. 

  "Sarah, I will have to trouble to bear with her. Or if you choose to you too can practice the card creation, more hands are welcomed." Sarah helped Van with the TSR guild stuff but Van already had Pablo and Fred to help him with the guild stuff. So I decided to have Sarah help Vivian share the burden of production of the blow-up doll cards collection. 

  "Yes, boss. I too think I can be of more help here than in the guild." Sarah readily agreed to my arrangement to have her help in the production of the blow-up doll cards collection. 

  "Good, Susan will be in here in an hour or two. If you need any assistance ask her. I will be taking my leave now." Sharing both the card templates with Sarah I exited the card lab. 

  Walking out of the card lab I saw Aba and Agatha practicing their active soul control. Not wanting to disturb them I quietly walked out of the warehouse. Breathing in the cold morning air, I could not help but compliment this world for not dropping the ball on fossil fuels, that was given since they had alternative fuel sources like the monster cores and soul jades. The air here was a lot easy on the lungs or maybe just another perk of my monstrous physique. 

  I set up a temporary cleansing array to clean myself and my attire. And then checked the grimoire to see if Cindy was online, apparently, she was. It was a mystery whether she just got up or like me she never went to the bed. Anyway, today was going to be her lucky day. Decades of toiling in the Fine Gold under the psycho sisters were finally going to pay off for her.

  [Calling Cindy… ]

  "Good Morning, Boss. How may I be of service to you today?" Cindy sounded chipper than I expected her to, maybe she did have a proper rest yesterday night and got up early.

  "Are you free?" I asked Cindy. Unlike Van or Nick, Cindy was not my calamity daughter gem, who would leave everything behind to follow my orders, therefore I checked with Cindy if she was free. 

  "I am not. I have to go through all the manifests before the original body wakes up." Answered Cindy's clone. It wasn't Cindy who answered my call but her clone. 

  "Okay, then when she wakes up ask her to call me," I asked Cindy's clone to take a message for her original body. I thought Cindy was being worked to bones by psycho sisters but that doesn't seem to be the case still she slept in her office which speaks volumes that either Cindy had no reason to go home like me or my initial assumption was correct. The point here was whether Cindy had dissatisfaction with the Kieth sisters. Which I can use as fuel for my purpose. 

  "Sure, I will deliver your message to the original body when she wak—" the Clone Cindy's voice was interrupted by another Cindy's Voice which yelled, "Boss, I am up, I am up." 

  "No, need to push yourself. Call, me when you have freshened up." I could not treat Cindy like I do with the Calamity daughter gems, though Cindy would not mind, she sure will form an opinion of me. 

  "No need boss. I am wide awake. Please relay your orders." Cindy chose to continue the call.

  "Okay, I have a job for you, I believe that you will be a perfect fit for the job. Freshen up, I am coming to meet you at the Fine Gold Towers." The Warehouse had guests so I could not talk business in front of them, especially about the Blow-up boll card collection since I was trying to not be associated with these cards. 

  "Boss, Can this be considered a surprise inspection?" Cindy asked 

  "I have already mentioned that I will not interfere with Fine Gold business and I meant it. As I said earlier I have a job for you. We are going to discuss that and nothing else." This was the problem with regular subordinates compared with the calamity daughter gems, they asked too many questions and I had to go out of my way to make sure that we all were on the same page. But with calamity daughter core all I had to was relay my thoughts and they would strive to achieve to the best of their abilities. 

  "Such a shame, I will not get to show off the work ethics of our company to you boss." Cindy was making small talk to associate with me. As a regular subordinate this was a necessary step to gain their boss's trust, otherwise, how would their immediate superior know that he or she could be trusted. But all these office politics weren't necessary with the calamity daughter gem. 

  The cons of regular subordinates and pros of calamity daughter gems came to my mind because I really wanted to skip all the nonsense by feeding Cindy a calamity daughter gem. But I controlled myself from giving in to the temptation, and Cindy was not making it easy for me with her small takes. 


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