
Chapter 726 Agatha

Chapter 726 Agatha

Date- 1 April 2321

Time- 17:46

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

"Fine. Let's talk about your safety. Why don't you move to the military base? It will be a lot easier for me to protect you there?" Anna understood that I wouldn't compromise on that, so she brought up another topic she needed a win on.

"This again? Anna, you know why I would not move to the base. So please, don't start another debate over this." I requested Anna to stop.

"Wyatt, what is it? Your freedom? You spent a night at the base. Did you feel constrained in any way there? Did anyone try to restrict your movements?" Anna did not seem to plan to leave this matter to rest.

"..." Well, Anna's questions were indeed something to think about, but for apparent reasons, I felt repelled by the idea of living on a military base.

Since it is a military base, It has its regulations and protocol. If I am staying there, I need to follow them. There is no way around that. So obviously, I would be opposed to the idea of living on a military base. Anna wouldn't understand this, as she is a princess, and the army laws don't apply to her but are in place to protect her and her family's interests.

"Well, answer me," Anna demanded.

"Anna, I have my reasons, so please leave this matter here. I don't want to talk about it anymore." Knowing Anna would not understand my concerns, I did not bother to explain them to her.

"Wyatt, what reason could be more important than your own life? Can't you see, what if the person who teleported here was one of the card emperor realm assassins instead of a little girl. By the time I arrived at your rescue, it would have been too late, and they would have killed you a hundred times over." Anna explained her concerns.

"..." I couldn't argue with Anna because she was right. But I wasn't worried about encountering emperor realm assassins because I wouldn't really die until my calamity soul gem was destroyed. But the same was not true for people surrounding me. That was my growing concern. A few minutes ago, the little girl would have electrified Susan to death if I had chosen to dodge the thunderbolt. I don't want to see the people surrounding me be casualties. But living on a military base wasn't a solution for that.

*Flash* *Poof*

"Take cover!" I yelled at Susan, seeing a flash of light fill the warehouse, and two figures suddenly appear out of thin air.

"I am back!" A voice resounded in the warehouse. It was the petite schoolgirl from earlier.

"..." Instead of the petite schoolgirl, my sight remained on the white-robed figure next to her as she oozed a majestic aura. She was above the Card emperor realm, yet her power didn't come close to a demigod. She was the person with the highest active soul energy I have seen to date.

"Agatha, capture that boy." The petite schoolgirl ordered the white-robed girl pointing at me.

"..." The white-robed girl did not move, she kept staring at Anna at alert.

"You white fang mercenaries have grown bold to come into my region without my permission." Anna's voice thundered.

"Princess, retreat." Agatha hurriedly stepped in front of the petite schoolgirl and yelled asking her to teleport back home.

"What's going on? I can't teleport back." The petite girl exclaimed in shock. Though she did not know why Agatha asked her to retreat, she trusted her decision and activated her teleportation card to escape but her grimoire kept warning that,

[Warning: the surrounding space is enclosed. You cannot use teleportation.]

"Your highness, Southern emperor, is there a need to go as far as using the array covering the southern region to lock the space? We are not the enemy here." Agatha did not greet Anna but directly addressed her as if they were acquainted.

"Oh really, last time this arrogant girl escaped my grasp now I would like to see where she will run," Anna replied menacingly.

"What are you doing here?" The petite schoolgirl was too focused on the boy who killed her summon and did not notice Anna until Agatha addressed her.

"What am I doing here? This is my city, little girl, why can't I be here."

"How many times do I have to warn you not to call me little? Agatha, kill her." Despite her innocent middle school girl appearance, the petite schoolgirl was vicious with her orders. And did not hesitate to yell 'Kill' in anger.

"Princess, please control yourself, don't make matters worse." Agatha didn't follow her princess's orders but instead asked her not to act out in the enemy territory.

"Little girl, your temper hasn't changed since the day we met. You still blow up at every little thing." Anna seemed to know who the petite schoolgirl was and both of them seemed to have a history together.

"Are you trying to provoke this princess by purposefully calling me little? Blame yourself, you forced me to use this." The petite schoolgirl stepped out from her bodyguard's shadow and summoned her grimoire.

"Princess? You keep calling yourself princess but where are your kingdom and subjects? You are nothing but a fake princess, a pretend princess."

"Father help me!" A golden beam of light shot out of the petite school girl's grimoire and soon the golden beam of light morphed into a bulky human male figure.

"Agatha Lavender greets Demigod Windsor."

"Anna Heatsend greets Demigod Windsor."

Following Anna and Agatha, Susan and I greet the humanoid light.

"Susan Tucci greets Demigod Windsor"

"Dalton Wyatt greets Demigod Windsor." I had no idea who demigod Windsor was but he was a demigod and required utmost respect.

"Southern region? Heatsend girl, contact your family and inform them about the situation. Tell them there is no need to be alarmed. Before they rush over here, especially your mother I don't want to face her." The incarnation of demigod Windsor knew that his presence in the Southern region could be considered trespassing so he asked Anna to inform her family stating that he was not here to cause trouble.

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