
Chapter 701 Array Recipe Creation

Chapter 701 Array Recipe Creation

Date- 1 April 2321

Time- 09:08

Location- Sky Blossom City, Southern Watch military base.

"Are you sure?" Ann asked in concern, hearing me say that I did not require anything to create a new recipe for a cleansing array formation.

"Yes. And please step back. I need room to set up the array." I said as I activated my soul pupils.

"Cocky brat, not only do you boast about creating a cleansing array formation recipe, but you want to create it as a temporary array formation. Aren\'t you ambitious?" Lorenzo commented, hearing me and then looking at my glowing pupil. He said, "Is that the aura sight? They are a beautiful pair of eyeballs."

"Silence, I need to focus," I said aloud, stopping Lorenzo from asking about aura sight.

"..." Hearing me thunder, Lorenzo went quiet as I expected him to.

Creating a new array formation was not hard if you knew what you wanted and which soul pathways to use to get the desired outcome.

To create a cleansing array formation, I was going to make use of airflow, moisture, and Holy light array. The idea was that the dense moisture in the air would form a mist, and I would use airflow to control the fog to clean myself, along with a shower of holy light to purge the dirt, germs, and smell of my clothes and me.

First, I had to find the soul pathways related to them and then check the things influencing these soul pathways. And how these soul pathways responded to each other and how they worked together.

Once I have all the necessary data, I need to arrange this soul pathway in such a way that their absence from nature will not cause the entire ecosystem to fail. If the surroundings were to be ruined, then the soul pathways borrowed from them would also be lost. Therefore it is most important to make sure that when you borrow a soul pathway from nature, it shouldn\'t mess up nature. This is one of the reasons why arranging a temporary array formation with the mind as the core was considered very difficult.

Now that I knew which soul pathways that I wanted to use, I had to make arrangements for the factors affecting them. For example, the moisture in the air is affected by the surrounding area\'s temperature. If temperature increases, it will lead to a decrease in moisture content in the air. Thus the air will become drier, whereas when the temperature decreases, the air will become wet, meaning the moisture content in the air will increase. Knowing this, I had to involve the temperature soul pathways in the array formation.

But sometimes, the factors affecting one of the main soul pathways will also affect the other main soul pathway used in the array formation. Like how the temperature affects the moisture in the air, it also affects the airflow in the surroundings. We have to make arrangements for such soul pathways so that their influence on both the main soul pathways is independent of each other.

Temperature is just an example. Many such factors affect the main soul pathways that we have borrowed from nature, which you need to attend to one by one. Therefore the creation of an array formation recipe is very hectic. And when you try to do it in real-time with your mind as your core, it becomes more complicated and messier.

But thankfully, I wasn\'t alone. I had three slave consciousness, each equipped with a Hive AI to share the workload with me. We would each select a main soul pathway of the array to be arranged and then tend to factors affecting them. And when we come upon an overlapping factor, the Hive AI will alert us and, with the simulation, help us figure out a way to make it so that main soul pathways are independent of each of others\' relation to the said factor.

When done with that, we need to figure out an arrangement for the main soul pathways to work together to achieve the said goal of the arranged array formation. This arrangement needs to be near-perfect in order for the soul pathways to work together without a glitch while achieving maximum efficiency. This is easier said than done. We need to try out many soul pathway arrangement patterns, which is too time-consuming and not something that can be achieved in a day. Still, I had Hive AI, which could help me simulate the numerous soul pathway arrangement patterns in a controlled environment. And then, the one soul pathway arrangement patterns resulting in the most efficiency will be used as the recipe to arrange the cleansing array formation.

Something which would take weeks took a few minutes, and I had a near-perfect arrangement with the maximum efficiency for the Cleansing array formation as a temporary array formation, all thanks to the Hive AI amd my slave consciousness.

Using my mental strength, I began borrowing the required soul pathways from nature. Then I arranged them according to the near-perfect soul pathway arrangement produced by the Hive AI and my slave consciousness in the form of a temporary arry formation using my mind as a core.

After arranging the array formation, I start pouring soul energy into the array accordingly. And soon, a white mist covered me from head to toe. Then, using the airflow control, I spin the mist covering me into a whirlpool with me in the center. At the same time, holy light array shone on it.

The whirlpool of mist spun from my head to toe. With every spin, it would carry dirt, sweat, etc., off my body and clothes. The whirlpool basically agitates the clothes in a cloudy mist to remove any dirt and stains before spinning to drain the moisture from the clothes and body. Upon reaching my toe, the dirt and sweat brought by the mist would then be thrown onto the ground.

Then came the second layer of cleansing through the holy light, which is used to clean clothing and my body by purging any remaining dirt and smell on my clothes and me.

The holy light array is a basic array used by the empire to ward off evil and darkness, basic of purification. They have widely spread this array for free to increase their influence and presence in the array community.

The cleansing array formation felt like a quick refreshing cold bath, but it got the job beautifully done. This wasn\'t perfect but hey, pretty good for something created on the spot.

"Son of a gun! You really did it." Lorenzo said with great astonishment. Though he spoke those words, his eyes said that he still could not believe it even though he had seen it with his own eyes.

"The winner is Dalton Wyatt," Ann announced.

"Wait! This array formation is not entirely yours. You used the holy light array formation of the empire in the end. So technically, you lost." Lorenzo protested on the basis that I added the empire\'s basic array to my array.

"Come on, old man, don\'t be a sore loser. All the new array\'s are built on the basic arrays left behind by the ancestors. By your logic, all of them are phony too, and they don\'t deserve the copyrights they own. I bet most of your arrays also make use of the array left behind by the ancestors." I argued, defending my win.

"Yea, grandpa. If the Holy light array was copyrighted, it could be considered a violation, but it is not. So Wyatt is the winner. Deal with it." Ann said sternly.

"Fine, the brat wins. I will keep my promise." Saying that, old Lorenzo took out a storage card from his grimoire and handed it to me, saying, "Right now, I only have copies of these notes. When you\'re done with these, contact me, I will give you the rest."

"Why not just share the notes to my grimoire?" I asked Lorenzo.

"I don\'t keep soft copies in my grimoire, just hard copies. Don\'t ask me why. I have my reason for that." Said Lorenzo.

"I won\'t. But prepare the other copies. I will be done with these soon." I didn\'t ask Lorenzo why he did not save soft copies of his notes in his grimoire. I wasn\'t interested. Who cares what goes on in this old bat\'s head. All I cared about was that he gave me my winnings.

"Yes, sure." Lorenzo wanted to argue that notes in the storage trunk were enough for a person too study for a decade but remembered he was not talking to a normal boy but an abnormal one. So he refrained from saying his thoughts. And added in concern, " Boy, I still think it would be in your best interest to stay in the base and that you don\'t run around until you join the university of your choice."

"Old man, I will think about it. And stop worrying. After all, the person that cares about me the most is myself. I won\'t die thst easy."

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