
Chapter 600 Card Eggs

Chapter 600 Card Eggs

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 22:35

Location- Sky Blossom City, D-rank Uncommon Grade Silver Beach Gate Dungeon

"Anna, get off the nanomorpher. I am not taking you on a long drive." Seeing that I wouldn't even consider clubbing, Anna demanded I take her on a long drive, and she was very adamant about it.

"Wyatt, I didn't want to do this, but you forced me." Anna grabbed me by my waist and flew to the sky. Stopping at a certain height, she added, " Either you take me on a long drive on your hoverbike, or I will take you on a long flight holding you like this. Choose!"

"Fine, but only this once. Don't think this kind of persuasion will work on me twice." I had no choice but to cave. I started to resent myself for being too weak.

"Great!" Anna cheered, getting her way.

"Anna, since I agreed to your request, how about you tell me more about Demigod's Charity Auction?" I didn't ask Anna about the demigod charity auction because I knew if I asked Anna a favor, she would ask something unreasonable in return. I did not want to be in such a situation with Anna, so I avoided asking about the charity auction. Instead, I had my Super Brain spare a few bots to collect any and all information regarding the demigod charity auction. But now that I knew Anna could get her way with other means of persuasion, I directly asked her about the charity auction.

"Don't make it sound like a transaction. It will no longer seem romantic. And know this, never hesitate, all you have to do is ask, I will help you with my all." Anna said some cringe stuff.

"..." I wanted to yell, 'there was nothing romantic about what we were doing right now,' but I chose not to. Though Anna's words made me cringe, I felt sincerity behind them.

"Demigod Charity auction is where all the rich and powerful families, sects, cults, gather to show their wealth and assert their strength." Anna began to narrate the history of the demigod charity action as I drove the hoverbike aimlessly and went where the road took us. I had a Card Emperor in the passenger seat, so I had nothing to fear.

The first demigod charity auction was held to gather funds for the fight on the way beyond. As the war progressed, the demigod charity auction started to be held more frequently until it became a thing, and it would be held once in a while. And after the war, the charity auction was held to gather funds to help rebuild everything destroyed during the war and make living more comfortable for the people. Soon holding a demigod charity auction to address the problems in the society became a tradition, and since then, the demigod charity auction has been held once every year.

Demigod charity auction is where card apprentices compete in a bidding war over the card eggs. Card eggs are artificial eggs created by demigods using an SSS-Rank Null Wood card ingredient to create the external shell of the Card egg, which encloses a card.

SSS-RANK Null Wood is a demigod realm wood with absolute anti-spy ability. The Null Wood anti-spy ability is unmatched. Not even a demigod can peek into the null wood cover to spy on whatever it is hiding. Therefore this Null Wood is used to create the eggshell of the Card eggs used in the charity auction.

The idea behind having Card eggs auctioned instead of actual cards is to add the addiction of gambling to the auction. After all, the demigod charity auction was created to gather as many donations as possible.

To make the auction more fun, the card eggs are divided into four tiers, Silver, golden, platinum, and diamond.

Silver Card egg - AA-rank to SSS- rank cards

SSS-Rank Card - 1% Chance

SS-Rank Card - 3% Chance

S-Rank Card - 6% Chance

AA-Rank Card - 90% Chance

Golden Card egg - AA-rank to SSS- rank cards

SSS-Rank Card - 3% Chance

SS-Rank Card - 6% Chance

S-Rank Card - 90% Chance

AA-Rank Card - 1% Chance

Platinum Card egg - AA-rank to SSS- rank cards

SSS-Rank Card - 6% Chance

SS-Rank Card - 90% Chance

S-Rank Card - 3% Chance

AA-Rank Card - 1% Chance

Diamond Card egg - AA-rank to SSS- rank cards

SSS-Rank Card - 90% Chance

SS-Rank Card - 6% Chance

S-Rank Card - 3% Chance

AA-Rank Card - 1% Chance

The cards hidden in the card eggs can be anything, a card ingredient or a card recipe or a skill card or an item card or a one-time use card. There is no telling which type or rank of card one might get.

Each tier of the Card egg had a different range of base prices. So that families with varying wealth can also participate in the fun while doing some good for the society. Bidding wars are already fun by themselves. Mixing gambling's addiction with it is another level of hype and adding in the vanity of doing good for society, when in reality, all you are doing is gambling is some next-level shit. Whoever came up with this plan to loot the rich is a genius.

Thinking of all this, I couldn't help but wonder if my soul pupils could peer through the Null Wood. If yes, the following year's demigod charity auction will be a blast.

"There is another tire of eggs. This one has the highest base price of all the card eggs in the auction, Relic Card eggs." Anna saved the best for the last.

Relic Card egg - Relic or False Relic card

Relic Card - 1% Chance

False Relic Card - 9% Chance

Better luck next time - 90% chance

Hearing about the Relic cards, my head spun as my Soul pupils were a false relic. If a false relic can be this power, then the power of a relic would be worth starting a war. And this card egg tier was unique where one had a 90% chance of winning nothing, yet, it was set at the highest base price. This shows how much a relic is coveted and sought after.


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