
Chapter 560 - Sinless

Location- Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Tower, Penthouse Office

"What did you say to me?" Cindy was shocked to see Jaya suddenly snap back at her after she had just thought that she had broken Jaya's spirit with her sharp words.

"You heard me. When I am in charge, you are going to be the first change I will make." Jaya repeated herself, not for Cindy's sake but to maintain her mental fortitude.

Cindy's sharp word's did break Jaya's spirit. Jaya started second-guessing every decision she had made, but then she realized, does it matter? And she was not a credit hog. She was a little sister who just wanted her big sis's praise. Jaya did not let herself get lost in Cindy's twisted narrative. And so what if she claimed all the credit? She was the only heiress of the Fine Gold. Everything that Fine Gold had will belong to her sooner or later. Even the so-called credits that Cindy accused her of stealing.

"..." Hearing Jaya's response and seeing her not let herself wallow in self-blame, succumbing to Cindy's sharp words and twisted narrative Diana's eyes shone brightly. Yeah, this is the minimum confidence her sister needs to have.

Diana did not want to turn Jaya into a good person. She wanted her little sister to grow into a competent person. A person who would get what she wants, even with force if required. Diana did not build her legacy by being a good person or doing social services. She made her empire on others' graves. To do that, a person needs to believe that what they do is always right. This is a must because this allows the person to be guilt-free. Who isn't guilty of sin in this world? Everyone is, but there is only one person who can claim he is sinless, and that person is the one who believes that his every action is just and righteous.

Diana was that kind of person, and her decades of life experience have taught her that the only way a person can be such a person is by doing what feels right to their heart. Right, follow your heart. It will show you what is right. This is what Diana wanted to teach Jaya.

There are two ways to follow your heart. One is just because you can, and the other is just because you want to. There is a lot of difference between these two.

1. Doing something just because you can is tasteless and cowardly. The strong bully the weak just because they can. But they cower in front of somebody stronger than them.

2. Doing something you want is heroic and inspiring. Snatching from the blessed and bullying the monsters in human skin, now that's the way of a legend. Diana grabbed from the rich and subdued the bullies. These are two reasons Fine Gold was able to stand still to date, not to mention who would bully Fine Gold when all monsters in human skin in the city are gathered here under Diana's foot.

Diana expected Jaya to be this, but knowing the limitations of her little sister, she at least expected her to grow into a person who is not afraid to fight for what she wants. An average family teaches their cubs to keep their head down and not seek trouble. If trouble comes seeking their way, they should give up and run the other way. While those were the teachings of a typical average family, Diana's teachings to her sister were the complete opposite. She did not grow Jaya to fear trouble instead fed off of trouble. Therefore, when Jaya did not reflect on her actions and instead doubled down on them, Diana felt a little proud.

The world is not a fair place. There is no right or wrong in this world, just the majority's interpretation. And these majorities were none other than the weak losers that tried to explain their loss using fancy words like right, wrong, righteous, orthodox, unorthodox, etc. Either way, the time has proven that the winner gets to write the history.

"Hahaha, that's the funniest joke I have heard." Jaya's word did catch Cindy off guard, but still, she made a comeback.

"What's so funny? Did I say something wrong?" Jaya did not get what Cindy was laughing at.

"Didn't you hear? Boss is selling 51% of the company shares to Master Wyatt. How do you plan to inherit Fine Gold with 49% shares? " Cindy's nonchalant words exploded in Jaya's head.

"Sister, tell me she is lying." Jaya hurriedly sought an answer from her sister.

"It's true. Fine Gold and Master Wyatt have reached a cooperative relationship. In exchange for 51% of Fine Gold shares, Master Wyatt has promised his friendship. Now that you know follow Cindy's instructions and transfer the shares in your name when she asks you to." Master Wyatt's friendship was fancy words of Diana's interpretation of them becoming southern emperor's lackeys. Diana still believed that Wyatt was just a puppet being controlled by the Southern emperor from the shadows.

"Fine, I will do as you say, sister." Jaya humbly agreed to follow her sister's instructions.

"..." Hearing Jaya quietly agreeing to Diana's arrangement to transfer 51% shares of Fine Gold to Wyatt, Diana and Cindy were dumbfounded as they were expecting to hear Jaya protest against their decision and through a tantrum. They honestly did not expect Jaya to be cool-headed and readily agree to the transferring of Fine gold shares in her name.

"Little girl, are you okay?" Cindy asked in concern before Diana could ask the same.

"What? Growing under Wyatt's shadow is a good decision for us and the company's future direction. I saw the Southern Emperor propose to Wyatt. I don't know the exact story, but I know that the Southern emperor and Wyatt are very close because Wyatt addressed her on a first-name basis. As long as Wyatt has Southern Emperor's support, nobody can stop our Fine Gold from expanding to the entire southern region.. 49% of the whole southern region is more attractive than 100% of the sky blossom city."

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