
Chapter 550 - Calamity Trap

Location- Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

After Cortney and Bloodette left, I activated my soul pupils to monitor Sarah and quickly found the demigod Redfall's sould hiding in her bloodline as it repetitively attacked her calamity daughter gem. It seemed obsessed with devouring Sarah's soul and replacing it in her body as soon as possible. But after a while, it paused and scanned the surroundings. Then the demigod's soul seemed to have locked on me. The next thing I saw was the demigod soul covering itself in a blob of Sarah's bloodline before shooting straight at me, aiming for my calamity soul gem.

Ever since the incident at the stadium where the card emperor realm assassin managed to pass through 3 card emperors guarding me and assassinate me, I have been more cautious than ever. Even though the assassination attempt was a failure, I had the worst scare of my current life. But that incident also gave me an idea. An idea that would make worry less about such assassination attempts happening again.

The idea was nothing new. It was the same body-switching technique I used to escape the assassination in the stadium. From that day onwards, I modified my real body. I created a new modified body using the calamity soul gem's restructuring skill to carry two ego gems. One of them is my calamity soul gem, while the other is the calamity daughter gem. I hid my calamity soul gem while the calamity daughter gem acted as a decoy. So whenever I am ambushed, I can detonate my calamity daughter gem, deceiving my attackers into thinking that they had destroyed my original ego gem and successfully sent my soul to the river of souls.

Having two ego gems in one body is not impossible as one of the ego gems is just ornamental meant to act as a decoy to protect the original ego gem. The rest of the card apprentice community can not achieve this because their ego gem does not have the parent and daughter gem skill that my calamity soul gem possesses, which allows the calamity soul gem to create numerous slave copies of itself.

If they really wanted to create a second ego gem, then they would have to chip off a tiny part of their original ego gem to create an ego gem shell by feeding it refined soul energy, which they can maybe use as a decoy for their actual ego gem. That's a lot of trouble to create something that may or may not fool their enemy. After all, the decoy is just an ego gem shell and lacks the true qualities of the real ego gem, which an expert card apprentice can easily differentiate.

My calamity daughter gem does not have such obvious flaws and easily passes off for an authentic ego gem. The beauty of using this method is that since no card apprentice uses this method, to be more precise, nobody is able to use this method of deception. Nobody will suspect that they have killed the decoy, leaving my original ego gem untouched.

Redfall's Soul was of a demigod realm, after all. I was worried that he could see through my tricks, so I had to take extra precautions. Just to be on the safer side while Redfall was busy attacking Sarah's calamity daughter gem, I let the hive AI activator take control of the decoy calamity daughter gem to control my body. In contrast, I had the avatar run by Hive AI stealthily remove the calamity soul gem from the body and place it in one of my pockets.

Therefore when demigod Redfall thought that he was heading for my ego gem, he was actually heading towards my decoy calamity daughter gem, which I was controlling through my hive AI.

Yes, I planned to use my calamity daughter gem to capture demigod Redfall. I know my calamity daughter gem's ability is limited to the A-rank Card lord realm. Therefore, I did not plan to subdue him using my calamity daughter gem. I wanted to imprison the demigod Redfall's soul inside the calamity daughter gem.

Subduing and Capturing are two different things. Subduing the demigod's soul was out of my current capabilities but capturing his soul was possible. If I played all my cards right, I knew I could successfully trap demigod Redfall's soul. I did, and the sucker walked right into the cage I prepared for him.

Calamity daughter gem's ability to turn its host into a loyal enslaved person is limited to A-rank beings because of my low realm and grimoire grade. But the power of its protective shell is not limited to the realm system. It remains undefeated, to my knowledge. Since the demigod Redfall's soul cannot break through Sarah's calamity daughter gem, then I was sure that demigod Redfall's soul could not escape if it were to be trapped in the calamity daughter gem by choice.

But just to be on the safer side, I had prepared another countermeasure if the situation were to go south. After all, I am dealing with a demigod. Even if it is a wandering soul, it still has the prestige of a demigod. And that countermeasure was none other than the heathen stone prison box that I used to deal with the dungeon calamity seed.

I purposely let my calamity daughter gem allow the demigod Redfall's soul to invade it. Once inside demigod Redfall would be trapped within the calamity daughter gem. But as a precaution for something unexpected, as soon as demigod Redfall 's soul entered the calamity daughter gem. I take out the heathen stone box and lock the calamity daughter gem containing the demigod's soul in it.

Heathen stone is hazardous for the card apprentice, but it is deadly to a soul body. And coincidentally, demigod Redfall happens to be a soul-body. Even if he manages to escape my calamity daughter gem, he will be imprisoned in the heathen stone box.

Initially, a heathen stone would not be a problem for a demigod. But, Redfall has lost both his physical body and divinity. Losing these two, he has lost the power to deal against a heathen stone.


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