
Chapter 520 - Giga Punch

Location- Sky Blossom City, D-Rank Silver Beach Gate dungeon

Seeing the Wind in the surrounding area gather to form a Blade and head towards her, Anna did not show fear. Instead, the corners of her mouth raised, hearing her grimoire sound with notification, and she muttered, " Finally."

[Card 'Southern Emperor' detected...

All conditions meet...

Removing the restriction on Grand Array formation...

Ruler mode activated...

Host Name- Anna Heatsend...

Verifying Host Authority…

Host Authority sufficient…

Ruler Selected…

Establishing a connection between the grand array formation and the Ruler…

Connection established...

Happy Hunting!]

"Giga Punch!" Anna yelled as she balled up her fist and punched at the incoming World Cutter. A ball of Pure and concentrated soul energy extends out of Anna's fist and speeds towards the speeding World Cutter. As the ball of soul energy and wind blade collide, a huge explosive spark is emitted while the two attacks null each other out. The shockwaves spread throughout the city below, the tall buildings swayed like trees with the spread of the shockwaves.

"You! How is it possible?" Seeing her Attack get negated by Anna's punch, Yin Widow was stunned, unable to comprehend what just happened. How could a Card emperor defend against a card demigod's attack? This was just illogical.

"That's it? Old hag, how did you survive my uncle's pursuit with such little strength?" Anna did not mean to taunt Yin Widow. She genuinely felt that Yin Widows' attack did not pack the power of a card demigod. It was no way near the energy showcased by her uncle.

Being connected to the grand array formation, Anna felt an enormous surge in her strength as massive power ran through her body. She felt that every grass, rock, tree of the southern land was part of the array formation empowering her. It was as if she had become one with the entire southern region and represented every living being in it as a single entity. This power gave Anna the confidence to taunt and go toe to toe with a demigod.

"I can't believe it. He not only passed you his title but also the legendary Heatsend family heirloom. To think that he would pass the card to you instead of his son or daughter. So the rumors are true. You are his true heir and Achilles heel." Witnessing the impossible feat pulled by Anna, Yin Widow remembered the Heatsend family heirloom that was passed down to every generation of the family patriarch.

"No, old friend, you didn't. The southern region is going to be turbulent again." Lorenzo knew that with all the trinkets passed to Anna by her elders, a demigod could not harm her, but that was a temporary measure, so he was apprehensive for Anna and couldn't understand where her confidence stemmed from for her to act so brazenly in front of the demigod.

But seeing Anna access the soul energy of the grand array formation covering the southern region, Lorenzo knew Anna's grandfather had passed the heatsend family heirloom to Anna, which was equal to declaring to the rest of the world that Anna was going to be the next Matriarch of the Heatsend family.

"Grandpa..." Luna knew exactly what her grandfather meant by the southern region being turbulent again. If her great-uncle had chosen either Anna's mother or Uncle as the next matriarch or patriarch, then things would not become as complicated as they were about to.

"All I know is your cousins and relatives are going to be pissed." Said old Lorenzo as he knew his friend's decision would piss many people off. But Lorenzo did not care about that. He was worried about his fate, as it looked like he would be Anna's slave for the rest of his life.

"..." While her grandfather was worried about becoming Anna's workhorse, Luna was concerned about something different that only time would reveal.

"No wonder you dared to be so bold." Having found Anna's source of confidence, Yin Widow was deterred. As inside the grand array formation, Anna could be considered unbeatable. Yin Widow remembers that predecessors of the heatsend family had used this card to withstand so many wars and single-handedly managed to stay on top of it all.

"Enough talk, old hag, let's rumble." With the newfound strength, Anna wanted to explore its boundaries and was in no mood for talk.

"Girl, get it together if we fight in the city air space. The city will face a disaster. If you don't want to cause the death of millions of innocent lives, you better pipe down." Yin Widow was tight on time, so she did not want to blow up the situation. Instead, she tried to compromise with Anna taking the city as collateral.

"Don't worry. I have the perfect solution for that. Field Card - Gladiator Pit." Anna activated her field card, and their surroundings shifted and morphed into a vast ancient colosseum.

"You!" Seeing Anna not willing to compromise, Yin Widow was speechless but seeing her surroundings change as Anna activated her field card, she let out a distressed yell, "NOoo!"

"Old hag, stop being dramatic and take out the cards you stole for the Yin-Yang harmony sect. Don't you dare hold back on me!" Anna asked Yin Widow to display her full strength to test the limits of the power given to her by the grand array formation. She needs a capable opponent, and Yin Widow holding back would only spoil her fun.

"..." Entering the field card, the distressed and enraged Yin widow had a sudden realization. She understood that she had misunderstood the entire situation. The reason she was not able to detect the imprint she left on her son's bloodline vessel and her guardian could be that they had entered a dungeon. Meaning that the southern emperor was not holding her son's last hope hostage. This sudden realization gave Yin Widow a lot of clarity and certainty. But this did not ease her worries as her sons' descent was still not complete.. It felt as if someone or something was blocking his path.

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