
Chapter 485: Boiling Blood

Chapter 485: Boiling Blood

Date- 29 Mar 2321

Time- 11:27

Location- Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Old Ben's mastery of blood rule had reached super unique tier with an understanding of super unique level. The blood rule's meaning which he chose at the bifurcation point was Boiling Blood.

Boiling Blood meaning of blood rule is double-edged, with the immense power that comes with it, there is a huge side effect to pay for. Boiling Blood meaning can give host's overall stats a boost of 1000%, but in that state, the host gains a madness debuff which is directly proportional to the overall stat boost. Meaning if the host gains a 500% overall stat boost, then he also gains a madness debuff with a 500% boost.

Madness debuff is enough to turn any card apprentice into a mindless beast. If it is boosted by 1000%, the card apprentice will turn into a mindless slaughtering machine who will attack anybody within their line of sight. This is the worst meaning of blood rule for one to comprehend, but for old Ben, this meaning was a perfect match with the side effects of his origin card.

Old Ben's origin card is Emotion Olfactory Lobe which allows him to smell others' emotions. But there is a massive side effect to it, Emotion paralysis. It is more of a safety mechanism of the origin card than a side effect as its purpose is to protect old Ben from undergoing emotion overload. And once again, thanks to this emotion paralysis, old Ben is immune to the madness debuff. Making the Boiling Blood meaning the best match for old Ben.

In terms of comprehension of blood rule, Old Ben and Ted had gained a bargain, but Van was out of luck. Boiling Blood and Blood forge are handy for combat, but Blood elixir is not. For my army of calamity daughter gem healing ability was of no use. They all had body restructuration skills and could quickly heal any kind of mortal wound, so an additional healing skill was of no use.

"Old Ben and Ted, congrats, the meaning that both of you comprehended are good. Van, you are out of luck this time, but I won't blame you if you choose to abandon the blood rule and try comprehending other rules.

If you still want to master this meaning, I won't stop you but teach you a blood ritual that will allow you to embed the blood elixir created from a monster's blood into the origin card and turn it into an elixir card. I bet TSR guild members will appreciate the blood elixir cards." I congratulated the other two while I gave Van an option to abandon the blood rule or use it for its commercial value.

Van's affinity to blood rule was very low. Despite the help of blood pills and the blood rock cave, he could not reach the high level of mastery in blood rule to create a basic Rune. Therefore I gave him a choice to stop wasting time comprehending blood rule and abandon it. After all, the meaning he comprehended was useless, and wasting time to reach ultimate mastery in it would be stupidity. Hence I advised Van to abandon the Blood rule and comprehend other rules.

"Yes, master Wyatt. The blood rule is not compatible with me, so I will try my luck with other rules." Van chooses to heed my advice. This is the burden of the average card apprentice. Due to their lack of compatibility with rules, if they comprehend an unrequired meaning, they have no choice but to abandon that particular rule and try to comprehend a new one as they could not afford to waste time comprehending a rule's meaning, which is of no use to them.

"Sure, do as you see fit. You can keep the extra blood pills or share them with Sarah. Ted, Blood forge is an extraordinary ability. It will not only be of help in combat, but you can use it to create blood weapon cards. If you require more blood pills, ask me." Blood forge is a great meaning. Similar to blood elixir, it also has a very high commercial value. Ted could create blood weapons using high-rank monster blood and then embed the blood weapon rune into an origin core and morph it into cards. Higher the rank of monster blood used stronger the blood weapon made. Blood forge and Blood elixir both had a very high commercial value.

"Thank you, Master Wyatt, but the blood pills I have on me should last me for quite a while. And I plan to create blood weapon cards and sell them to the TSR guild, if you don't mind." Before I reminded him, Ted already had plans to create blood weapon cards and sell them to the TSR guild.

"What about your job as City Lord's guard? I thought you would be going way beyond with him." Anna had banished City Lord to Way Beyond. I thought City lord would take his guards with him. So, I was confused when Ted made plans for the future with the TSR guild.

"City Lord gave me a choice to continue working for him at 'way beyond' or retire. Since master Wyatt is here, I planned to apply for retirement as city lord's guard tonight." Though the daughter gems had independent thoughts, their priority was still me, so I was not surprised by Ted's decision. But I did not need Ted here, I wanted him to go to Way beyond with City Lord and get me the information on Way Beyond that I was missing.

"Ted, I think you should not retire yet. Go to Way Beyond with the city lord and be my eyes and ear at the Way Beyond." Since the City lord asked Ted to choose, I chose for Ted.

According to what I have heard from Anna and Lorenzo, Way Beyond is where all the fuss is. Since I am a part of this world, I should know what is going on in this world. And apparently, Way Beyond is the humanities frontier, and I should know what's happening there at the earliest. Therefore, I did not hesitate to order Ted to go to Way Beyond with the city lord.

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