
Chapter 421: Beacon of Darkness

Chapter 421: Beacon of Darkness

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 13:44

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234

“Corey! Listen to me. Do not let that bastard… mother stealing bastard Wyatt win.” Corey Park got down to Corey Bright’s level to reach out to her and stop her from connecting to the darkness inside the titled demon core.

“You are right! I cannot let that mother stealing bastard win. I will not let him take my mother away from me. I will not let him succeed.

Yes, I can get into any of the top 10 universities I want. Fock that Wyatt, wherever he goes, I will follow him like a vengeful cost and haunt him until he leaves my mother and me alone.” Corey, who was drifting towards the darkness under the influence of the titled demon core, finally responded to Corey Park’s call. And fried her will that she would haunt Wyatt until she gets her mother back for herself.

“Fock, That was close. Girl! Seriously, control your mood swings. If you get influenced by the titled demon core so frequently, then it will not be long before you turn into a demoness. I do not know how the humanity of this world treats demons, but if they are the same as the ones I know, they will hunt you to extinction or sacrifice you to some angel or God for their bestowal.” Corey Park sighed in relief but warned Corey to control her mood swings. If not, she would turn into a demoness which is not good.

“So there are gods in this world?” Corey Bright asked eagerly.

“Yes, but not the type you are thinking of. The ones I know would not hesitate to wipe out an entire race just for fun, not to mention a demoness. Just hope you do not have a miserable fate to meet a God or Angel. If you do, run or become a pet for their amusement. And also, try not to contact the darkness in the titled demon core. If you do, then there is no turning back.

As they say, ‘If you stare at the Darkness, it stares right back at you.’ ” Corey Park advised Corey Bright to stay away from Gods and Angels. Also, not to make contact with darkness; apparently, once you go bark, there is no going back.

“What is the worst thing that can happen if I come into contact with darkness? I have seen you use its power in your memories. You were so cool and strong using it.” Corey Bright had no caution toward the darkness or indirectly being influenced by it, despite Corey Park’s repeated warning.

“Darkness is a power that keeps you edgy by empowering your sins and numbing your virtues. Believe me, it is not something you want to feel like. If not monitored properly, you may become a mass murderer under its influence.

I used it because I was in dark realms. There I had no choice but to use it. If I did not use it, I would have been killed long ago, even before my actual death. Many powerful demons who lost control of the darkness ended up massacring their friends, family, and beloved. If you do not want to be one of them, I advise you to maintain caution towards darkness.

And also, if you contact the darkness and use it in this world. Then you will act as a beacon of darkness for all the high-level demons in the dark realms. Following your signal, they will find this world or plane and try to conquer it even if it means slaughtering every last human in this world.

So if you care about family and friends, control yourself and stay far from the darkness. Even if you are dying, do not use it unless you want to see this world become a warzone.” Corey Park’s only advice for Corey Bright was that even if she were to die in a battle, she should choose to die and avoid using darkness in the title demon core.

“What makes you think that the demons are not already in this world? There are thousands of new dungeons opening and closing every year in this world. What makes you so sure that a demon did not come out of one of the dungeons already.” Corey Bright pointed out a valid and wise observation.

“You may be right. Calculating the long history of this world and the number of weird dungeons, that possibility is not small. But without proof, we cannot say for sure, but if it is true, you should be extra careful because the one you start using darkness, they will be able to sense you come for you. Knowing that they are of demonkind, obviously, they would not have good plans with you.” According to Corey Park, if there are demons in this card world, then they would come looking for her if she accesses darkness from within the titled demon corner.

“Fock! These kinds of things you should have told me earlier.” Corey Bright blamed Corey Park for not telling them all the problems her titled demon core and the darkness could bring her.

“How could I? Since the day I have met you, you have been an emotional wreck, once it is your identity crisis or mother issues, or father issues. With your constant moodiness, I never got the changes to tell you that you are awaking talking time bomb.” Corey Park blamed Corey Bright for being emotionally weak. So what if your parents left you and chose their duty over you. So what if you disappointed your past life mother So what if your father left you in your past life. People have been through worse you do not see them complaining.

“So now it’s my fault that you did not remember to tell me the critical info on titled demon core and the darkness. You do know that I just almost embraced the power of darkness a few minutes ago.” Corey Bright called Corey Park a failure of a teacher who blames her students for negligence.

“Whatever, awaken. Mama Susan is scared silly and is worried for you since you haven’t been responding to her for 10 mins now.” Corey Park reminded her other self to return to the outside world, where people are worried about seeing her sit blankly without responding to anybody.

“And whose fault is that? If not for you insisting on talking to me, I would not be in this mess in the first place.” Corey Bright blamed her ego fire for becoming talkative.

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