
Chapter 410: Rotation Visitation

Chapter 410: Rotation Visitation

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 12:43

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association mall, Warehouse no.234

“Boy, you think you’re the only one to come up with that idea? People have thought of such methods but could not follow through because theorizing and practically applying it are two different things. So please don’t interfere with something that you do not understand.” Lorenzo, as one of the ministers of Anna’s grandfather, has heard many such proposals and has discarded them because they were only good as a theory and did not meet the conditions to implement them practically.

“Old man, I never thought of myself as such and never said the method would be easy. If it were easy, you would have already done it.” Lorenzo accused me of thinking that I am the only genius, but I am not guilty of thinking so. I agree, I think I am a genius, but I never felt that I was the only genius. There is a lot of difference between the two.

“Then what were you trying to achieve by babbling your mouth and inserting your nose where it doesn’t belong?” Lorenzo was on a roll, and I think he is trying to use this opportunity to get me down off my high horse.

“Stubborn old fool, have you ever heard of the saying ‘where there is a will, there is a way.’

Right now, I just pointed a way for you guys. It’s up to you guys to conjure the will to walk it and see it through. My mentor used to say if you give it your all, there is nothing you cannot achieve. ” I chose to speak the second part of the story about what my mentor said in my mind, ‘My Mentor not only did he say that ‘if one gives it your all, there is also nothing he/she cannot achieve.’ He spent his entire life trying to prove one of the scientific theories he believed in, only to have those theories disapproved by me at the end of his peak age. Then he turned into a drunkard and spent the rest of his time cursing me that why didn’t I wait to disprove his work until after he died.’

Well, the moral of the story is my mentor became a deadbeat drunkard when I took away any of his chances at the Nobel Prize. But it doesn’t mean that if my Mentor failed, Anna would also fail after all two of them are two different, separate, distinct people. You never know if the cat is dead or alive until you give it a try.

“Is that it? A few motivation words, that’s all you got to back your claims. I did not think you would give up that easily.” Turns out all this time, Lorenzo was giving me a hard time about the Rotation Visitation method to check if I believed in the strategy that I proposed. Lorenzo is an okay guy if he stops playing his mind games on me. I guess he cannot help it as it was his job to check the people that approach the Heatsend Royal family’s only Princess are credible.

“That may not be enough to impress you, but I think my motivational arrows have hit the mark. So Anna, are you willing to try the Rotation visitation method? I know change is hard, but it is the cornerstone of progress.

I can understand why someone of Lorenzo’s age is subjective of change. They are old, stubborn, and cannot help it. But you are young, don’t tell me you are afraid of change, worrying about the few mistakes that might happen with progress. If you do that, instead of progressing, you will be stuck with the old ways that you know are wrong and not doing any favors for you, your soldiers, or their families.” I did not know whether the Rotation Visitation method would work, but it was worth mulling over if it meant it could help increase the soldiers’ morale. Being on the battlefield for years is not good for the soldiers or their families back home.

Why did I show a sudden interest in Military welfare? At first, I spoke to participate in the conversation but provoked by Lorenzo, I became passionate and spoke more than I should have. After all, Earth and this card world are two different worlds. There is no guarantee that what world there would work here. So pushing Anna to think about something I was unsure about myself felt wrong.

“…” Being ignored by me, Lorenzo did not get angry or enraged. Instead, he monitored the effect of my words on Anna. It’s as if he was judging my influence on Anna. This gave me chills. Does he have to be this calculating and conniving all the time? Fouk, all those words earlier, did he purposely plant them to provoke me? But Why? What is this old fool trying to gain here? Knowing him, he is always trying to work an angle. At least with him, I can be assured whatever he is planning is best for Anna and the Royal family. As for what he is playing at, only time would tell that.

“…” Anna was quiet for some time. Nobody knew what she was thinking. But when she finally came out of her trance. Her eyes were shining bright with brilliance with solid conviction and will, ” Wyatt, you are correct. Change is the stepping stone to progress. I have decided that I will go through all the proposals proposed by the council once again to see which one is the best for our current conditions and do my best to implement them.”

“Princess, that….” Lorenzo spoke, but before any negative words could flow out of his mouth, Anna interrupted him.

“Shut up, old man. I have made up my mind. Call the council to prepare all the necessary documents again, this time instead of using the family’s help. I will go through them myself and decide what’s best for my military.” Anna declared that she would no longer tolerate the family’s input in handling her soldiers in the politest words she could think of.

Though Anna was the Southern Emperor, all the paperwork that came with the most prestigious title of the Southern Region was handled by the Royal family. That is how Anna got the time to fool around and have a good time despite having one of the busiest jobs. Until today Anna never really felt or witnessed another side of the title she bore, the side which she cannot find on any battlefield. This side became vivid to her when she saw Corey’s emotional breakdown. Suddenly, the paperwork that she hated started to make sense and it became clear to her how much weight those paperwork held in the lives of her soldiers despite the paper’s actual weight being negligible.

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