
Chapter 407: Missing

Chapter 407: Missing

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 12:16

Location- Southern Capitol region, SS-rank Gate dungeon Storm Horse Grassland

“Cousin, your man seems to have a better relationship with his manager than you. If I were you, I would be worried.” Seeing Susan and Wyatt so close to each other, Luna took a dig at her Cousin.

“Good thing that I am not you. I am confident about my charm and femininity. If you have any doubts, ask your ex-finance.” Anna’s mood was already unstable seeing Susan and her love so close. Especially when Susan flirtatiously punched Wyatt. Anna was bummed out and, when Luna tried to pull her leg, she defensively lashed out.

“…” Luna gave Anna a death glare and decided to ignore her for another few years.

“Too soon… I am sorry.” Anna apologized, but it did not seem genuine.

“No, that was funny. I hope you find it funny when that happens to you.” Seeing that Anna had no remorse, Luna decided to change her tactic from ignoring Anna to getting revenge on her.

“What do you mean?” Anna asked Luna, squinting her eyes at Luna.

“Nothing. I said pranks are only funny when it happens to others.” Anna’s brute strength frightens Luna, so she chooses not to taunt her dimwit cousin further; otherwise, Anna would force her into embarrassing and compromising poses.

“I know, right!” Anna considered Luna harmless. So she did not dwell too much on Luna’s words.

“So, Wyatt, have you decided?” Anna asked me as she noticed Susan and I headed towards the group.

“Anna, I have decided to take you up on your offer. But I still have things to take care of in Sky blossom city.

I have decided that until Dr.Luna places the official order for mecha cards, I will stay in the city and take care of things at my end. And then I can head to the Royal Palace, and also Susan will be tagging along.” I narrated what Susan and I had decided to Anna.

“Susan too, huh! No problem. After all, she is your exclusive manager.” Anna suppressed her discomfort and agreed to the request with a warm smile.

“…” Luna’s mood finally turned up seeing her elder cousin go out of her comfort zone to accommodate her Love and his requests.

“So, now we are heading to the Sky Blossom city next?” Lorenzo asked Anna.

” Are you deaf? Didn’t you hear him say he has some things to attend to there? Take us to the Sky Blossom city.” Lorenzo became the target of all the rage Anna was holding in. She did not even hesitate to dump it all on him.

“Next stop, Sky Blossom City” Lorenzo was used to Anna’s foul mood and did not let it disturb him.

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 12:10

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association mall, Warehouse no.234

“Fock! Where are they? Where did he take my ma? How dare he kidnap my mother. I would gut him if something were to happen here.” Corey yelled, standing in front of the Warehouse no.234. Corey has been standing in front of the warehouse for almost 3 hours. Her patience had already run out. Her thoughts had become so violent and loud that she unknowingly yelled her thoughts out loud.

‘Corey, control yourself. Just return to your card studio and practice the meditation art I taught you. I am sure they will be back before you know.’ Corey Park advised Corey mentally from within the titled demon core.

“How can you ask me to be calm when our mother is missing? I did not trust that bastard from day one.” Corey Park’s advice fell on deaf ears.

“You do know that we share the same memories. Right?” Corey Park asked Corey Bright.

“Yes, I know.” Corey Bright answered

“You do know what it means….”Corey Park asked again, seeing her host being so clueless.

“What’s your point?” Corey Bright asked in annoyance.

“In your memories, I remember seeing that you admired Wyatt for his talent and guts to start a card boutique at such a young age with no outside help. You idolized him for standing on his two feet despite his difficult life.” Corey Park recanted what she remembered seeing in Corey Bright’s memories.

“That was old Corey. I am different now.” Being caught red-handed by her EgoFire, Corey Bright came up with a quick defense.

“…” Corey Park, as the other self of Corey Bright, knew her situation. When Corey meant that the old Corey and current Corey are different, she understood what Corey meant by that more than anybody could.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

“Clerk John, You better have found them,” Corey answered the grimoire call she received.

“Young miss… spare this old man. I am sorry, but I have nothing but bad news for you. I had your uncle’s people search every corner of the city, but they could not find them anywhere. I am afraid they are not in this city. If they were in the city, our people would have found them by now.” Corey had her uncle Oliver’s office clerk John search for Susan and Wyatt in the entire city when she did not find Wyatt or Susan in the Warehouse or their homes.

Having lost the bet to Wyatt, Corey was conflicted about facing him. Having spent a sleepless night agonizing over her loss, Corey arrived late at Warehouse to fulfill her wager, but to her surprise, the warehouse was closed, and there was no sign of Susan or her Ex/new Boss. She tried calling their grimoire, but it did not connect. Finding no clue, she decided to recruit clerk John’s help.

“Did you check the dungeons?” The possibility of Susan entering a dungeon with Wyatt was slim, but with all other doors closed, this option seemed more likely.

“Yes, young miss. We checked. But unfortunately, no one fitting the description of Ms. Susan or Master Wyatt entered a dungeon in Sky blossom city today.”

“Where was big sis Susan last seen and with whom?”

“Miss Susan was last seen heading into Warehouse No.234 after making a mass purchase of rare ingredients. And never came out of the warehouse. It’s as if they vanished into thin air.”

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