
Chapter 402: Traitor

Chapter 402: Traitor

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 11:24

Location- Southern Capitol region, SS-rank Gate dungeon Storm Horse Grassland

“So, what did you decide in your staff meeting?” Luna asked, seeing Susan and I return after our little discussion.

Having a heart to heart talk with Susan, we meaning Susan concluded that the Royal family should be the one to provide the ingredients for the cards, and Susan will not be taking any kind of compensation from the client for the sake of maintaining a healthy Business to Customer relationship with Heatsend royal family.

Since Susan is sacrificing her commission for the development of the Card Boutique customer relationship, I decided to award her loyalty towards the Boutique with a promise that if Susan were to find her second-fate ingredients, I would spare no expense to assist her in acquiring it. And help her create her second origin cards. Of all the expanse would be borne by the Card Boutique.

Being one of the original founding members of the Card Boutique, Susan had as much as right I had to decide what was best for the development of Card Boutique. Since Susan was doing such an excellent job as an employee of the only boutique, I had all the reasons to award her for her contribution.

The only problem was Susan herself. She was not willing to accept any expensive awards. So I had to settle for bearing all expenses for her second origin card. According to status, since Susan has already found her first fate ingredient, the probability of her finding her second fat ingredient was very low. This was what left me disappointed about the compromise Susan and I had arrived at.

“Well, After a lot of thinking and considering the contribution of the Heatsend royal family to the southern region, we have decided that the royal family can provide the card ingredients,” I responded to Luna but chose not to go into detail about the compromise between Susan and me.

“Boy, you make it sound like you are doing the royal family a favor. In actuality, you do not have the ability to procure the large amount of the rare top-shelf ingredients required to create the cards.” Lorenzo acts up hearing my remark about considering the contribution of the Heatsend family to the Southern region.

“Sorry, Emperor Lorn. Wyatt did not mean disrespect of any form from that statement.” Susan hurriedly bowed to Lorenzo and apologized, seeing Lorenzo enraged.

“Then what did he mean by that statement?” It seems Lorenzo will continue pursuing the matter further and did not show any signs of putting it down to rest.

“All he meant was that the Heatsend Royal family has set itself as an exemplary example defending the southern region for generations, and as the younger generation of the South region, we should follow the example of the Heatsend Royal family to do our part for our community and should not be greedy.” Saying the last part, Susan glared at me. Asking me to hide my dissatisfaction and act professionally.

“Well said, Little girl. Since you want to follow the example of the Royal family, why not do the job for free. Compared to the selfless sacrifice of the Heatsend family and its members, this should be nothing.” Lorenzo was impressed by Susan’s way with words, but he was centuries ahead of her in this game.

“…” Susan stared blankly at Lorenzo who’s eyes sparkled, feeling triumphant.

“Old man, shut your trap. Having lived for centuries, you are sitting on a mountain of wealth, and you still dare have thoughts about plundering the chump change in our hands. Could anyone be more shameless than you?” When dealing with people like Lorenzo, polite and humble words are useless. You have to be more shameless than them.

“Boy, what do you mean by those words? Are you trying to slander the Royal family of extortion?” Lorenzo dramatically yelled as if the slander of the Royal family was the greatest sin in his eyes.

“Your words, not mine. But yes, I am blaming you for trying to extort the younger generation of the southern region in the name of MotherLand and Self-sacrifice. Exploiting the youth of the motherland is equal to exploiting the nation’s future. With this in view, your crimes are beyond extortion. You are a traitor who betrayed the trust of his people and country.” Two can play at that game yelled louder than Lorenzo with more grimacing and stern expression.

“…” Susan, Luna, Anna, Cortney, and Clown Mask stood in the sudden turn of events. Weren’t we discussing business when it turned into slander or extraction or betrayal?

“Boy, what did you call me?” Being called a traitor, Lorenzo lost it.

“Enough, Lorenzo, stand down.” Anna stepped in, seeing things get out of hand.

“…” I sneered, looking at Lorenzo, who was mad as hell but could do nothing because of Anna.

“Well played, boy.” Lorenzo gracefully accepted his defeat with a grudge.

“Wyatt, I am willing to pay 0.5% of the total cost of the card ingredients that will be used for the creation of the Cards as compensation for Ms. Susan’s service. I hope this satisfies you.” By now, Luna knew where my dissatisfaction stemmed from if she didn’t earlier. And proposed to compensate Susan with 0.5% of the total cost of the ingredients used. This percentage is significantly less than the percentage offered to Susan by the Guild association, but it was better than nothing. Since Susan would be getting compensated without doing any work, I think this was a justifiable amount of compensation.

*Thank you for your consideration, Emperor Luna. Considering that the Royal family brought us such massive business, we have decided to reciprocate the goodwill you have shown to us by rebating the compensation you just promised. Let this be the fountain of a stable relationship between our Card boutique and the royal family. We are happy to have you as our customer.” Since Luna had already promised compensation, Susan could not reject her compensation. That would not be polite. Instead, she used the opportunity to get on good terms with Luna.

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