
Chapter 343: Bloodette

Chapter 343: Bloodette

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 17:05

Location- Sky Blossom City, Card Stadium, Arena

“Final Round, Dalton Wyatt Vs Cortney Ress”

“3.. 2.. 1, Start!”

“Debt Collection: Blood Supreme – Bloodette, Summon.” With the start of the duel, Cortney’s face turned expressionless and she made her move in a blink of an eye without hesitation. It was different from Cortney who was still deciding. This may be the Tao tongue Clown mask spoke of.

“Little girl, you finally summoned me. I was getting bored stuck in that seal.” Spoke a puddle of blood summoned by Cortney. Soon the puddle of blood elongated into a 4-foot tall blood jelly. Then the blood jelly transformed into a small humanoid being, to be precise into a legal loli dressed in red cloth made out of the red jelly.

“Kill him” Cortney did not respond to the legal Loli, she just ordered her to kill the man standing opposite to her.

“Hey! What’s with this cold welcome? I know I made a contract with you but you can not treat me like this, I protest.” Bloodette protested seeing Cortney not respond to her instead ordering her like a slave.

“I said Kill him” Cortney’s voice got colder in response to Bloodette’s tantrum.

“No, I don’t want to. Not unless you apologize to me and give me blood pudding.” Bloodette did not seem to notice the changes in Cortney. And continued with her tantrum.

“Debt Recovery: Bloodette” Cortney did not order Bloodette for the third time instead she used her ability to force Bloodette.

“Ahhh!” Bloodette screamed in pain she felt the world rule blood which she was friends with forcing her to do Cortney’s bidding. Bloodette did not understand what was happening. Why did her friend suddenly turn against her?

“Why? I thought we were friends” Pain-ridden Bloodette looked at expressionless Cortney and begged for an answer but was only faced with ice-cold silence.

She clearly remembers promising Cortney that as long as she summons her out of the seal she will help Cortney. But how did it turn into a one-sided slave contract? She never agreed to something like that. Bloodette wanted to return to her home, the dungeon she was sealed in but the world forcefully stopped her from doing so.

Bloodette felt as if the world and its rules who were her friends for a long time suddenly turned on her and now were forcing her to follow Cortney’s orders which confused Bloodette because Cortney had not formed her Ego Gem yet and she doesn’t even know the concept of World and the rules within it.

Bloodette remembered the reason she became friends with Cortney out of all the people that visited her seal because she seemed to be close to the world and rules. Though Cortney had no idea about the world and rules she was very much favored by them. As if they had blessed her.

“Blood Manipulation – Blood petrification” unable to bear the punishment of the world rule, Bloodette gave in and attacked the man standing in front of her.

I, who was watching the show between Bloodette and expressionless Cortney, suddenly felt my body go stiff and was unable to move a single muscle in my body. It may be because of the sudden increase in the temperature and speed of blood flowing I felt in my body. So the Blood petrification ability that Bloodette used does not actually petrify my blood it just manipulates it to increase the temperature and flow speed of the blood. It may seem simple but it was deadly. If not for my strong physique my heart would have already exploded with the current rate of blood flow.

“Two can play that game, Summon Blood Swordsman – blood manipulation – nullify.” I summoned my Ego elemental to nullify the Bloodette’s blood manipulation on me.

But contrary to my expectation of Blood Swordsman he could not nullify Bloodette’s blood manipulation. Though he was not able to completely nullify it he was successful in dampening its effects turning my status from stun to sluggish or slow. This raised concerns in me so I hurriedly asked Blood Swordsman, ” what’s wrong?”

Blood Swordsman responded with an obvious answer that Bloodette’s blood manipulation was stronger than its own. With its current power, it could only hinder her blood manipulation.

“Blood manipulation- Blood Needle shower” Bloodette did not wait for me to finish my talk with the Blood Swordsman and showered numerous blood needles at me.

“Debt Collection: River Nymph possession – virility of river” to make things worse Cortney added a buff to Bloodette.

Seeing that Blood Swordsman was surprisingly weaker than Bloodette I had no choice but to summon reinforcements ” Summon Blue spring and Cloud Lord

Blue Spring- Water barrier

Cloud Lord- Lightning Descent

Blood Swordsman – Blood manipulation: Faint”

The Water barrier Summoned by Blue Spring Successfully blocked the Blood needles aimed at me. And the Lighting Descent of Cloud Lord kept Bloodette engaged. While Blood Swordsman manipulated blood in Cortney’s body to decrease blood flow to her brain and cause her to faint. And now for the finishing move, “Gigamite form: if you see me I see you”

Decreasing blood to Cortney’s brain made her sluggish as she tried to resist fainting, taking this opportunity I mobilized my 3 floating heads and 6 floating arms to restrain her, render her immobile and knock her out. An easy win but it was far from that with Cortney’s fainting her summoned creature Bloodette did not vanish rather she went berserk.

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 17:08

Location- Sky Blossom City, Card Stadium, VIP box no 1.

Anna, Lorenzo, and Luna who were interrogating Clown Mask suddenly felt a terrifying presence in their proximity. Alerted all three of them searched for that existence.

“What the fook, is that a supreme being?” Anna exclaimed.

“Yes but something different about it. Its power level is only at the Card Overlord realm. Anyway, why is a teenager able to summon a supreme being?” Luna looked at the dwarfed blood humanoid with great curiosity. Her caution went out of the window once she realized that the Supreme being did not possess even 1/100th of its original strength.

“It’s Blood Supreme, Bloodette. She is a supreme being who was sealed even before my time. I heard stories of your ancestors suppressing her in the southern region. It turns out to be true.

According to the myth, Blood Supreme’s body was destroyed but her will couldn’t be so your ancestors performed a forbidden seal technique and sealed her in a dungeon in the south.

By the looks of it, Blood supreme seems to have awakened from a long slumber and has started to form her new body. The question remains how is that kid able to control the Supreme being.” Lorenzo narrated all the information he remembered seeing Bloodette.

“She is the holder of Tao Tongue, I think there isn’t much to be explained on how she can control it.” Answered Anna and turning to Clown Mask she said, “It looks like your concerns about your daughter were unnecessary.”

“No, your highness. You underestimate the power that boy bears. If you had seen what I have seen, what that power is capable of you will not say those words.

His strength is developing way faster compared to the Circle’s founder. I underestimated him and now my daughter is paying the price.”

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