
Chapter 314: Gigamite

Chapter 314: Gigamite

[Physique Name: Gigamite

Physique Type: Taboo Physique

Physique Rank: Acquired Grade

Physique Description: Gigamites are viltronian born as conjoined twins, triplets or higher. Gigamite mutation in Viltronian develops when an early viltronian embryo partially separates to form two or more individuals.

Being a Viltronian, it is not in the nature of the conjoined Viltronians in a Gigamite to share their body with their conjoined brothers/sisters. Therefore often the dominant consciousness of the Gigamite swallows the consciousness of their conjoined siblings shortly after their birth giving birth to a taboo variant in viltronian physique formed by devouring the consciousness and absorbing the conjoined physical body of their siblings, Gigamite.

The consciousness and physical bodies devoured by Gigamite are mysteriously refined by the Viltronian core giving rise to mysterious and unique physique skills.

Additional skills- Many Headed and Handed One, I Spy, Super Viltronian, Drones, Taboo limiter, semi-sentient multi-consciousness ]

Many Headed and Handed One- Based on the number of conjoined siblings devoured and absorbed by the dominant consciousness of Gigamite it gains N number of floating heads and floating pair of arms.

In the case of conjoined twins, the dominant consciousness of Gigamite will devour the only conjoined sibling and gain one floating head and one pair of floating pairs of arms.

In the case of conjoined triplets, the dominant consciousness of Gigamite will devour the other 2 conjoined siblings and gain two floating heads and two pairs of floating pairs of arms. Similarly for the higher number of conjoined bodies.

Super Viltronian – The power of the Viltronian physique of a Gigamite multiplies with the number of conjoined bodies devoured by it. For a conjoined twin, Gigamite’s viltronian physique is twice as strong as the normal viltronian physique.

Drones – The floating heads and floating pairs of hands of the Gigamite can roam independently and can be used as drones for reconnaissance.

Semi-sentient Multi-consciousness – Gigamite gains semi-sentient multi-consciousness for its floating heads and arms based on the number of conjoined consciousness it devoured.

I Spy – ‘If you see me I see you. If you move then I will move’. If a person is seeing the Gigamite then the floating heads can easily track them and teleport next to them. If the person moves after being noticed by Gigamite then the floating pair of arms teleport and constrains them.

Taboo limiter – The Gigamite can use a taboo limiter to absorb back his floating heads and arms back in its body and limit its super physique strength on various levels depending on users will.

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 15:24

Location- Sky Blossom City, Card stadium, Arena no.2

As I was preparing to face Corey who dashed at me with her complete brute strength I saw Corey’s crocodile tail slam on the arena floor hard helping Corey leap at me with incredible speed and force in the air like a missile. I was surprised to see Corey so proficiently use her tail. And seeing the ram horns on her head I gave up on facing Corey head-on and decided to dodge her attack. Being headbutted by those horns seemed dangerous for some reason.

“What the… why are you dodging my attacks? Face them head-on, let see whose physique is better. Unless you’re too chicken to face me head-on.” Corey taunted seeing me dodging her tackle.

“Do you think I am a fool? Those horns obviously have special effects on them.” Looking at how efficiently Corey made use of her tail to gain latitude, acceleration and force to her normal headbutt. I knew that headbutt was not as normal as it seemed. And Corey’s desperate taunt that followed after I dodged the tackle made it obvious.

“You are not stupid as you seem. Well, there’s no point in holding back anymore.” With Corey’s words, her black horns and tail started to glow red while emitting very high temperatures. And she continued, ” Watch out, Wyatt. I am getting serious now, Magma Terrain.”

With Corey’s shout, her red hot crocodile tail pierced into the arena floor and soon the area surrounding the tail started to melt and form magma. This magma transformation of the floor started to slowly spread throughout the arena.

The arena floor was made up of high-grade ores to withstand attacks of Card Lords. So, there is no reason why a card soldier could melt it with her physique alone and Jaya’s experience trying to break the arena floor was a perfect example. Yet somehow Corey was able to turn the arena into a magma field just using her physique.

“Don’t worry, it is not a skill card. Just one of the effects of my physique.” Seeing me look at her with a cautious yet confused look Corey explained that the extreme temperature exerted by her tail and horns were a part of her physique.

“Impressive, I am really curious how your tail and horns are able to produce such high temperatures of heat. Is it only limited to your horns and tail or your entire body can do the same?” I asked the first question that came to my mind seeing Corey’s horns and tail produce an extreme amount of heat.

“Ready or not, Fire in the hole.” Corey did not seem to hear my question and instead scooped up some magma from the arena floor as if the magma temperature was not hot at all.

Scooping up the magma Corey compressed it in ball shape with her hands and then threw them aiming at me at an extreme speed.

The magma balls approached me at high speed and I narrowly dodged them. But that was not the end the magma balls upon landing exploded.

Yes, the magma balls exploded right next to me. If not for the super viltronian physique of Gigamite taboo physique I would have had taken serious damage.

While I was checking my injuries Corey was not done yet she started to bombard me with magma balls one after the other without giving me a breather. The speed of magma balls was too fast I could narrowly escape them but would be implicated by the explosion effect.

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