
Chapter 311: Taboo Limiter

Chapter 311: Taboo Limiter

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 15:14

Location- Sky Blossom City, Card stadium, Arena no.2

“Get off your high horses, nobody is infatuated with you. I am just trying to remove the dirt stuck on something very precious to me. To remove dirt from something, you have to be relentless and thorough otherwise it won’t come off, I heard it can be shameless in that way. And do not mistake my relentlessness as infatuation. If you did then you are the most foolish person I have seen. ” Corey did not give the reaction I was expecting, instead she tried to provoke me. Well, she is good or the memories she got from her cheat card are good. Just two days And the timid girl I knew back then was no more. The girl who second-guessed her every action now throws a mean punch without a thought. Freaking cheats…

“Whatever, just know that I will beat you in your own game. Come on, bring it on, be it cards or rules. I will whoop your ass.” As long as I keep my mind clear and have a good presence of mind I will keep making the right judgement and it is only a matter of time that I will overpower Corey with my physique sooner or later.

“You asked for it.” Saying that Corey’s pupils turned fiery red in colour. Not just that her facial structure especially her nose and ear became sharp. Upon scrutinizing further I could see Corey’s teeth had grown a pair of fangs. Seeing these changes in Corey, my mind rushed to the myths of Vampire and Werewolf back on earth. Right now Corey looked justly like how Vampire’s and werewolves are portrayed in movies, TV shows, mangas etc. If I search deeper I guess demons in a particular TV show also showed such features.

Not only did Corey look like a Vampire or a Werewolf this also explained a lot about how she got her special physique. But soon I discarded this theory as I have seen these same features displayed by card apprentices who utilize beast soul possession cards. Which meant Corey had enhanced her physical prowess using a beast soul possession card. Last I checked beast soul possession was a spell type skill card, meaning I won the second battle.

“Wipe that smirk off your face, this is also part of my physique. I am ashamed that I have to go this far to defeat a rookie like you in close combat.” Seeing me smirk, Corey seemed to have realised my thoughts that I considered the second battle as my win so she explained that she wasn’t using a spell card instead her new power is just a part of her suppressed physique.

“Okay, if you say so.” I decided to trust Corey with her words. I don’t think she would be satisfied with a win achieved by lying to me.

Corey did not speak much and darted towards me this time she was faster and more agile. Earlier at least I could anticipate her moves but now due to her increased speed, I could not anticipate them and could only stand in a defensive stance.

The advantage of my physique over Corey’s physique that I had earlier was no longer there. Soon I started to feel Corey’s punch get heavier and heavier. It seems her close combat arts card has a passive skill enhancing her every attack. If it continues like this I will be beaten black and blue by Corey.

So without further ado, I decided to break the limit on my physique too. Otherwise, I do not stand a chance in front of the rampaging Corey.

‘Hive A.I, deactivate taboo limiter level One – Twin headed Orge’ I mentally instructed Hive A.i to deactivate the level one limiter on my physique.

[Deactivating Taboo limiter level one – Twin headed Ogre]

[Would you prefer Hive AI dampen your pain receptors? (Yes/No)]

‘No, do not dampen the pain receptors. Keep it real’ dampening pain receptors would decrease my reflexes and response time. Right now I was in a battle. I did not know how Corey would react while I unlocked my physique.

[Would you prefer Hive AI take control of your second consciousness? (Yes/No)]

‘Yes, and also turn on combat mode.’ My slave consciousness still had a lot to learn and to fully mature. Therefore it did not seem wise for me to introduce them this early to combat even with the assistance of Hive AI. So I agreed with the Hive AI taking control over the slave consciousness.

[Commencing deactivation of Taboo limiter level one – Twin headed Ogre]

“Aaaaahhh!” An uncontrolled scream rang throughout arena no.2 as a pair of arms grew on my back while another head grew on my broad shoulders. Confused Corey not knowing why I wailed in pain. Choose to retreat and watch from the safety. She wanted to defeat me, not kill me.

Soon Corey’s eyes turned wide seeing the most disgusting sight in this life of hers. She saw a bud slowly extend out from between my neck and shoulder and then grow into a fully grown and functioning human head looking exactly like me. The disgusting sight did not stop there. She witnessed the t-shirt I am wearing tear as a pair of arms grew from my shoulder blades.

“Detach” I commanded Hive AI after the head and a pair of arms growing on me grew to the size of my original head and arms.

[Detach process commencing, please stand by]

The head and the pair of arms that grew on me detached from my body and floated in the air behind me.

The second head floated to the back of my head and floated there adding another 180 degrees of back vision to my 180-degree front vision. Giving me a total of 360-degree vision. The detached pair of arms also floated to the back of the original pair of my arms.

“WTF?” Corey asked in disgust.

“Don’t worry this is a part of my physique. Now it’s your time to be a punching bag.” With my t-shirt torn my upper body was naked and displayed my well chiselled viltronian physique.

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