
Chapter 299: Luna Lorn

Chapter 299: Luna Lorn

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 15:01

Location- Sky Blossom City, South Zone Helen’s Homemade Bread

“I am at home and yes I returned using the teleportation card.” Sensing the urgency in Anna’s tone, Luna Lorn answered truthfully.

“*Sigh*…Luna, what experiment were you conducting? And where?” Anna asked to decide on how to punish the crazy old bat. Due to the overprotective nature of Lorenzo, he might have endangered the entire Sky blossom city and Wyatt.

“I followed grandpa to Sky blossom city and went to that D-rank Gate dungeon Silver beach to experiment to check if the method of extracting the silver power was accurate and the result was the same as promised. What did grandpa do now? ” Luna Lorn, despite her differences with Anna, answered patiently to her cousin’s questions.

“He might have potentially endangered the lives of everyone living in the entire Sky Blossom City. Especially Dalton Wyatt, the creator of the miracle drug Silver milk powered. I am thinking of branding him insubordination and looking up in the cardroom to create cards for the rest of his life if we survive the upcoming battle.” Feeling the weight of the lives of everyone living in the entire Sky Blossom City who might be implicated in something unrelated to them, Anna was a little chatty with her estranged cousin.

“I think that will be for the best and I can finally experience a life without adult supervision. The enemy you are facing might be strong enough for you to call for help.” Luna knew when it came to battle her cushion was afraid of nothing and in some way was invincible. But for her to call for help then the enemy might be quite powerful.

“No, they are just a bunch of rats hiding in the shadows. I am worried that they might use the innocent people of the city as hostages.” Anna was not worried, with her strength that if she saw no hope of winning then she could flee with Wyatt but what if the enemy threatened her with the citizens of Sky Blossom City. As the Southern emperor, the ruler of the southern region, this kind of situation was new to her but she wanted to avoid civilian casualties altogether if possible.

“Anna, you do know that the life of the creator of Silver milk powder is more important than the lives of the citizens of the Sky Blossom city. And not to mention your soul contract with him. You know what to do, I do not have to remind you. Just take the boy and escape.” Luna thought Anna was stupid to confront the enemies with a disadvantage it would be in her best interest to take Wyatt and escape.

“It’s not that simple, Wyatt’s friends are in the city and he will never leave them behind.” Anna did think of escaping quietly with Wyatt but she knew Wyatt would never agree to her plan.

“The Anna I knew does not care about somebody’s feelings, she does what she wants. The boy must be quite special for you to consider his feelings before acting.” Luna knew her Cousin well. If Anna thought something was right she would do it without caring about the consequences. It was fresh to see her think about the consequences before acting.

“Something like that. Got to go. It was good talking to you again. I missed you.” Having a proper conversation with her little cousin after a long time, Anna was happy. But she did not forget the matter at hand.

“Send me your coordinates. I will be there. I need to meet the guy who has you hooked.” Luna was curious and wanted to meet the being who had her cousin hooked.

“What? I thought you used your teleportation card already? You have another teleportation card.” Anna was surprised to hear Luna ask for coordinates and it meant she wanted to teleport to her location. But soon realized Luna’s teleport card did not require coordinates, it worked only on places Luna has been and recorded in her grimoire. So does she have another teleportation card?

“No, I will borrow JJ’s teleportation card. Though his card is of the lower Grade and it only supports long-distance teleportation for one person. So I can not bring reinforcements. Send the coordinates. I will be there soon.” Luna did not have a second teleportation card but their Cousin JJ had a lover grade teleportation card which she could borrow.

“Great, see you soon.” Anna hung up the call and sent Luna her current coordinates.

It’s not that Anna did not think of asking for help from other people with the teleportation card. But the one’s she knew of were all conveniently out on a mission. As for the Heatsend Family teleportation Array, it is an ultra long-distance mass teleportation array that is currently out of juice as it was used by Old man Lorenzo, Luna and others. By the evening for the array to be up and running once again but that is too late.

“Hi, I am here” soon Luna appeared right next to Anna. And turning to her grandpa she yelled “Grandpa, you went too far this time. Thankfully I was able to get hold of JJ in time before he left.”

“Old man, enjoy this freedom as much as you can. After today you will be locked in a dark cardroom and will be creating cards for the rest of your life.” Anna gave her verdict to Lorenzo and from her tone, she did not seem to be kidding.

“That’s okay as long as my granddaughter comes to visit me. It will be fine.” Lorenzo was a researcher who was titled Raining Alchemist. Being locked in a room for year’s was not new to him. So Anna’s punishment was like the doctor prescribing addicts more pain killers.

“Sorry, grandpa. I think I will be too busy with the new project that auntie gave to visit you.” Luna apologized saying that she cannot visit Lorenzo in his dark card room.

“No, problem. I will call you whenever I think of you, sweet pea.” Lorenzo tried to stay positive.

“You wish, all the grimoire privileges except for card creation will be banned during your incarceration.

So, mother hired you for the project of Silver Milk powder mass production. Congrats.” Anna congratulated Luna for getting the new project. Hiding the fact that she was pissed at her mother for going behind her back and recruiting Luna without informing her. And here she was like a fool tiring to hire this crazy old bat Lorenzo for the mass production project.

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